How is the virgin pole? Why is it necessary to feminine? Myths and prejudices associated with the loss of innocence.

Girls, and traces of blood in the defloration process solemnly demonstrated
relatives and guests of the wedding celebration. Times have changed today
It is clear that the myths about the virgin peg were invented in order to
Control women's sexuality and freedom. Instead of a traditional name
It was proposed new, beautiful and poetic, like a woman herself — vaginal
Virgin Piece is considered rudimentary education,
Perhaps performing some functions with intrauterine fetus development, and
Saved after the birth of the girl. Hymen — This is not a membrane or
Partition, which, by myths, closes the entrance to the vagina. She represents
by itself a thin pink or whites folding mucous membrane
1-2 cm distance from the entrance to the vagina and very fitful when tensile. By
the form of this fold can resemble a ring, crescent, flower petals, it is not
overlaps the output from the vagina and that is why menstrual blood is easy
stand out out. Extremely rarely, the virgin rig has a form of a solid membrane,
In these cases, to ensure the flow of blood from the vagina, you have to resort
to surgical dissection of the mucous.
Great Pepper poor blood vessels and nervous
endings. Myth about terrible pain, which you have to endure a woman at the first
Vaginal sexual act, no more than fiction. With sufficient excitement,
Allocation of vaginal lubrication or the use of mucous lubricants
the vaginal crown stretches and does not prevent the administration of the penis
vagina. Only half of women are small, healing during the day,
Oversights on the edge of the Plev are the reason for the appearance of light painful sensations
and selection of several drops of blood. As a rule, the occurrence of bleeding and the appearance of pain during deflition — consequence of rough sex, result
insufficient preparation and nervousness of a woman.
The location of the virgin splava is that it is impossible
damage during sports, and sufficient extensibility allows
girls daily use tampons during critical days.
Great Piered remains with a woman for life, changes
only her appearance. Vaginal childbirth, active sex sessions — all this
leads to the fact that the Piestic becomes more and more like a crown. Her residues
— Pacifics, located in a circle at the entrance to the vagina, sometimes, practically
invisible. In the absence of regular vaginal sex, childbirth, in the period
Menopause, the virgin pole can be reduced again, complicating return to
active sexual life and make it difficult to gynecological inspection.
What is the function of virgin splava? First of all, she — barrier
on the path of infection that impede the penetration of microbes from the outer genital
organs in vagina. In children's and adolescence, the vagina is covered
a thin gentle epithelium, a protective microflora and an early
Sex life can cause inflammatory diseases and infertility.
Maybe therefore our ancestors were genetically laid so trendy
attitude to virginity, as a guarantor of women's health.
Today, the stormy sexual revolution led to some blur
Concepts of virginity. In fact, it would only mean the absence of a woman experience
penetrating vaginal sex, or rather, no sex with a man. Today
virginity — This is a pure anatomical feature of a woman, she is no longer
means innocence, and the vaginal crown is no longer considered as a symbol
purity and indispensability of at least in developed countries. What sexual
actions to consider the loss of innocence whether it will only vaginal sex or
other types of sex will be taken into account — Every person decides for himself in
according to your education, views, culture and religious