The most acute problem of modernity has become oncological diseases, the development of methods for their prevention and treatment is a priority task of science.
Today we will talk to you about the very topical illness of our time — On Oncology. Or rather about its relationship with the immune system of man. Without going into specific details, interesting only to narrow specialists, it is safe to argue that the initial work of the immune system is always on the basis of the oncological process, and more specifically, its antitumor component is. The fact is that atypical cells are constantly arising in the human body throughout his life and it is not pathology. In normal operation of the immune system, such cells are instantly recognized as «Stranch» and destroy without any interference. It follows from this that one of the main reasons for the progressive oncological disease is the incorrect work of the human immune system, which either does not recognize atypical cells or does not give them a self-destruction signal (apoptosis). And the same option — Serious failed antitumor immunity at the cellular level. And this problem is not «Low» Immunity, T.E. It is not solved by a simple lift of immunity (immunostimulation), there is no point in duplicate the cells of the immune system, if they are sick, it is necessary to treat them, restoring their natural functions. That is why in modern oncology, it is paid special attention to immunooduels, drugs intended to restore improper work of immunity. Separately, I would like to allocate immunomodulators in this lineup of drugs with anticarcinogenic properties — This is a truly true breakthrough in the treatment of oncological diseases and their prevention. Simply speaking, drugs of such a spectrum of action have a double effect — They work as immunomodulators, activating and restoring the antitumor immunity of a person, and how cytostatics, t.E. have a direct necrotic effect on atypical cells. Especially in the line of such drugs, I would like to mention therapeutic drug IMMUCOR GA-40, which is a complex of polypeptides of natural origin, the size of which allows it to pass through the cell membrane. Thus, it can be safely said that with the appearance of immunomodulators in modern pharmaceutics with anticarcinogenic properties operating at the cellular level without side effects, the treatment of oncological diseases comes to a completely new level.
Separately, I would like to note the high efficiency of the use of similar drugs for the prevention of cancer or recurrence during the remission period.