Many years ago, people treated the cold with exclusively by gear, using the healing power of plants and animal products. Whether these funds work now?
In those days, when there were no medical preparations, people treated a cold exclusively with handicrafts. For the prevention of colds and getting rid of painful SMI symptoms, healing forces of plant and animal products were used. Recipes for therapeutic decoctions and infusions were transmitted from generation to generation. Many reached us, remember at least the grandmother's beads from garlic, which thoughtfully laid out under the beds of babies during the rampant infection.
Onions, garlic, propolis, milk, honey, potatoes, oil — These products are used in folk medicine for cold treatment. Of course, there are many opinions about their effectiveness, but each at least once chose a tablet tested folk remedy for the prevention of colds and relieve its symptoms.
What to do to not get sick?
Prevention of colds other than well-known measures to limit contacts with patients, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards implies the use of folk remedies. What to do if the infection rages and every day someone from friends and acquaintances becomes? We offer several effective ways to protect.
- Aromatherapy. Grinding garlic Leave on a saucer. Phytoncides and essential oils that have bactericidal and viricidal properties will evaporate and easily cope with infection pathogens. The ability to kill pathogenic microorganisms has a tea tree essential oil, pine, lavender, lemon. Phytoncides are also contained in the Radish Luke and Juice. As an option of aromatherapy useful inhalation with medicinal herbs and essential oils.
- Nose washing. This method of combating infection invented Indian yoga. A special water for washing the nose is sold at the pharmacy, but the chamomile, calendula or salt solution will be successfully cope with the task (½ teaspoon on a glass of warm boiled water). Rinse your nose every time after returning home or contact with the patient.
- Moisturizing air. Drowned by air heated rooms mucous, very wounded and easily inhabitant pathogenic microbes causing ORVI. Several times a day spray indoors simple boiled water, the risk of getting sick will decrease at times.
How to cure a cold by folk remedies
What if you failed to avoid a cold if you felt ailment, sore throat and tickling? Effective folk remedies will come to the rescue.
- Nash bellows Salt and iodine solution at the rate of half a teaspoon of cook or sea salt and 4 drops of 5% iodine tincture per 1 cup of boiled warm water. For washing the nose, special chairs are used or simply inhaled the solution alternately by both nostrils.
- Inhalation With peppermint butter, eucalyptus, fir — Good tool for moisturizing mucous respiratory tract and microbial neutralization.
- Warm bath At night with the addition of decoction of therapeutic herbs (chamomile, mint, eucalyptus) or essential oils. After the bath, lie down in bed and penetrate.
- Ginger tea from cold. Sliced to the slices of ginger root and green tea brew 200 ml of cool boiling water, add lemon slices, let's break 5 minutes and drink small sips. Ginger tea will save from the county, pain in the throat and an adsadd cough.
Ginger tea with honey and lemon. Brew green tea, add 2 tablespoons of natural honey, meat of lemon halves, grated ginger root, pinch of cinnamon, ground cardamom. Boil a mixture of 10 minutes, strain and drink.
- Abundant drink. How can not be better for this cranberry juice, but you need to cook it correctly. Cranberry contains vitamins A, B, B, K, organic acids, flavonoids and helps to get rid of the cold. Fresh or frozen cranberry berry scroll into enameled dishes, strain juice, add sugar or honey to it to taste. The mezdu, which remained after the juice squeezing, pour boiling water and boil 3 minutes, strain, cool, add ready-made sweet juice.
- Garlic milk. In a glass of warm milk, add 10-15 drops of garlic juice and drink overnight. Second option: boil the glass of milk, add 3 chopped garlic cloves and a teaspoon of honey. Drink to sleep with small sips.
- Milk with bow. Finely cut 5 medium bulbs, pour milk liter, cook until onion. Remove from fire, add 3 st. spoons of honey, cool. Take 1 st. spoon every 2 hours.
- Tea from leaves and twigs of raspberry. Cook the decoction and use it like tea. Malina has a stiff, anti-inflammatory effect.
- Salvation from a cold. Two cloves of garlic wrap in the bandage and insert into the ears for 20 minutes. Garlic phytoncides evaporating, will come on Eustachiye pipes right in the nasopharynk.
- Herbal teas. Mint, melissa, chamber, chamomile, calendula, oregano, linden, rosehip, strawberry leaf, raspberries, currants, alta, eucalypt — These plants will help cure colds. Folk remedies can be used both as mono therapy and in addition to traditional drugs.