Psychosomatics: all diseases from nerves


  • Psychosomatics: Louise Hay
  • First and most importantly: take and love yourself
  • Second Action: change thoughts

  • Psychosomatics of disease: all the hands from the nervesNone of the disease appears from nowhere. Flu — You picked up the virus. Stretched tendon — uncomfortable shoes or did not notice the hole. My head hurts — Didnamed, repeated or recycled.

    However, if only the cause of the kill was obvious... Where did the skin cancer come from, if a person has not held half an hour in the sun? Why do you have painful menstruation all the time, despite two born children? What is the origin of eye diseases, if you do not sit all day after your computer and do not read in the dark?

    Not all questions have answers. However, psychosomatics of disease gives the keys to many a few. It is difficult to argue with the fact that a completely healthy child suddenly gives the temperature in a while. Worried, did not live any feelings — and the body displays the reaction with such a cunning way. We suggest a little more detailed to figure out what psychosomatics of diseases and how can I use it for good.

    Psychosomatics: Louise Hay

    Who is this lady who wrote many bestsellers?

    Louise Hay experienced a very difficult childhood and no less complex youth. Passing all the circles of hell — poverty, indifference surrounding, humiliation and violence, — Only at 44, Louise felt the true path. The impetus was the accidentally heard thought that the person is obliged only to himself — because he considers himself unworthy of something better.

    From now on, Louise came to a new road. She not only became a successful psychotherapist, lecturer and the author of books on self-describing, but also on its own example, using it developed by the developed techniques, showed the strength of thought. For six months, without surgery, only with the help of positive thinking and psychotherapy, she cured her uterine cancer. After this incident, even skeptics believed in the power of psychosomatics: Louise Hay clearly demonstrated that each human disease has mental roots and can be treated with mind.

    First and most importantly: take and love yourself

    What is the psychosomatics Louise Hay?Any psychotherapy begins and ends with making yourself.

    Agree, you can live with someone in harmony, only if there is love. But love is not always falling from heaven. Often it has to grown.

    You can start with praise yourself for every little success. Even if it's just in time heard alarm clock. Contact us just like with the child you want to teach to be good: praise. And, of course, one criticism! If you have not done the job perfect, then you have no opportunity. But this does not mean that you can not start right now and the following task to perform better. You can! Praise yourself for desire to do it. Praise yourself when you start. After all, no rewards will give you more enthusiasm than approval. And you can give it to yourself, without waiting for praise from.

    When you learn to see in your actions first good, it will be easier for you to take yourself with errors and disadvantages. After all, you give you other right to make mistakes and mistaken. Give yourself: you deserve forgiveness of any error.

    From now on, very close to the birth of love. Start about yourself take care: both about the body (feed yourself healthy food, led to the gym and on nature, fuck at cosmetologists and masseurs), and about the soul (do what the pleasure gives you), and about the brain (chat with interesting people you , read, watch movies, Think).

    Love — This is care. Caring awakens love. Taking care of yourself, even if you do not like yourself, you will begin to like yourself more. Like more — take care more, respect yourself for care for yourself, praise yourself for any tiny achievements, reward yourself for great successes and pamper gifts just like that.

    Second Action: change thoughts

    Louise Hay has developed a whole system of positive statements — affirmations that accelerate the development of making themselves and healing from any disease.

    «I accept myself unconditionally», «I'm freed from my fear», «I forgive myself» — Here are the foundations of all verbal formulas that help start a cure. Repeating them every day several times, you will learn to see more good and ignore unpleasant. But this is the main principle of life of any happy man — see positive and not pay attention to annoying little things.

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