Causes of Anuria


  • The concept of Anuria
  • The main symptoms of the disease
  • Emergency Assistance for Anuria

  • The concept of Anuria

    Causes of AnuriaAnuria - complete cessation of urine intake in the bladder. Anuria differs from acute urine delay in which the bladder is filled with urine, but urination is impossible due to the obstacle to urine outflow on urethra. When Anuuria, the bladder is empty. Watering or not highlighted by the kidneys, or does not enter the bladder due to the obstacle in the upper urinary tract. Depending on the cause distinguishes the shaded, preenal, renal, subtraen and reflexian Anuria. Arenal Anuria is rare. It happens in newborns with the innate absence (kidney aplasa). The lack of urine in newborns in the first 24 hours of life - the phenomenon is normal and should not inspire concern. A more prolonged absence of urination in the infant requires clarification of the reasons for urgency. Newborns may have a delay in urine due to the presence of subtle battles in the area of ​​the outer opening of the urethra or innate urethra valves.

    Preenal oliganuria arises as a result of cessation or insufficient blood flow to the kidneys. This form of Oligognuria includes Anururia with far heart failure, when there are peripheral edema, fluid delay in tissues and abdominal cavities. Renal circulatory disorder also occurs with abundant blood loss (traumatic, postpartum, etc.). Reduced blood pressure below 50 mm RT. Art. (with shock and other pathological conditions) lead to Anuria.

    Renal Anuria determine pathological processes in the kidney itself. Termination of urine discharge by the kidneys as the outcome of the disease occurs in the later stages of chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, kidney damage under hypertension. Sometimes renal Anuria occurs in acute glomerulonephritis, in addition, the cause of acute renal anouria can be poisoning poisoning and drugs (suleros, patchicardine, acetic acid, etc.), transfusion of incompatible blood, kidney damage with extensive burns, massive injuries with muscle disadvantage. Renal Anuria can develop after extensive operational interventions as a result of suction of tissue decay products, after septic abortions and labor.

    Rental Anuria occurs in the presence of an obstacle to the outflow of urine from the kidneys, so this form of Anururia is an excretory. The most common cause of her occurrence is the stones of urinary tract.

    The main symptoms of the disease

    Termination of urination. After 1-3 days, the absence of urine is joined the symptoms of renal failure, which are manifested by dry mouth, thirst, nausea, vomiting, headache, skin itch. Azotist slags accumulate in the body - protein decay products, as well as potassium, chlorides, non-volatile organic acids. Water and salt exchange is broken. The increase in the concentration of nitrogen in the blood leads to the development of Uremia. Urama appears weakness, drowsiness, vomiting, diarrhea, sometimes edema, shortness of breath, darkening, the smell of ammonia from mouth.

    Emergency Assistance for Anuria

    In patients with the preenal form of secretory Anuru, emergency medical care should be aimed at maintaining cardihood. With the phenomena of vascular failure, the collapse should enter the solution of caffeine, glucose and put the heights to the legs. When shock, it is necessary to achieve the restoration of the normal level of blood pressure as soon as possible. With a large blood loss, it is required to immediately reimburse and the use of means promoting the stabilization of vascular tone.

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