Treatment of chronic cholecystitis

Chronic cholecystitis causes anxiety to many, they suffer from 17% to 22% of the total number of adult population of our planet - these are these statistics statistics. Therefore, our site decided to tell its readers in detail about it, about his symptoms, signs, causes of occurrence. In the article you will find and recommendations on the treatment.

Unfortunately, many people after 40 come to the therapist with complaints directly indicating that there are problems with the activities of the gallbladder and liver. Most of these patients are diagnosed after surveys «chronic cholecystitis». Doctors are forced to state availability «sand» and councils in the busty bubble are already in those patients who are only 35 years old. All this contributes to frequent exacerbations of inflammatory processes, deterioration of well-being and frequent visits to the doctor.

Chronic cholecystitis - what is it?

Gastroenterology, biliary disease, gallbladder, cholecystitis, chronic cholecystitis

Inflammatory processes going in the bustling bubble who have taken a permanent chronic nature and a tendency to periodically repeated exacerbations are called chronic cholecystitis. Inflammation goes directly in the walls of this body, similar to the bag, and in its lumen (cavities) stones arise. Gradually, the walls of this organ are destroyed, wrinkled, which leads to a decrease in functions or their complete loss, which affects the process of digestion - it is significantly worse. And for what is needed in the human body this body? This hollow bag-shaped organ, slightly similar to the pear, adjoins the bottom of the liver. Its main task is the accumulation of bile, which produces the liver, and its saving. When a person eats, then the walls of the gallbladder begin to shrink intensively, which leads to the ejection of the bile in the intestine on a special flow. Bile actively participates in digestive processes: needed to digest lipids (fats), destroys harmful microbes if they hit the body with food, stimulates peristaltics in the intestinal tube. In addition, unwanted cholesterol, toxins, slags are displayed with bile from the body. The constantly inflamed gallbladder cannot accumulate the required amount of bile, which worsens the work of the digestive system.

Causes of disease

To the main reasons that launch the mechanism in the body leading to cholecycles, doctors consider stagnation of bile and infection. Moreover, both of these dominant factor often potentiate each other's action, while there is a vicious circle. After all, if it is stirred in a bubble, then it creates very favorable conditions for the development of infection in it. And the infection, in turn, spoil the walls of the gallbladder and its duct, they cannot decline in due measure - congestive phenomena are aggravated by. Very often a chronic cholecystitis satellite is cholelithiasis. Yes, and permanent inflammations lead to the formation of gallstones in the sick organ. I will give a number of factors that contribute to the flow of chronic pathological processes in the bustling bubble:

  • Obesity, excess weight lead to accumulation in a bustard bubble cholesterol, which is a building material for the formation of gallstones;
  • In women, the disease develops more often, since they produce hormones that enhance the intensity of cholesterol formation;
  • Pregnancy can also lead to stagnant processes in the bustling bubble;
  • In old age, the contractile ability of the walls of the gallbladder is reduced, which also leads to the storm of bile;
  • irregular nutrition with large time intervals;
  • Permanent reception of some medicines, such as oral contraceptives, ceftriaxone, clofibrate.
  • the presence in the bustling bubble or its bonding of worms (ascaris, giardia);
  • diabetes leads to a violation of the liver function, producing it fat.

Signs of chronic cholecystitis

Gastroenterology, biliary disease, gallbladder, cholecystitis, chronic cholecystitis

For what obvious features and symptoms can recognize this disease?

These are the signals give an organism:

  1. Pain, localizing in the right hypochondrium. She carries a dull character, lasts a few hours, sometimes days or weeks. Holy feelings are enhanced, if a person ate something fatty sharp, fried. It happens that the pain is spread to the neck and right shoulder. In the days of exacerbations, pain acquires a cutting character.
  2. Vomiting, fendering, deterioration of appetite, presence in the mouth of a metallic or bitter taste.
  3. Severity, discomfort, cutting in the field of liver after receiving food.
  4. Elevated gas formation in the digestive tract.
  5. Stool disorders, both in the form of diarrhea and in the form of long constipation.
  6. In the running stages, weakness, irritability, reduction of working capacity, frequent colds are joined.

If you notice the appearance of the described symptoms, be sure to visit the therapist or the gastroenterologist, who will appoint a survey and then give recommendations on further action.


To correctly diagnose, it is necessary to listen to the patient's complaints, to inspect, palpation of the liver and gallbladder zone, sometimes the doctor presses at a special point exhibiting on the right side of the neck. Another doctor will take into account the evidence of the ultrasound, cholesis, blood tests, feces and other necessary research. And then the doctor will give recommendations that will need to adhere to the patient.

Recommendations for treatment

Gastroenterology, biliary disease, gallbladder, cholecystitis, chronic cholecystitis

  1. During the exacerbations of the pathology of the gallbladder, the patient is better at least three days to lie down in bed, limit the load, stress.
  2. In the days of exacerbations, try to eat smaller. Food must be easy, preference give tea, compote, sweet fruit juice, mineral water (certainly without gases) and several crackers. Our site warns: do not take crackers in finished packages with different preservatives, taste amplifiers and other harmful components specified in the composition. When the condition becomes better, you can add useful porridge in the diet, a piece of fish, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled dirty low-fat meat. Food thoroughly chew, do not hurry, it is advisable to eat 6 times a day. Sometimes it is useful to make unloading days - compotients, kefir, watermelon, pumpkin, cucumber.
  3. In chronic cholecystitis, it is better to exclude from the power supply:
    • Hard meat, smoked, canned food, oily, roasted, sharp, too salty;
    • fresh on-eyed sdoba;
    • alcoholic beverages;
    • Sharp spices.

    Eggs can be eaten no more than three weeks, do not get fond of abundance of sweets.

  4. Be sure to include in your feeding the following products:
    • Fresh vegetables, fruits - coarse, carrots, tomatoes, melons, apples, pumpkins, watermelons, cucumbers, zucchini and others containing a lot of fiber, which contributes to the derivation of excess cholesterol;
    • porridge, bran, bread made of coarse flour; This will remove the muscle tension of the gallbladder and will contribute to the outflow along the bile duct;
    • Vegetable oils (corn, sunflower, olive), in a small amount they will reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, will improve digestion, will hamper the stone formation.
  5. Eat mineral water, preferring such brands like «Essentuki» №17 or №4, «Slavyanovskaya», «Izhevskaya». Receive before you want to eat, about half or a whole glass of this water.
  6. To remove pain, antispasmodic agents are appointed in tablets or injections (but-shp, spasmalgon, barallgyne, spasgan, Maksigan).
  7. To suppress vomiting doctors write down Cerukal, Motilium.
  8. In case of bacterial infection, the attending physician picks up antibiotic, Pointing its dose, the multiplicity of the receptions and the duration of the course.
  9. Golden Preparations (Allohol, Holenzim, Liv-52, Tanatschol, Holosas, Mezim, Festal). They help bile stand out in the intestinal lumen, dilute it, improve digestion.
  10. The beneficial effect on the function of the gallbladder will be infusions and beams of herbs, for example, immorteller flowers, rosehip fruits, yarrow grass, calendula flowers, mint-grass or melissa, greens or parsley roots, cornframes. In the pharmacy you can purchase and ready-made choleretic fees.
  11. A good effect on the state of the gallbladder is milked (in the form of a chrost or oil) and sea buckthorn oil.

Treatment of chronic cholecystitis must certainly be conducted under the supervision of the doctor. It is he who will correctly advise drugs and herbs. After all, if there are stones in the cavity of the gallbladder, a number of herbs and drugs are contraindicated. Only adherence to diet and recommendations of the specialist will help avoid frequent exacerbations and complications of the disease. Do not run the disease not to lose the gallbladder.

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