Epidemic Parotitis: Boys are threatened


  • Orchitis and epidididimitis: symptoms
  • Epidemic Parotitis: Consequences of the Benefication of the Greets
  • Future men need protection

  • Epidemic Parotitis: Boys are threatenedEpidemic charges of a contagious infectious disease, the causative agent of which is a paramixirus virus, which has affinity for the cells of ferruginous organs. A favorite habitat of the virus in the human body is salivary glands, here the virus multiplies and stands out with saliva to the external environment. However, other organs are involved in the pathological process, for example, sex glands are involved.

    The main manifestation of the epidemic vapotitis is the increase in the parole salivary glands, because of which the patient's face acquires a moon-shaped shape, and the ears are hurried. The appearance of the patient is so typical that the people of the disease are more often called «Pig».

    Children are more often sick at the age of 5-9 years old, and the boys have a heavier infection, orchitis and epidididimitis, complicating epidemic vapotitis, are constantly able to affect the childbearing function.

    Orchitis and epidididimitis: symptoms

    The incubation period of the epidemic vapotitis is 15-21 days. During this time, the virus breeds and accumulates in the body, then enters the blood and is distributed throughout the body, causing inflammation of ferrous organs and the inxication phenomenon.

    First manifestations «Ginger» There are ailments, deterioration of appetite, lethargy, increasing body temperature, chills, that is, signs of general intoxication peculiar to all infectious diseases. The damage to the salivary glands is evidenced by the pain in the throat and the feeling of tension in the corner of the lower jaw. During the first 3 days, the varnish salivary glands increase in size, become painful, borne-like consistency acquire.

    Inflammation of egg tissues (orchit) and inflammation of the appendage of eggs (epididimitis) are developing on 5-8 days from the beginning of the disease. By this time, the salivary glands acquire normal sizes, and the child's condition becomes satisfactory. Involvement in the inflammatory process of the genital glands is accompanied by re-climbing body temperature to 39-400 s and the appearance of pain in the scrotum area. The pain is strong, gives in the course of the thigh and in the lower departments of the abdomen, intensifying when urinating, almost paralyzes and interferes normally move.

    The inflamed testicle increases in size 2-3 times, it becomes very dense, its feeling causes severe pain. The scrotum is stretched, increases in volumes, its skin swells, becomes red. Symptoms of orchitis and epidididimitis are preserved for 3-7 days, then gradually disappear.

    Epidemic Parotitis: Consequences of the Benefication of the Greets

    More often, orchites are one-way, but 3-17% of patients defeat the testicles wears bilateral character. With a favorable coincidence, even a bilateral process does not cause testicle atrophy, but in half cases, a fault orchite leads to the death of spermatogenic epithelium and subsequent infertility. Sex sterility does not occur, but the composition of sperm changes to the worse. Because of the violation of the hormonal function of the germ, the level of testosterone is reduced, the main male hormone, which entails remote consequences in the form of a decrease in sexual function.

    Future men need protection

    Epidemic Varotitis Vaccination or Future Men Need ProtectionProtect the boy from complications only vaccination from epidemic parotitis. Vaccination creates intense immunity, preventing infection with the virus «Ginger».

    For specific vapor prevention, live vaccines are commonly used, which are obtained from the dedicated pathogen strain. Vaccine viruses are deactivated, that is, devoid of abilities «call» The disease, but their proteins, antigens, become a signal for the immune system of the child to the beginning of the production of specific antibodies. The level of protection reaches Maxim after 6 weeks from the moment of vaccination.

    Who recommended vaccinations from such a disease as «parotitis»? Vaccination is shown to all non-sick children at the age of 1 and 6 years. Emergency prevention is laid in the event that a child who does not hurt a vapotitis, in contact with the patient. The vaccine is injected subcutaneously with the help of an emotional injection during the first 3 days from the moment of contact. This allows you to prevent the disease or, in any case, the development of such complications as orchitis and epididimitis.

    Vaccusions against parotitis usually do not cause complications if all contraindications were taken into account when vaccinations. In most cases, the vaccination process proceeds asymptomatic, in some children for 5-15 days, the body temperature, runny nose and redness of the throat are possible. On 5-7 days there may be some increase in the salivary glands, disappearing without a trace within 2-3 days.

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