Nephroptosis is not a reason for despair


  • «Walking» bud
  • Gymnastics Lechit
  • Medicines to help
  • And a little about the prevention of nephropotosis

  • «Walking» bud

    Kidneys in our body relatively movable. At the moment of the inhalation of the kidney shifts down at 2 - 4 centimeters, with deep breath leaves for 4 - 6 centimeters. She reacts to the movement and movement of the body.

    But it happens that the surrounding fluid fiber does not hold the kidney, and its movements become unpredictable. She begins to fall into a small pelvis, where the ovaries are located, can turn around the vertical or horizontal axis, shifted down and up as an elevator.

    In the vertical position it goes down, therefore consuming the term «Out of kidney». As a rule, the kidney returns independently. For this, it is enough to lie down, raising my legs, relax the stomach and deeply and calmly breathe. But it is only for a long time to stand up, raise a couple of sweaty bags or to engage in shaping, as the kidney goes back on the trip.

    Most often, the omission of the kidney and its migration are found in young slender girls with the Wasp waist or those who are rapidly discharged. They have insufficient reserves of fatty fiber around the kidneys. When the kidney is omitted, constant or periodic lens pains are usually disturbed. Often develops the inflammatory process in kidney pelvis - pyelonephritis. And often the omission of the kidney leads to a periodic increase in blood pressure, vegetative dystonia and neurosis.

    At the initial stage of the disease, there is enough wearing various bandages, belts, corsets. Better if they are made or selected specifically for you. There are practically no contraindications for their wearing. For the treatment of kidney omission, funds, strengthening vessels, and balanced nutrition are useful.

    Gymnastics Lechit

    Nephroptosis is not a reason for despair

    A good treatment for the treatment of nephropotosis in the initial stage - the massage of the abdomen and therapeutic gymnastics aimed at strengthening the abdominal press muscles and the back, providing normal intra-abdominal pressure and limiting kidney displaceability.

    The complex of these exercises must be performed for 20 - 30 minutes daily, better in the morning:

    • Lie on the back, slightly bend legs in the knees. Inflate the belly while inhale, delay your breath and draw during the exhalation. Repeat 10 - 15 times.
    • Source position - former. At the moment of breath, raise the elongated legs vertically up, on the exhalation - return the legs at home. Repeat 5 - 10 times.
    • Lying on the back, lift legs, knees together. Feet dilute to the sides - inhale, legs to cross - exhale. Repeat 7 - 8 times.
    • Put under the lower back roller or folded pillow with a height of 10 - 15 centimeters. On the breath - bend the right leg, on the exhalation - to return the leg at the starting position. On the breath - bend the left leg, in exhalation - to return the leg at the starting position. Repeat 5 - 6 times.
    • Source position - on the back with a roller under the lower back. On the breath - raise the right leg up, in exhalation - to return the leg at the starting position. On the breath - to lift the left leg up, on the exhalation - to return the leg at the starting position. Repeat 5 - 6 times.

    Medicines to help

    Return the kidney into place with the help of herbs and drugs is impossible. However, they prevent and treat the complications of kidney omit.

    Nephroptosis is not a reason for despairHere, for example, for the prevention of exacerbation of pyelonephritis very useful drinking cranberry juice. Will help and herbal collection. Composite parts are taken in the following proportions: black currant leaves - 1 part, birch leaves - 1 part, juniper fruits - 1 part, tolnaya leaves - 2 parts, leaf lingry - 2 parts, plantain leaves - 2 parts, nettle leaves - 3 parts, Rosehip fruits - 4 parts. Grind, mix. One tablespoon of collection pour 500ml boiling water, cover with a lid and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes, insisted before cooling. Strain, drink 2/3 cup 3 times a day 4 - 6 weeks.

    Since the probability of pyelonephritis in women with the omission of the kidney is quite high, then to increase the immunity to take polyvitamins, Eleutherococcus extract, Echinacea tincture.

    If the exacerbations failed to avoid, the doctor may prescribe a course treatment with antibacterial drugs. These include Nitroxoline, Furadonin, Palin or more modern Ciprolets, Abaktal, Nolysin, Maxquax. Sometimes it may be necessary to appoint hypotensive drugs.

    All of the above recommendations will help relieve pain and lead a normal lifestyle, but true cure is possible only after surgery - kidney fixation.

    And a little about the prevention of nephropotosis

    Prevent nephroptosis is easier than to treat. To do this, it is necessary:
    • Since childhood, follow your posture, prevent her violations and deformation of the spine. The necessary measures include: rational equipment of the workplace of the schoolchildren, the correct posture at the table, the uniform distribution of the load on the right and left hands, hardeing children;
    • In asthenic physique, force exercises should be deleted;
    • When choosing a profession, take into account the danger of constant hard physical labor, forced position, vibration, long standing in one place;
    • during pregnancy wearing antenatal bandage;
    • Do not allow sharp weight loss or exhaustion, during asthenia correctly, fully and calorie
    • Take care of injury.

    And remember: the kidney, which walks by itself, delivers much more trouble than the same self-cat.

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