The narrowing of the urethra: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


  • Why develops the narrowing of the urethra
  • How to recognize the narrowing of the urethra
  • How to get rid of the narrowing of the urethra

  • Why develops the narrowing of the urethra

    The narrowing of the urethra: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatmentDepending on the degree of narrowing, more or less severe difficulties of urination are possible, and in extreme cases - urine delay. Along with changes in the bladder, it is also possible to damage the kidneys.

    Distinguish between the innate and acquired narrowing of the urethra. With a rather rare congenital narrowing of the urethra, we are talking, as a rule, about valves and narrowings in the region of the distal urethra channel, but the outer opening of the urethra can be affected.

    Prior to the use of antibiotics in the treatment of a tripper (gonorrhea), about 70% of all acquired strictures were complications of this disease. Today, this form of the disease is less common, sometimes in the elderly men after local treatment of inflammation or after lack of treatment of the tripper.
    Acquired strictures can also arise due to damage to the urethra, for example: a blow of a bicycle frame, as a result of the instrumental studies of the urethra, long-term use of catheter or chronic inflammation.

    How to recognize the narrowing of the urethra

    In the process of the formation of scars, gradually, the stream of urine is becoming thinner, changes (rotates), and in the final stage - a filamentine or goes droplets. In the end, a complete urine delay can occur - this is an extreme situation in urology requiring immediate intervention.

    The first estimated diagnosis is made on typical symptoms and monitoring of urine. When subsequent floploometry (urine measurement), a typical curve shape is detected - a plateau, a longer urination time. Finally, X-ray examination allows you to determine the localization, length and degree of narrowing. Instrumental studies for diagnosis are not held.

    How to get rid of the narrowing of the urethra

    The choice of the method of surgical treatment depends on the length of the narrowing and, in some cases, from the preceding treatment.
    With short strictures and without preceding treatment, the most advantageous method is, the so-called, urethrotomy of the internet (inner incision of the urethra) under the control of view. Stay in the hospital - about 5 days. With an extended and recurrent judgment, an open operation is necessary.
    Such surgical methods such as plastic closure with the skin of a penis or extreme flesh, as well as the parts of the mucous membrane. Depending on the applied method, stay in the hospital lasts from 12 to 18 days.
    Also, depending on the operation method, the urine was needed over a catheter in the urethra or cystost. In the case of acute urine delay, as an emergency tool - the imposition of custostomas.

    A new narrowing (recurrence) appears in 50% of cases. Therefore, especially in the first twelve months after the operation, it is important to observe the changes in urine jet.

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