Therapeutic massage is not a new means to combat diseases. In Siringomysel, massage and therapeutic physical education are often the only treatment. How does the therapeutic massage and what uses it is to read in the article.

According to modern research, massage has a positive impact on the restoration of disturbed functions and therefore finds widespread use in the complex treatment of various injuries and diseases of the nervous system. Massage techniques may be different depending on the severity of the disease and the status of the patient.
Massage - First of all, the impact on the nervous receptors, which are located in the muscles, fabrics and skin. These receptors are associated with the central and vegetative nervous system and the sensory paths are transmitted by pulses arising from massage techniques. The pulses reach the corresponding areas in the cerebral cortex, where the synthesis of a complex reaction occurs, which causes functional shifts in the body.
At the same time there is atrophy (violation of functions) with brushes with reflexes, combined with spastic paresis (partial loss of muscular power).
Therapeutic massage in Siringomyelia is associated with certain difficulties - after all, such patients are lost temperature and pain sensitivity in some areas. They must first reveal, and then start up procedures. And although patients with Siringomyelia do not feel anything in some parts of the body, massaging should still be carried out carefully, without excess pressure. But it should not be very easy, because the massage is intended to restore the function lost by the body.
Massage technique
When massaged, the following techniques are used: stroking, rubbing, kneading, impact receptions, shocking. In Siringomysel, mass production is mainly the area of the back, abdomen and chest, since it is precisely in these zones that pain and temperature sensitivity occurs.
Initially massage the back with the inclusion of segmental massage and kneading techniques, then the muscles of the twist and hand. Stop massage with strokes of finger pads. Proper and consistently performed stroking prepares the body to subsequent types of massing. Following strokes, rubbing is applied - this is a more efficient reception. Then go to the kneading - this is the most efficient and important method of massing. It is performed with pressure and pressure on the desired plot, as well as with the gripping of the muscle, which at the same time is intensive. So spend the kneading of the entire back area.
After massage of the back massage the todded muscles and lower limbs; The main massage intake is the kneading in combination with stroking and shook muscles. The shake is carried out when the muscles are captured by two fingers - index and large. In one place is usually held 2-3 shoes. Grooking, as a rule, the massage session in Siringomyelia is completed.
Although sometimes the massage rate also includes the impact on biologically active points (BAT) by an exciting method. The technique of performing an exciting method of exposure is as follows: for 3-4 seconds produce rotational movements clockwise, «screwed» Finger with pressure on the point, then the massing finger sharply tear off (as if the bird hits the beak). This movement is repeated 8-10 times at one point, which is approximately 30-50 seconds of exposure.
Duration of massage
Cepeutive massage session at Siringomyelia is 15-20 minutes. Course of treatment 15-20 procedures.
In a year, 3-4 courses in combination with therapeutic physical education (LFC) and electrical stimulation (segmental technique of impact) - give very noticeable results in the treatment of Siringomyelia.