Stressful situations fill all our lives. Yes, and children are now very irritable, non-dismantling, inattentive ... and the elderly, this medicine can benefit. It turns out that this is a drug for the whole family.
Glycine has a lot of indications for use. There are also such as helping alcoholism, Thymmer syndrome, stroke, insomnia, tendency to emotional explosions. Our site offers more details with the instructions of this medicinal product in more detail, whether the medicine is suitable for you, is it worth taking it. We will tell us about how to use it and some features.
General information about glycine

Having bought the packaging of the drug, in the box you will find 50 subgrid white tablets. In each tablet, the active substance will be glycine, its dose is 100 mg. Magnesium stearate, methylcellulose water-soluble, is used as auxiliary substances.
What is glycine? In the chemical structure, this is an aminoacetic (aminoethane) acid. The taste of this amino acid is sweet, so the drug and called «Glycine», Translated from the ancient Greek «GlycyS» means «sweet». Glycine produced by the manufacturer of MNPK «Biotics», It is manufactured according to a unique technology, which is based on technical solutions patented in the Russian Federation. Pre-glycine passed all the clinical trial cycles necessary in such cases, showing high results. In medical practice, the drug began to use to improve metabolic processes flowing in the brain. In other words, glycine is setting up and normalizes metabolic processes in tissues and brain cells. All this allows you to get rid of the feeling of anxiety, bad mood, depression. Let's consider in more detail what the impact has glycine.
Pharmacological properties
- Glycine refer to central neurotransmitters, i.e. substances transmitting nervous excitation, braking type of action. It reassuringly affects the CNS (central nervous system).
- Reduces psycho-emotional tension.
- Normalizes falling asleep, contributes to a deeper sleep.
- Helps easier to pass stressful situations, prevent serious effects of nervous tension.
- Reduces conflict, irritability, aggressiveness.
- Reduces the severity of vegetative-vascular disorders, for example, in the menopacteric period.
- Able to reduce the manifestations of brain disorders during crank-brain injuries and stroke.
- Protects from the toxic effects of some psychotropic drugs.
- It has nootropic properties, sharpens attention, improves memory, stimulates mental performance.
- Reduces a detrimental attraction to alcoholic beverages. Weakens the manifestations of abstinence (so called a condition that occurs in a person after a sudden cessation of alcohol use).
- A positive effect is noted with a decrease in the volume and power activity of the muscles (this condition is called muscle dystrophy).
When can be used glycine?
Indications for the use of the drug are as follows:
- stressful situations, conflicts, loss of loved ones, diseases of relatives, troubles at work, passing exam sessions or the protection of diploma works;
- reduced mental performance;
- Deviant forms of the behavior of small kids, teenagers, that is, when their actions are contrary to generally accepted standards of behavior in society;
- diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by excitability, anxiety, emotional instability;
- vegeto-vascular dystonia, neurosis, consequences of strokes and injuries;
- Different forms of encephalopathy, epileptic seizures;
- ischemic stroke, predisposition to blood pressure jumps and meteo-dependence;
- after brain concussion;
- Alcoholism, rejection of alcohol consumption, accompanied by depressions, outbreaks of anger and other similar states.
Little fidgets and mischievous 20 minutes after reception become calmer. On shift excitement, desire to run, scream, comes a peace, desire to draw, listen to a fairy tale, read on your own.
If the medicine takes a schoolboy or a student, the storage of material is carried out faster, attention concentration increases, mental activity. The student comes to the exam, standing or testing without panic, anxiety, fear, nervousness, at night he managed to sleep and relax.
Nervo-emotional excitement in older people often provoke hypertension, stroke. To prevent such states, it is recommended for 30 days three times a day take glycine tablets.
Methods of application

Glycine tablets should be dissolved, putting them under the tongue. This method of reception is called sublingual. Check out or drinking them should not. Usually, this agent is prescribed during stress, deviation in the behavior of children, insomnia, irritability three times a day on one tablet. The course can be from two weeks to a month.
Little patients, up to three years, prescribe first half the tablets (this is 50 mg) twice or even three times a day. So the treatment is carried out in the first two weeks. Then take once a day for another one or two weeks. In some cases, the course is repeated in a month.
Pediatricians prescribe glycine even newborn. The dose is selected individually, but before giving it a baby, a tablet (or part of it) should be chopped and dissolved in water.
In case of falling asleep, the medicine must be dissolved in a dose of 50-100 mg (it all depends on age) for about 20 minutes before you go to bed.
If the patient had an ischemic stroke, then in the first six hours of the disease, 1000 mg of the drug should also be prescribed under the tongue, water is allowed. Then for five days the dose should be 1000 mg per day. Next during the month, it is necessary to dissolve under the tongue on one or two pills three times a day.
In stress or changes in weather, if the leap of blood pressure can follow, then take the tongue 10 of the glycine tablets (the dose amount will be 1000 mg).
Women in the menopausal period can be made of medication for such a scheme: five tablets twice a week.
In order to bring a person from the bobby in chronic alcoholism, narcologists give it first one tablet under the tongue, after 20 minutes - the second, one more hour - the third. Then during the day the medicine must be taken three more or four times.
To remove hangover syndrome, what is relevant after long festive fences, Glycine tablets are absorbed under the language one twice a day. And so for five days or more.
special instructions
Our site warns that in some patients, allergic reactions may be manifested. When finding out the fact that the patient has increased sensitivity to this medium, glycine cancel.
Patients prone to hypotension should be careful about reception days and control their blood pressure. If it decreases, the dose reduce or refrain from the treatment of glycine.
Glycine weakens the severity of undesirable effects with joint admission with antidepressants, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, anticonvulsants.
Glycine can help strengthen the nerves, make a person calmer and stress resistant. But if you have serious illnesses, certainly before buying a drug at the pharmacy, consult your doctor.