During flights and movements, we sometimes have to stay in one pose for a long time. Than it is dangerous and how to warn health problems?
Pressed veins
Human organism normally functions only in a state of constant motion. Forced immobility leads to a number of unpleasant consequences, one of which is the so-called «Economy Class Syndrome».
This cunning disease occurs with a long stay in a sitting position, and most often — With airlike. But he can also appear when traveling by bus or in the car when we are going for a long time without stopping. Multiple seat in a close chair without the possibility of pulling out legs leads to a blood stagnation in the veins.
Usually, economy-class syndrome is manifested by unpleasant sensations in the legs and swelling of the legs and stop. Edema can be so strong that women when leaving the cabin of an airplane or car cannot squeeze the feet in shoes.
But slowing down blood flow is dangerous not only by edema. With long-term seats with removed vessels, the risk of blood clots is growing, that is, thrombov. As a result, thrombophlebitis develops when the thrombus cloculates deep and surface veins of the legs, causes severe pain, inflammation, but even more dangerous to the separation of thromba, which can lead to the death of a person.
Recently, the results of statistical studies were published, which showed that if a person sits longer than six hours a day, then he increases the risk of thrombus formation and problems with blood circulation arise in general.
The risk of developing economy-class syndrome and thrombosis is especially high during pregnancy, obesity, consumption of hormonal drugs and varicose veins.
Important prevention
To prevent the appearance of economy class syndrome, it is important to comply with some rules.
Try to move more during travel. At least once an hour get up and go on the salon several times. If there is an opportunity, sit so that the knee bend angle in the knee was not sharp, but straight or stupid. With strong flexion of the leg, the bloodstream is hampered in the veins.
- Before flying the most spacious and comfortable shoes. If the shoes are at least a little bit of you, do not hesitate and break. When fixing the foot in the forced curved condition, the nutrition of small fingers of the legs is broken. As a result, venous stagnation is further aggravated, swelling in the field of ankle joint and lower legs increases, pain may appear.
- Perform the simplest exercise. We more often move your fingers, make circular movements in feet and rolls with heels on sock. You can lift and lower your legs, how much allows space. Move the legs and feet to three or four minutes two or three times per hour.
- Drink during the flight more than water and juice and less tea, coffee and alcohol. With the dehydration of the body, the blood is thickened, and the risk of the appearance of blood clots is growing.
- Before traveling, be sure to put the compression knitwear. If your veins are in order, you can purchase it prophylactic variety. In the case of varicose veins of the veins, you can find the desired model and the degree of compression will help you—phlebologist.
- If you do not have contraindications, the aspirin half.
- Note that people with varicose veins have deterioration can occur not only during the flight, but in general during the vacation season, which is associated with an increase in ambient temperature and an increase in water load on the body. After a beach holiday, many people with «Problem» Vienna notice new nodules and «asterisk», Give an increase in the swelling of the legs. Therefore, in summer, special attention is paid to your veins. Enter an active lifestyle, alternating load and rest. Do not expose to strong heating areas of the skin where varicosemost veins and vascular stars are visible.
- Strengthen the veins from the inside, having passed within two months before the release rate of treatment with the drug from the Veotonikov Group, for example, Venarar. These tablets contain substances of plant origin — Diosmon and hesperidin. They have a complex action, improve the function of the inner wall of vessels and reduce the risk of thrombus. Venarar also stimulates Lymph outflows, which allows you to successfully deal with leg eductions, including in economy class syndrome.