Comply with the prevention of venous insufficiency at the same time and simply, and difficult. Just - because they just return us to a natural state, but difficult - because we are so accustomed wrong to eat, move little and live on the biological clock and the laws that return «Back to nature» It happens very difficult.

It would seem that this is an objective reality, everything lives, and thank God that there is work, family and money on the theater. But, no matter how tritely sounds, the main thing in our life – this health, and it should be preserved, because when it is not, we can neither work as it should nor have fun, and «Weather in the house» spoils. And in a situation where 90% of the time you have to sit or stand almost motionless – And this is combined with stress, lack of exercise, irregular and / or improper nutrition – one of the main blows falls on our legs. They begin to root and swell, become heavy, the first vascular appears «asterisk».
This is because the blood in the vessels is stored, its normal current is disturbed, and this may later lead to serious consequences as aesthetic (discovering veins, deformation and change of skin color) and physiological character (swelling, numbness, pain). In turn, such consequences affect social and professional life: restrictions arise in clothing and shoes, it becomes difficult to fly on the plane and transfer the climate change for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to pay Proper prevention, Especially if you are in the risk group due to two or more factors, namely: heredity, age, overweight, low-wear lifestyle, long-lasting static loads, high growth, frequent flights, receiving hormonal preparations, sports overloads, constant strong stress and finally pregnancy and childbirth.
Comply with the prevention of venous insufficiency at the same time and simply, and difficult. Just because they just return us to a natural state, but difficult because we are so accustomed wrong to eat, move little and live on the biological clock and the laws that return «Back to nature» It happens very difficult. But it is necessary to do it – From love for yourself and to your feet.
It is necessary to reduce the fat content and significantly increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits – They help ensure the active blood circulation and support healthy heart work. Pay special attention to cabbage, carrots, spinach and tomatoes, as well as citrus, berries, bananas and grapes.
Existence of excess weight – Direct threat of leg health, so you need to prevent unnecessary kilograms. If we are talking about weight reduction, in no case can you sit on a tough diet – Change your habits gradually, carefully follow the diet, increase the fraction of fiber. In some cases, it is allowed to lose weight only under the supervision of a medical specialist.
Keep track of what position you are sitting or standing, how your legs are located. If you have to be in the same position for a long time, be sure to pull the legs, knead them, make the rotational movements in the footsteps so that the blood in the vessels is caught. No less important to keep your back straight.
Pledge of foot health – Unhindered blood circulation, for which it is necessary to move and sufficient oxygen. Be sure to use free time for walking and exercise, select the park or city, find the strength for cycling, Badminton Games. Be sure to sign up in the pool, swimming – One of the best tools for the prevention of vascular diseases.
For the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, it is better to use drugs based on natural components containing flavonids – Biologically active substances that improve blood microcirculation that increase the elasticity of veins and strengthening their walls. Flavonids are contained, in particular, in the red leaves of grapes. This plant is a powerful antioxidant – The French grapes that seemed to have had to suffer from a versicle from standing work, used compresses and other medicinal products based on red grape leaves, and the severity in the legs, pain and swelling took place without a trace.
It is the standardized extract of red grape leaves that is the main component of the medicinal drug Antistax®. Manufacturers carefully select the leaves and are subjected to a thorough treatment, while bioactive flavonids are saved and used to effectively care for legs. Antistax® It has a protective effect on the epithelium of blood vessels and normalizes the vascular permeability, which slows down the formation of new edema and significantly reduces the existing.
The drug is produced in capsules, as well as in the form of a cooling spray and gel. Antistax capsules® Effectively remove pain and swelling of legs, normalizing blood circulation, but it is necessary to remember the importance of the course reception – Breaks in the treatment or refusal of it in the middle of the course are reduced to no whole result. Cooling spray is convenient to use on trips, in the office, outside the city – The compact cartridge will easily fit in the handbag, and the caring formula based on grapes and panthenol leaves extract will be cooling and calming. Gel Antistax® It helps to quickly remove the severity in the legs, returns the feeling of lightness and comfort, prevents pain and is especially recommended for use in summer and winter, when symptoms are exacerbated and the veins require additional support.
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There are contraindications. Carefully read the instructions before use.