Healthy veins - beautiful legs


  • Where he is coming from?
  • How he manifests itself?
  • How to deal with him?
  • How to prevent it?

  • However, everyone else people are reluctant to receive a reception to phlebologist. And vain. Diagnosis Varicosis, according to statistics, can now be put to each second. If the mesh and asterisks are not visible on your feet, this does not mean that the disease does not overtake you.

    Varicose disease is now a widespread disease, "says Flebog, surgeon and the CM Clinic Salamat Khamitovich Bezekov. Men and women are faced with a completely different age. Most often - 25-40 Summer, although this border is conditional: sometimes even 17-year-old girls come to me at the reception.

    Where he is coming from?

    There are several theories of the occurrence of varicose veins:

    • Varicose arises as a consequence of deficiency of the valve apparatus of the surface venous system.
    • Varicose varicose due to the mechanical obstacle.
    • Varicose disease develops due to the congenital weakness of the elements of the venous wall.
    • Development of varicosis due to neuroendocrine disorders.
    • Development of varicosis due to immunological disorders of the body.

    Thus, theories and hypotheses of the origin of the varicose varicose is currently a lot. But, as doctors joke, when there are many theories, the true cause is unknown. The most common version is still associated with a hereditary factor: if parents have varicose disease, it means that it can manifest itself in children and grandchildren. Sometimes the disease does not manifest itself. But it's not worth rejoicing anyway: to provoke it when any little heredity can be. For example, if a person leads a sedentary or, on the contrary, a standing lifestyle, - comments Dr. Flebogov Saigan Sergey Alekseevich.

    - In the blood supply to the body, many factors play a role. To the blood constantly and moved well, heart cuts are needed, negative pectoral pressure, muscle contraction, and so on. But when a person is sitting in standing or standing, any of these factors is excluded, and then the disease will surely give themselves to know. In women, the provocative cause can be hormonal due to change: both for the reasons internal and outside - for example, on the background of receiving contraceptives. Although not one specialist will categorically assert about the relationship between oral contraception and the beginning of the disease, it is still known that hormonal drugs, including contraceptives, often contribute to the progression of disease or complications with existing varicose veins. In addition, the disease can provoke a pregnancy, when the weight gain is added to the same hormonal background due to the growth of the fetus. That is why the existing genetic factor before pregnancy is better to visit the phlebologist.

    However, specialists note, even in the absence of genetic predisposition to the disease, a person can still suffer from varicose.

    How he manifests itself?

    Varicose is a serious disease in which veins lose their elasticity, stretch and expand. The venous valves fulfill the role of locks: when blood passes through the valves, the lock closes and does not release it back. As soon as such a system begins to break, the blood is freely flowing down and stood in the legs. Varicose or varicose veins of the lower limbs is due to the fact that the veins do not cope with the blood current going on them. Obviously, blood flows on the veins of the legs from the bottom up, that is, against the action of the force of earthly attraction. This is achieved with the help of several mechanisms: blood pressure from the arteries (the strongest contribution), the reduction of the muscles of the legs during the movement (this acts as a pump) and the presence of valve veins that prevent the reverse current of blood (from top to bottom). It is the inability of these valves that perform their function and causes a violation of venous blood flow, which leads to elarves. The increase in the lumen of the vein in turn further worsens the valve operation, as it cannot block the clearance of this diameter. Blood reset down enhanced. That is, it turns out a vicious circle.

    Healthy veins - beautiful legs
    Symptoms of varicose veins: convolve veins, protruding the surface of the skin of the legs and stop, pain in the legs, combined at the beginning with edema, and then changes in the skin. The skin changes at first are expressed in dry skin, its pigmentation (it darkens, acquires a brownish color in the form of spots). Later, the so-called trophic disorders are attached in the form of a poorly healing rocker type eczema and even ulcers. Pain worried more in the evenings or in the afternoon.

    Distinguish primary and secondary varicose veins. Primary connected with weakness or impaired venous wall - pregnancy, obesity, long stay in the standing position, congenital weakness of connective tissue contribute to the construction of the disease,. The secondary varicose extension occurs often as a result of the impaired venous outflow, when the valves do not cope with their work, as well as with tumors and injuries. However, the degree of relent of veins in varicose veins can be different. And the consequences of the most unpredictable. In pathology with veins, it increases first of all the risk of thromboeklia, which, as is known, can end with a fatal outcome.. Source of thromboms Lower limbs, although they can be - and veins of hands or abdomen. Another complication of trophic ulcers appearing during trophic changes: one small scratch can provoke an increase in ulcers with which it is very difficult to fight if you miss the moment. People try to treat them with decades, and just needed to show phlebologist at one time. In addition, by the nature of the activity, the phlebologist has to face with another manifestation of varicose veins - bleeding, when the disease is launched to such an extent that the veins on the centimeter protrudes over the skin surface and can be injured even due to microscopic injury. And of course, everyone read about thrombophlebitis with lethal consequences.

    You should always follow the state of your veins and remember that thrombophlebitis is the more dangerous than the closer the inflammatory process to the heart - that is, if redness, pain, swelling, the seal is detected next to steam, the higher the fatal risk. But even if you found these symptoms below the knees, you still need to immediately cause ambulance.

    Varicose veins are unique in that pain is manifested in the early stages, and as the sword thickens the pain decreases. The first symptoms of the disease: pain and feeling of burning in the legs, severity and itching, swelling, darkening and skin sealing. In many cases, varicose veins are determined visually, but this is not always possible, especially in the case of deep veins. Through them, 90 percent of blood flows in the opposite direction (through superficial veins 10 percent), and the formation of blood clots in them is especially dangerous. Therefore, if you feel pain, the severity, the feeling of heat in the legs, especially after a long and still standing standing or seating, or cramps of the calf muscles and swelling in the ankle area, you need to go through a medical examination? Of course, not all unpleasant feelings in the legs are associated with varicose insufficiency, but, in any case, their constant manifestation should alert.

    How to deal with him?

    Crop varicose already have several centuries. True, until the 19th century, the treatment has not always led to a positive result, often deaths also happened. Today, the methods have changed dramatically: they have become less traumatic, less insumanzivna. The same unsolicited sclerosis procedure, which was done a hundred years ago, now has changed much. However, it should still be aware that the earlier to start the fight against varicose veins, the simpler, this struggle will be painless. Coagulation - with her help struggle with anticipation of varicose stars and nets. The doctor acts on a sick vessel with a laser or electricity, as a result of which the vessel disappears. One of the main methods of treatment of varicose disease in many countries of the world - sclerotherapy of varicose veins. Sclerotherapy - a method for removing extended veins, which consists in intravenous introduction of special preparations - sclerosants. By¬Molded Vienna as if gluits from the inside and ceases to work, blood flows through healthy veins. The procedure in experienced hands is safe and practically painless. Sclerosation is carried out outpatient, the patient does not leave out of normal life. Sclerotherapy sessions are held once a week. The duration of treatment depends on the stage and form of the disease. On average, three or six healing sessions are required for each leg and from three to five injections of sclerosant in one session. Positive cosmetic treatment result is manifested in a few weeks after the last procedure. After the treatment with sclerotherapy as a result of the bloodless removal of varicose extended veins, the blood flow of healthy veins is improved, the flow processes in the tissues are restored, the symptoms of the disease disappear or significantly decreases. Operational method. It, of course, can be avoided. If you turn to the phlebologist at the initial stage of the disease. However, even if you launched your veins, you should not be afraid of the operation. Operational techniques Today there are several: for example, miniflekbectomy is done without cuts, and endoscopy allows you to carry out an operation in a hospital of one day.

    How to prevent it?

    Prevention is the best thing anyone can make. Mazi, gels, compression knitwear, selected by a specialist, will reduce all risks. We repeat once again that preventive measures are selected by a professional, and not with the help of the Council of Friends. The same compression knitwear, its degree of compression of phlebotics is prescribed, taking into account the size of the patient and the state of his veins.

    Other, very uncomplicated, rules should be attributed to preventive work: to take a contrasting souls, do not abuse saunas, solariums, steaming, hot baths, wearing comfortable shoes on a heel not more than four centimeters (with a higher shoe, the calf muscle does not fully be fully reduced, As a result, in the knee-stop and knee joints there is a stagnation, the posture changes, the center of gravity is mixed, which inevitably leads to varicose veins).

    Varicosis refers to the competence of vascular surgeons, which decide how to treat the patient in each case.
    Get the consultation of the flashball and go through the diagnosis in the center of the phlebology of the SM clinic at the following addresses:

    M. Voikovskaya, ul. Clara Zetkin, 33/28, bodies.: 518-94-74, 777-48-49
    M. Voikovskaya, ul. Cosmonaut Volkova, 9/2, bodies.: 225-34-00, 225-50-80
    M. Belorusskaya, ul. Forest, 57, page.1, tel.: 648-60-52, 8-499-973-22-29

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