Symptoms of varicose and chronic venous insufficiency can manifest itself at any time of the year, however, it is for the summer period that the greatest number of complications account.
In order to eliminate possible complications that occur in the summer, during the holidays, you can use several tips.
First, doctors are not recommended to be located under the right sunlight, especially in the clock of increased solar activity, from 11 to 16 hours, so sunbathing the best in the morning or in the evening and be under the scattered rays: in the shadow of awning or trees. The use of creams and utilities with protection from 30 units can prevent the decrease in the elasticity of tissues and venous walls, which can be caused by the impact of ultraviolet rays.
Secondly, in the summer it is recommended to drink more liquid, it is advisable to use non-carbonated mineral water, juices. From alcoholic beverages and strong coffee it is better to refuse, as they increase the risk of thrombosis and can delay liquid in the body.
If you are going to the beach, it is desirable not only to lie and sunbathe, but also move, swim, walk in sand or pebbles. These classes contribute to better blood circulation and eliminate stagnation.
Positive impact will be handling Stop, the legs and hips with venotonic sprays or leg cream. It is recommended to choose funds based on natural ingredients, they do not have negative side effects and provide high efficiency. Among such drugs, a series of normal, developed on the basis of vegetable extracts, essential oils and vitamins. Vevious spray tonic and cream normally strengthen the walls of the vessels, remove the feeling of fatigue, render cooling effect, reduce swelling and increase the resistance to adverse effects.
There are also several recommendations regarding clothing. Preferably there will be a heel shoe on a heel no more than 5 cm, besides, you should not wear narrow shoes, as well as tightening legs, as it can make it difficult to outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities.