Work with soul


And if earlier «per minute of life difficult» The suffering could only turn to a psychologist, now to their services all sorts of life managers, coaches and psychoanalysts. «New news» tried to understand what all these experts differ from each other, with which problem it is better to contact each of them.


Work with soul The founder of modern psychology as a science is the doctor Sigmund Freud, who is known not only as the author of labor on the unconscious, but also as the first actively practicing psychoanalyst.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the successors of his case the approach to solving the problems of their wards is the most serious. Moreover, a couple of sessions here is clearly not to do with: on dates to a specialist go for years, sometimes 2-3 times a week, otherwise therapy loses any meaning.

So if everything in life suits you in general, that's just a relationship with a neighbor from above somehow do not fold, then with a hike to psychoanalyst it is better to postpone.

«Psychoanalysis is a lesson for chosen, that is, for those who are ready for serious work with their soul, "says Psychoanalyst Practitioner Andrei Rossokhin. - He implies not so much a decision of a number of specific problems, how much capital work with its own psyche, aimed at self-knowledge and self-development.

Therefore, it is necessary to go to a specialist with the sole purpose - to know yourself, and not from boredom or for prestige». But before, lying on a comfortable couch, start in the study of the depths of the subconscious, it is not, to learn education diplomas, raised in the office of your chosen specialist.

Diplomas should be recognized by the International Psychoanalytic Association, otherwise it is only a filter gram, and its owner is an ordinary charlatan.

As for the cost of services of metropolitan psychoanalysts, how experts themselves are assured, fixed rates in this rather delicate sphere does not exist, but on average 45-minute session will cost 100-150 dollars.


Dissatisfied with himself and their life with open arms are waiting in adoptive psychologists. These professionals, unlike their colleagues psychoanalytics, are not interested in not so much the flow of consciousness, which, locating in a soft chair, font their customers, how many specific life peripeties in which they participated.

Similar excursions in the past allow specialists to understand the mechanisms of behavior of their wards and, if necessary, adjust them. And in his desire for positive changes, psychologists advise customers to start with themselves.

«Irritability, intolerance, insecurity and many other behaviors often interfere with a person to enjoy life and build harmonious relations with others, "says psychologist Anna Kartashov. - Therefore, before starting work, a person needs to understand that the problem lies in it itself and only he, of course, with the help of a professional, is able to solve it.

In consultations, we are trying to figure out how such behavior is produced, and reconfigure this mechanism. And, which is especially important, the client is not just learning, for example, to be more sociable and open, but becomes such».

Of course, such changes require time, so specialists are recommended not to be limited to several sessions, but to resemble a psychologist at least a couple of months. Depending on the level of the institution, the clock session will cost an average of 40 to 125 dollars.

Family psychologist

Work with soul «The most important weather in the house» - Here is the motto of family-friendly specialists who are ready if necessary to resolve any troubles that have arisen in a separate cell of society: be it conflicts with husband, children or cousin grandfather. The main thing is that on different sides of the barricades, only members of one family were certainly.

However, before making an appointment, it is not, once again to discuss the situation in a narrow family circle.

«To the family psychologist should only be applied if both parties recognize that there is some misunderstanding between them, "the psychologist Victoria Rozanova explains. - And then it happens that while one of the partners breaks his head over how to restore spoiled relations, the other can not understand, but what, in fact, the problem».

Well, and if you feel both guilt in conflict, it's time to start solving problems. You can come to consult both together and in turn. The main thing is that work is carried out with all interested parties.

The cost of the family psychologist's services will average 100-150 dollars per session, and to visit the Cabinet of a specialist makes sense until he tells how to regain the lost the Council and Love.


The first training centers appeared in our country for another fifteen years ago, and all these years they were used without exaggeration, and then at first, from major companies, and then among ordinary citizens. And this is despite the fact that experts are still arguing about efficiency «spiritual training». Some say that in these occupations it is possible to develop certain skills to help fight stress or psychological barriers.

Others insist that such practical training helps to feel the situation to the end and immediately consolidate the result. But in any case, the last word remains for customers, many of which, visiting such classes, are satisfied with: «Fleece...» This is especially true for sales training on sales or time management, the effectiveness of which, it seems, no one is in doubt.

«Practice is the main advantage of trainings in front of other types of psychological work, - said the coach psychologist Igor Tatar. - These are group classes, 90% consisting of role-playing games, and discussing them, during which participants share their problems and help each other to solve them. They learn to look at the situation from different sides and sometimes open in themselves the internal resources that were not even suspected of».

Standard training is usually designed for two days to 11 hours each and costs from 3 to 6 thousand. dollars, if it comes to corporate classes of a group of 12 people, and 100–300 dollars per person if it comes to personal growth trainings.


Work with soul Life-coach, he is a Life manager, - the phenomenon for our country is also not new: especially advanced clients of psychological centers were recorded for such specialists for another seven years ago, although wider masses begin to learn about this service only now.

Professional mentors, namely, sometimes it is called representatives of this profession, they proceed from the fact that each client has a huge potential that only to reveal.

In contrast to psychotherapy, coaching is aimed at a specific practical result. Life manager least interests the question of who is to blame in the life failures of his client. The main goal of the mentor is to answer the question what to do to help your ward to succeed.

Therefore, at the sessions, the coach will not be tried, which you have dreamed in the third grade, and draw conclusions about how it affected your future life, but will begin to make a little wrong action plan of action, how to achieve the desired in the career and on the personal front.

«One of the main tasks of the Life-Manager is to inspire and motivate your client, "claims Cauche Svetlana Velikanova. - After all, sometimes the main obstacle to success is the uncertainty of a person in themselves and their forces. Equally important to competently formulate those goals that I would like to achieve and eliminate possible contradictions that would prevent it to do, as well as develop a strategy of behavior to solve these tasks in the future».

Considering that coaching is aimed at rapid results, communication with the Life manager is often limited to several sessions that can be resumed as necessary. Cost of services – from 50 to 300 dollars per hour.

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