Infectious mononucleosis or consequences of kisses


  • «Yield» virus
  • Do not postpone a visit to the doctor
  • Everything will be recovered, but slowly

  • As soon as it is not called this disease - «Kiss disease», «Bottle disease», «Rolebral fever», Monocytic aneg, Filatov's disease. Infectious mononucleosis also consider «Young disease» - He is looking for his victims among people up to 35 years old. It is also known that the highest rates of incidence of infectious mononucleosis fall on the autumn months, although they are infected with them mostly in the summer.

    The doctor of medical sciences tells about this, the associate professor of Russian State Medical University Alexander Alexandrovich Karabinenko.

    «Yield» virus

    Infectious mononucleosis or consequences of kissesInfectious mononucleosis - viral disease. It causes Epstein - Barr virus belonging to herpes viruses. It is transmitted traditional for most viruses with air-drip, contact, as well as when overflowing donor blood.

    But most often infectious mononucleosis falls into the body of the victim with saliva. Therefore, kissed with an infected mononucleosis of a comrade, removing beers from his bottle or doking it with a cigarette, you with a great degree of probability replenish the ranks of the sick.

    It is not surprising that in the so-called organized teams - hostels, boarding schools, camps and kindergartens - the virus falls on the fertile soil and collects generous «harvest».

    This contributes to the fact that the infectious mononucleosis has a long incubation period. The first signs of the disease - an increase in temperature, severe pain in the throat, the decline of strength and an increase in cervical lymph nodes by 2-3 cm - may appear at «The victim» Not earlier than two months after the virus falls into the body. And before that time, the disease does not show itself and the virus carrier leads an active lifestyle, sharing the virus with friends and loved ones. However, the duration of the incubation period also depends on the state of immunity - in weakened citizens, the first signs of the disease may appear two days after contact with infected.

    First «calls» Diseases The victim himself most often assessed as an angina. The feature of the Epstein virus - Barr is that it amazes lymphoid fabric. Lymph nodes and almonds are taken on the first blow - because of the sickness of the lymphoid fabric, the nasal plow, a nasty voice, a strong throat pain, like angina, and night snoring.

    With infectious mononucleosis, liver and spleen are always affected in one way or another - they increase in size and are painful when palpation (pressed). Some patients have a sense of gravity in the field of right hypochondrium and darkening of urine. Often the disease proceeds with jaundice.

    Fever with infectious mononucleosis can flow wave-like - with temperature differences for 1-2 degrees. The disease is easily and unnoticed by young children, adolescents and young people under 30 years old are seriously ill, the older generation is usually infected with the virus - infectious mononucleosis relates to diseases that leave persistent immunity.

    Do not postpone a visit to the doctor

    Despite the fact that the signs of infectious mononucleosis are characterized enough, only a doctor on the basis of a laboratory study can be diagnosed. In mononucleosis in the blood, the number of lymphocytes increases and atypical cells appear - atypical mononuclears, which should not be present in the blood. Consultation of the doctor is needed in order to eliminate more terrible diseases - diphtheria and diseases of the lymphatic system.

    Specific treatment from mononucleosis does not exist. Disease is treated, like all viral diseases: Patients are recommended abundant drinking, vitamined food, bed mode, throat antiseptics, throat vesseloring drops and antipyretic agents in case of high temperature.

    In severe cases, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs may need, but it is fortunately happening.

    Everything will be recovered, but slowly

    The acute stage of mononucleosis lasts about two weeks, after which slow recovery begins. But the echoes of the disease can disturb still very long. The increase in lymph nodes and weakness persist for a month, and the blood formula is restored even slower - atypical mononuclears can «slip» In analyzes during the year.

    The infectious mononucleosis virus has oncogenic activity, so after recovery, patients are recommended for another six months. The most frequent complications after infectious mononucleosis - the separation of the spleen, the defeat of the heart and lungs. Within two months, after transferring disease, doctors recommend their patients not to engage in sports and heavy physical work.

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