Treatment of systemic vasculitov


  • Principles of treatment of systemic vasculites
  • About the treatment of systemic vasculitis

  • Principles of treatment of systemic vasculites

    The prediction of systemic vasculitis in that historical period of time, when these diseases were first described (XIX century - the first half of the 20th century), was extremely bad - almost all the illness died during the first year or 2-3 years. The course of nodule polyarteritis, cryoglobulousmic vasculitis, vegetable granulomoseza, microscopic polyanhibition and in our days often creates a real threat to death.

    The main goal of treatment of patients with systemic vasculitis is to preserve their lives, which brings this type of medical activity to the rescue service. And, as in any extreme situations, unfortunately, save not everyone, even the accompanying maximum efforts, possessing all the necessary professional knowledge and skills and acting in the most favorable conditions. The tragic disease of the disease may be a consequence of the late establishment of a diagnosis or inadequate treatment (especially in the first, most responsible, stages). But it may end up with an unpredictable series of unhappy coincidences, as the result of the impact of non-mathematical calculation of the individual characteristics of the body, increasing its vulnerability for the disease and the effects of even the most powerful modern methods of treatment.

    Modern treatment has significantly affected the course and outcomes of systemic vasculites, and now the overwhelming majority of persons suffering from these diseases can be able to help. However, unfortunately, the complete cure is achievable only in a very small number of patients. Currently under the concept «Successful treatment» Most often is meant by the drug transformation from acute vehicles and potentially fatal into chronic slowly progressive and requiring permanent medical control and periodic treatment courses. The disease does not disappear as such, but only «Sucks», its most severe manifestations «Gusnut», Improved overall health, strength and efficiency are restored - and life continues. But with certain restrictions associated with the presence of a chronic disease that remains preserved years and decades.

    About the treatment of systemic vasculitis

    Treatment of systemic vasculitovThe basis for the treatment of most systemic vasculitis - the use of glucocorticoid hormonal drugs - prednisone and methipredisolone. In a large part of cases, an additional appointment of immunosuppressive (i.e. suppressing the activity of the immune system) of funds, to the number of which include the so-called cytostatics (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, azathioprine).

    There are still many other drugs that can be applied to the treatment of individual states characteristic of systemic vasculites. Selection of doses of drugs, combinations of their combinations, determination of the optimal treatment time required to obtain the maximum therapeutic effect with minimal side effects, is a complex task that on shoulder only to specialists who have sufficient experience in this area.

    However, perhaps the psychological state of the patient himself is even more important. It is extremely important to avoid two extremes: a complacent and careless relationship to his illness (when the doctor's appointments are performed «selectively» or are generally ignored) and the panic and alarming attitude, uncontrolled fear of complications, paralyzing the will of the will for life and impeding recovery. It is necessary to understand that in order to effectively combat the disease, it is necessary first of all calm optimism and disciplined following the recommendations of the specialist. Exceptionally great role of family, loved ones; We all now know that in our time of universal egoism and indifference family - the main and often the only source of hope for any person, and the love and care of relatives - the most important key to recovery.

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