The use of beta-adrenoblockers in the treatment of arterial hypertension


The use of beta adrenoblockersAbout 70–80% of people, in the history of which were at least one case of a heart attack, had an increased blood pressure (140/90 and higher). Thus, the control of this indicator may prevent the development of heart failure, renal dysfunction, as well as heart attacks. To this end, the medicine use beta adrenoblays.

Blocade receptors

The daily work of the cell cells is regulated by receptors, which are built into the cell membrane. When cell receptors are stimulated by the gomon, which are circulated in our blood, their activity changes. Cells of the cardiovascular system are regulated by beta-adrenoreceptors, which are stimulated by hormone epinephrine (adrenaline) or other activating substances. At the same time, the frequency and the strength of myocardial abbreviations increases and blood vessels are narrowed. It all leads to an increase in blood pressure level. By joining beta-adrenoreceptors and lowering their activity, beta-adrenoblockers slow down the work of the heart and expand the vessels, lowering blood pressure.

Selection of adrenoblocators

For the treatment of hypertension, several classes of drugs are available. People with hypertension of the stage (blood pressure ranges from 140/90 to 160/99 mm RT. Art.) Diuretics are shown. The rest of the drugs can be assigned if necessary. For people with a higher level of blood pressure, cardiac, renal failure and diabetics, a complex of drugs is shown, one of which can be an adrenoblocker.

Selection of adrenoblocatorsAccording to Medical Review «Health of vessels and risk management» For 2010, some beta-blockers that were used for a long time to treat hypertension, no longer apply, while others work better in the treatment of complex therapy in diabetes or heart failure.

In particular, Atenolol, who was appointed for many years, turned out to be ineffective in the treatment of long-term complications in people with arterial hypertension. Although this drug is still often appointed, the subsequent use of Atenolol is currently exploring.

Many beta-adrenoblockers reduce blood pressure efficiently, but at the same time increase the level of triglycerides and glucose in the blood, which is undesirable for people suffering from obesity or diabetes. Third generation beta-adrenoblastors, such as carvedilol, labetolol and nebivolol, most likely do not cause such complications.

Side Effects and Security

Like all medicines, beta-adrenoblays may have side effects. Fatigue, dizziness, sexual dysfunction, headache, nausea and increase in blood triglycerides and blood glucose are the most frequent side effects. New beta adrenobloclockers of the third generation fewer side effects than old. Some beta-adrenoblastors, for example propranolol (anaprilin), may worsen the state of the patient suffering from asthma. Considering the complex nature of the arterial hypertension and a variety of side effects and benefits of beta-adrenoblockers, the choice of a particular drug for the treatment of arterial hypertension in each individual case remains behind the attending physician.

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