Application of activated carbon

Black, tasteful pills are familiar to us since childhood: if poisoning happened, moms first gave us coal. Because it remarkably cleanses the body from toxins. But on this, its use does not end, but only begins.

Activated Coal as a Medicinal

Activated carbon, allergy, diarrhea, medicine, poisoning, body cleansing, slimming, sorbents

In medical practice, activated carbon is used as universal antidote, it means that it neutralizes in the body the harmful effects of toxic substances. Coal almost completely consists of carbon and get it by heating natural raw materials to a temperature of 1000?WITH. Like any other drug, coal has a number of indications and side effects, so before applying MirSovet, it is recommended to apply for advice to your doctor.

The use of activated carbon is shown to people who have:

Drink Activated carbon It is necessary in quantity - 1 tablet per 10 kg of human weight, treatment course - 10 days. Feature of admission: it needs to be drunk only separately from other drugs, at a minimum, must pass two hours from the reception of activated carbon, otherwise he will select all medicinal properties of medicines.

The correct dosage and course of treatment prescribes only the attending physician, based on the symptoms of the disease and the results of the tests.

Activated carbon with allergies

Activated carbon, allergy, diarrhea, medicine, poisoning, body cleansing, slimming, sorbents

Activated carbon can not only take inside, but also use for cosmetic purposes. For example, as a natural bleach for teeth. You need to use such a method for no more than 2 times a week, otherwise you can damage enamel. To prepare a bleaching mixture, you need to apply a paste to the toothbrush, which you usually clean your teeth, wrapped the coal tablets into the powder and to coat the brush into this powder, the paste must be completely in powder. And then you need to clean my teeth as usual. Black raid on the teeth need to thoroughly rinse with water.

Many manufacturers of cosmetics include coal to their products, they are designed mainly to fatty skin. You can prepare therapeutic masks and at home. It is necessary to take a teaspoon of black or green clay and a tablet of activated carbon, grinding coal and mix with a tablespoon of warm cow's milk, add clay. To the dairy mixture to pour a teaspoon gelatin, mix and leave minutes to 20 to gelatin Nabuch, then put a mixture on a water bath and stir until gelatin is not melting. Water bath can be replaced by heating in the microwave. Before applying the mask you need to break the face. Useful mixture to keep on the face for half an hour, and then remove the film that turned out as a result of the cooled mask. Warm water masks. Such a procedure will be useful for all skin types. It nourishes and cleans.

Coal against extra kilograms

Activated carbon, allergy, diarrhea, medicine, poisoning, body cleansing, slimming, sorbents

Use activated carbon in the fight against extra kilograms steel recently, no more than 10 years ago. By itself, coal does not affect the loss of excess weight, but in the complex of events in nutritional equal he has no. He will bring slag from the body, reduce meteorism, clean the blood and prepare it for better perception of the transition to proper nutrition. During a diet with the use of activated carbon, you need to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages, baking, sweet and salty dishes. And recommended to make cleansing enemas.

Take activated coal for weight loss purposes in different ways:

  1. Standard - coal reception at the rate of 1 pc. to 10 kg of weight. You need to start with 3 pieces, adding one per day until you reach the norm. It needs to control the state of his health.
  2. Take coal from the same calculation as in the first case, but throughout the day, for this you need to divide the number of tablets into three parts and drink half an hour before meals.

Coal reception rate - 10 days, then take a break for the same day and can be renewed with a diet if necessary. These recommendations must be strictly observed, because together with toxins, coal absorbs and useful substances, vitamins and minerals, because its long-term reception can be fraught. It is not worthwhile to independently increase yourself a dose, otherwise you can cause vomiting and avitaminosis.

Similar properties have such medical preparations such as smell, carbollaine or an enetorosgel, if necessary, they can replace with slimming activated carbon.

Contraindications to activated corner

Activated carbon, allergy, diarrhea, medicine, poisoning, body cleansing, slimming, sorbents

Despite the extensiveness of the use of activated carbon, it still remains a drug, and therefore before admission, you should carefully read the instructions and not to increase yourself the dose yourself. In addition, it is not necessary to extend the course of treatment, science found that the long-term use of coal negatively affects all internal organs, exhausting them. Maximum reception that can afford the patient is a month.

Doctors recommend using coal only as a means of emergency care during poisoning and in some systemic diseases, and that, only after consultation with the therapist.

Do not recommend to use coal with gastrointestinal ulcers and with any bleeding in the area of ​​the stomach. Also, you do not need to drink this drug to patients who only accepted antitoxic drugs. And do not forget that each drug is hypersensitivity. Therefore, you should always begin treatment with small doses. If you feel ailments, stop the treatment and consult your doctor, together you will pick up the right treatment.

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