Varicose inherited


Varicose inheritedNot only appearance and character, but also a predisposition to those or other diseases from parents by inheritance. Such diseases include varicose veins. According to statistics, if at least one of the parents suffers from varicose veins, the probability that children face this problem reaches 60%.

The disease itself is transmitted through the genes, but the feature of the structure of the venous wall. The problem is based on the weakness of the connective tissue of the vessels of the venous wall, which consists of woven fibers of collagen and elastin. This is peculiar «Biological frame». If the cloth is weak, then there is enough influence of any of the provoking factors in order for the veins to start expanding. However, people leading the correct lifestyle, without overloading the vascular wall, to explicit signs of the disease, the case may not reach.

But even if you have a hereditary predisposition to varicose veins, you should not despair. Modern medicine does not stand still and in our time, along with a change in lifestyle, there are a large number of different techniques and tools that will help reduce the risk of developing varicose cars to a minimum.

First of all, all the same, it is worth paying attention and adjust your lifestyle. The degree of risk increases many times if the work is associated with excessive loads in the vertical position. In other words, with long standing on the legs, and even worse — If with severity in hand. Therefore, if you are genetically predisposed to varicose disease, the profession of teacher, seller, hairdresser, the surgeon is better not to choose. Risk factor, of course, is the inevitable for many of our people long standing in crowded transport.

For prevention of varicose development, it is necessary to give your feet from time to time — sit down or lie down, and if there is an opportunity, then lying lift legs above the heart level. Even better so that they are in a vertical position for some time. And if there is no such possibility, then at least to be like or simply across the legs on the leg. It will make the muscles of the legs, and they, as the pumps, will push blood along the vessels, preventing her. Well, of course, if you have to stand for a long time, you should completely abandon the shoes in high heels. For those people who are forced by the nature of the work for a long time to stand motionless, there is a series of simple exercises that will help soften the destructive effects of such shoes on the venous system. It is necessary to remove shoes and look like barefoot, if possible, creating the fingers of the legs as wide as possible. A couple of times to make squats, and then two or three minutes stand on the heels, laying under the rest of the foot something like the book of medium thickness. That is, it is very useful, so that for some time the feet was somewhat higher than the heel — So you will create a kind of effect, the reverse of the shoes on high heels.

Especially carefully to the health of the venous system should be treated for women, t. To. Pregnancy and childbirth are one of the factors for the development of the disease. During pregnancy, Viennes almost always squeeze the growing uterus. A number of hormonal changes occur, weakening the tone of the venous wall of the vessels. If a woman knows that her relatives suffered from extending the vessels, she should still undergo a course of treatment, allowing to strengthen the vessels. And during the tooling of the child, it needs to be observed certain rules that do not allow diseases to develop.

Of course, completely, once and for all, get rid of the expansion of the veins, if the disease has already made itself felt, it is impossible. But it is possible to treat varicose-extended veins and it is necessary to avoid probable complications: thrombosis, trophic ulcers and other. In addition to the operation, there are a number of sufficiently simple outpatient non-statement methods. Which one to apply in each particular case should solve a phlebologist.

VenarusThere are also drug methods that allow to treat complications and carry out the prevention of varicose veins. For example, with medicines it is possible to significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease: to remove pain and gravity in the legs, improve blood circulation, reduce evening swelling. Therefore, with a tendency to varicose veins, it is important to appoint a doctor to carry out courses of treatment with special drugs — Venotonics. Venotonics based on diosmin with hesperidine, such as domestic drug possess the greatest effect Venarus. It increases the tone of the veins, reduces venous stagnation, improves microcirculation and restores lymphotok. Thus, Venarar, eliminates and reduces swelling, removes the feeling of gravity and pain in the legs and slows down the further expansion of the veins. Prescribe it courses 2 months 2 times a year.

With a hereditary predisposition to varicose veins, it is worth a prevention for 20 years. Then at 40 and 50 will not be ashamed to put on the elegant skirt to the knees and walk in the summer in shorts or branches.

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