We argue that from all of the above you know at best one tenth? Do not believe - check.
If you are not an ophthalmologist and do not collect the facts about our eyes as a hobby, you will be surprised and entertain.
- The cornea of the human eye is very similar to the cornea of the shark, because the last recently recently transplanted people.
- Of all the living beings, only people and dogs are ready to meet each other looks not only before fighting. By the way, dogs do it exclusively with a person, among themselves they (just like all animals existing on the planet) use a straight look to express direct aggression.
- You will not be able to sneeze, holding your eyes open. This is an unshakable rule, to break which is possible only forcibly if with the help of mechanics not to give the eyes to close. The fact is that the sneezing and simultaneous slamming of the eyes answers one section of the brain. The law is due to physiology. The speed with which the air comes out of the nasopharynx is approximately 150 km / h. Under such conditions, the pressure in the field of the nasal partition increases so much that, if not a century, the eyes would simply fly out of the eye.
- The gold ring in the ear, which was carried by pirates, it is no coincidence that the marine robbers believed that the precious earrings improves visual sharpness.
- And why the pirate is a traditional bandage on one eye? Just for considerations of common sense. Thus, the pirates trained the ability to quickly adapt vision and to the darkness of the truma after a clear day, and to a blinding globling sea after the gloom.
- During the Vietnamese war, one of the prisoners of war given by television, «Lotorgal» ABC Morse Word «torture». So the American authorities learned how they treat their citizens.
- Your pupil increases by about 45% when you look at a person who love.
- In the first five weeks after birth, human children do not distinguish colors. World for them black and white.
- If you have blue or blue eyes, know: you have and in all the blueglase on our planet — General ancestor. 10,000 years ago the eyes of all people on the planet were karium. But one day a child was born with genetic mutation — Blue-eyed. It was he who became a pillar of all Homo Sapires with the eyes of heavenly color. But...
- In fact, brown eyes — Blue, because under the layer of brown pigment there is blue. One of the popular laser procedures — Permanent change of brown eyes on blue blue. A specific shade depends on your individual features and cannot be changed forever.
- The most common color of human eye — chocolate.
- 50 shades of grey? Ha! Human eye is able to distinguish 500 shades of gray.
- In one point of a person, 107 million cells, and each photosensitive.
- Every twelfth man — Daltonik. Among the women suffers from daltonism one of two hundred.
- In the color spectrum there are such colors that are too complicated so that the human eye can perceive them. In science they gave name «Impossible».
- Approximately 2% of women on the planet have a rare genetic mutation: there are additional columns in their eyes — Cell net. It allows you to see one hundred million shades. For comparison: the remaining 98% of sloping women and 100% of the moays are distinguished «Total» Ten million colors.
- Some people are born with eyes of different colors. This condition is called heterochromy, is not considered a disease and does not affect the quality of view.
- Actually, a person's eye sees only three main colors — Red, blue and green. The remaining ten million shades — Their combinations.
- If most parts of the body take time to warm up for action, the eyes are always in full readiness to work.
- One of your eye weighs about 8 grams, and in diameter — 2.5 centimeters.
- Eye muscles — The most active of all muscles of the human body.
- Each of the pair of your eye on the retina has a blind spot. In fact, this is a certain position at which, if you try to watch with one eye, you will find yourself blind. But two eyes successfully compensate for this lack of each other so that you until today and the concepts did not have any blind stains.
- Unlike the ears and noses, which increase with age, the eyes cease to grow back in the womb. So you have the same eye size, which was at birth. That is why babies are charmingly largelas.
- Do you think tears consist of water? And here is not! Water — Only one of the three main components of the tear fluid. Two others — it's fat and mucus.
- When your eye is open in the usual way, surrounding can see only one sixth of the eyeball.
- For the life of the middle-length eye seize about 24 million different images.
Try to post for an exactly moving object — Bird or machine. You think that you are watching the subject without reason? Nothing like this. Human eye knows how to follow only short intermittent movements. Since they are very fast, it seems to us that we do not tear away the view from the flying bird. Spend your experience: Watch the other.
- Everyone knows about the uniqueness of the fingerprint. However, it has only 40 special characteristics, whereas the iris eye has 256. That is why retinal scanning — More reliable security method than removing fingerprint.
- Two million elements take part in the right functioning of a healthy eye!
- They say «In the blink of», Because this is the fastest cut in the muscles in the human body.
- Read from computer screen? Then know: compared to reading with paper you will read 25% slower.
- Every hour eye processes approximately 36,000 bits (or 4,500 bytes) information.
- The eye is rapidly restored. For example, with proper care scratch on the cornea heals in just two days.
- You are blinking about 17 times a minute, 14 280 times a day and 5.2 million times a year.
- The lens of the human eye is much more faster than the lens of any superior camera.
- During the conversation, you blink more often than when reading.
- Your eyes began to develop two weeks after your parents conceived you.
- Ideal and maximum continuous visual contact when you meet — Four seconds. During this time you have time to consider human emotions and notice the color of his eyes.
- Eye lenses, cornea and retina cubic jellyfish are similar to human. Despite this, these creatures never can focus on any object. All because, unlike us, they have no brain. Brain Medusov replaces the rings of nerve endings around the mouth.
- You think you see eyes? Not true! You see the brain. Most often, violation of vision is not associated with eye diseases, but with violation of the brain. So bad eyesight — «merit» improper functioning of the visual zone of the cerebral cortex.
- Blind from birth people also see colored dreams.
- Eyes use about 65% of all brain resources, more than all other parts of the body and organs together.
- Images that your brain gets actually «Show» He's upside down. Smart Brain «puts» They are as needed.
- What means «pull the wool over someone's eyes», Everyone knows: deliberately demonstrate wealth and other benefits. And where did this phraseological? He originated in the age of eighteenth, when the peasant carts were slow and slowly dragged on Russian roads. But sometimes they overtook them on complete chance — on horseback or rich carriages. Rushing, they left behind the clubs of thick dust, from which the eyes of the poor were dried.
- Studies have proven that during depression, all colors are seen by a person less contrasting, as if muted.
- Each cilia, if you don't pass it forcibly, lives about five months.
- The biggest eye — At the Antarctic Giant Squid. In the length of the eye of this deepwater animal reaches 27 centimeters.
- In the maya, the squint considered incredibly attractive. To the child «scorched», Different efforts were applied.