We declare warcosel war


We declare warcosel warAccording to statistics varicose disease today, up to 40% of the world's population suffers. However, doctors are confident that the real figure is much higher, because not every person draws this problem to the doctor. At the same time, two women from three sooner or later celebrate signs of varicose. And over the past decade, the disease is noticeable «Pomolalohel». If earlier for the veins on the legs it was possible not to be afraid of the years to fifty years, then now the peak of morbidity falls for 35 years. And not surprising: the lifestyle of a modern woman becomes all tense, and heels – All above. With such a load, it seems natural that legs get tired at the end of the day and swell a bit. But over time, the first veins appear on the recently smooth skin, vascular stars appear. This is the first symptoms of varicose disease. Nim usually follow regular numbness, strong severity and pain, especially in caviar, external signs are becoming more noticeable. This is due to the disturbance of blood outflow from the limbs, which in the future and leads to bloated veins, painful edema, and in the worst case – To change the color of the skin and trophic ulcers.

Not a single woman is insured against varicose disease. Receiving contraceptives, pregnancy, overweight, need to sit or stand in many hours in a row, close, uncomfortable shoes – All this can provoke problems. In the risk area almost all «Women» Professions – Traders, Waitresses, Hairdressers. Here are the employees of the offices that spend the whole day at the computer. But even on such a dangerous woman's beauty, work can be removed from the varicose veins.

We declare warcosel warAll owners «static» Specialties doctors advise regularly knead the stood legs. It does not matter if you are sitting in the office of the director in anticipation of an expectation or waiting for a business lunch in a restaurant – move your fingers right in shoes, cross the heels on the sock, rotate the feet. The warm-up may be light, but regular – Start it whenever you feel tension and gravity in the limbs. A good effect is given simple exercises that doctors recommend to perform at home immediately after work. Among them – a well-known «bicycle»: lying on the back, imagine that you are twist the pedals. It is also useful to lift the stretched legs and twist the feet inside, and then outward. Helps and alternate bending back and forth an ankle joint and fingers, walking on the spot without cutting socks from the floor.

It should not forget about proper nutrition. It is necessary to eliminate rich in sugar products and confectionery, limit the consumption of salt, strong tea and coffee, seasonings and alcoholic beverages. Simultaneously in the diet should be enough substances that strengthen vessels and improving blood circulation. Under swells, pain in the legs, muscle spasms it is recommended to consume products rich in pantothenic acid (vitamin B) - liver, bran, peanuts, beer yeast, egg yolk and chicken meat.

Another assistant with issues with veins – Vitamin P (Rutin), which restores the walls of the vessels, making it more elastic, and strengthens the capillaries. To ensure the body of this substance, you need to enter a rose hip, citrus, black currant, rowan and «Channel», And also drink more green tea.

We declare warcosel warNaturally, except for exercise and change diet, experts advise local treatment of varicose disease. Various ointments and creams based on trocserutin are widely represented in pharmacies – It is he who helps protect the vessels, relieves pain and swelling, protects capillaries from fragility. Such local funds can be used independently, in contrast to tablets and capsules, which must be appointed by a phlebologist. But any method is most effective in an integrated approach, and it is worth paying attention to drugs that include several substances that help in combating varicose disease. One of them – gel «Velaife», managed to establish well in the Russian market. In addition to TrokSerutina, heparin includes heparin, which protects from the formation of thrombov, eliminates inflammation and at the same time improves blood circulation. When applying gel «Velaife» Heparin is better absorbed due to the content of provitamin B5 (decantenol), which also increases the elasticity of the skin, helps the processes of healing and regeneration. The drug is convenient for use, quickly absorbed and safely used for pregnant women. «Velaife» Recommended during edema, pains, gravity in the legs and other symptoms of the initial stage of varicose. Meanwhile, doctors not get tired of reminding that it is necessary to deal with this ailment when the very first signs are found. Only so you can prevent its development and avoid painful and expensive procedures. And if you have found signs of varicose veins, it is worth consulting with a doctor, a specialist in this field.

There are contraindications! Before use, you must carefully read the instructions or consult with your doctor.

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