Skin diseases are often similar and distinguish them from each other only by a specialist. But the symptoms of the erytress are very characteristic and to know its appearance is not difficult. And if you doubt, the minimum studies will confirm or refute your diagnosis.

How does this disease flow? Most often there are a non-inflammatory character stains of light brown or brick-red color, which, merging with each other, form larger stains with clear, sometimes with fetest or arcuate outlines. The surface of the spots is usually smooth or covered with gentle bowls. Sometimes on the edge of the stains, a slightly towering roller is visible, and in the center there is a panel of stains or browned pigmentation is formed. As a rule, erytraism does not cause any unpleasant sensations, only sometimes accompanied by a light itch. It may appear in the summer season when, with an increased sweating and the absence of proper care on the surface of the stains, inflammation phenomena develop.
Erytrazzz most often located in large skin folds. For men, its place is characterized by its accommodation in the inhabited-femoral-scrotal field, for women - in the armpits, in folds under the milk glands, around the navel. Children of erytraism meets extremely rarely.
The course of the disease is chronic with frequent relapses, especially in sweating, obese, untidy. The absence of unpleasant symptoms often leads to the fact that erytraism remains unnoticed, and it is discovered only with medical examination.
In patients with the presence of diabetes, obesity, high sweating of erytraism can be complicated by eczema and diaper. In these cases, subjective sensations arise - itching, burning sensation, which are absent with uncomplicated eritresses.
In the future, erytrism is confirmed by a microscopic study, in which thin, winding threads and cocked cells located grouped or chains are found.
Also widely use luminescent diagnostics: a mercury-quartz lamp with a Wood filter, in the rays of which stains are painted by coral and brick-red light. This is explained by the fact that the pathogen of the disease in the process of its livelihoods allocates water-soluble porphyrins (natural pigments).
Often, with surface inspection, erytress can be confused with other diseases of similar character (epidermofilation, refinery, multicolored deprived, diallos), so it is important to know some features.
With groin epidermofitis, as opposed to eritresses, rolic-shaped edges are observed, bubbles, inflammatory phenomena, itching.
From the Rubrombosis with an accommodation in the inhabricted folding folds, the eryzma is distinguished by the presence of a solid edge of the spot, whereas there is an intermittent inflammatory roller on the spots, as a rule, there is a damage to the skin of the stop and nails, as well as varying degrees of intensity itch.
From multicolored, damaging erytrazz is distinguished by placing and color of spots, as well as the character of the luminescence under the luminescent lamp.
During diapership, unlike erytress, island phenomena and outlines of spots (redness) are expressed.