Without prostatic gland almost impossible a full life of a man! It is she who is the main conductor of a complex male organism.
Second heart of a man
Doctors rightly refer to the prostate gland of a man with a second heart. So there is, at the very point it says! After all, this archiving male body affects the continuation of the kind, keeps the cheerful mood, makes itching eyes, write music, do scientific discoveries... Yes what to list! Without prostatic gland almost impossible a full life of a man! It is she who is the main conductor of a complex male organism.
But, unfortunately, this body in men is susceptible to disease, starting almost from youthful years. The most common one – prostatitis, that is, inflammation of the prostate gland. For many words «prostatitis» sounds like a sentence, but because of this disease do not die, although there are considerable problems sometimes. Symptoms are unpleasant, there are often disorders of sexual function, which is important for men of any age.
About the reasons and manifestations of prostatitis are written quite a lot. Dial in any search engine «prostatitis», And you will be offered several dozen sites, sensiblely describing this problem, as well as artificially worn around to become a client of all kinds of medical institutions. Read information does not hurt, but it is not always a hurry to become a client. Do not panic ahead of time - there are simple ways that can protect you from all «Charming» Prostatitis.
How to protect yourself from prostatitis
- Regularly do exercise. But do not ride a lot on the bike, as it increases the pressure on the prostate. The best - walk more on foot. With sedentary work, you need to warm up every hour.
- Do not allow the general supercooling of the body, do not sit on cold stones, borders. Do not go to the conjunctional train for two hours, if this is not a forced circumstance.
- Do not abuse the constant wearing of tight and tight smelters. Better make a choice in favor of
Cheerful «Breathable» Trowers. It is much hygienic and does not interfere with normal blood flow in the prostate.
- Exclude completely from your life cigarettes, alcohol. Smoking negatively affects venous blood supply, and alcohol annoys the ducts and prostate.
- Carefully follow the regular intestinal emptying, do not provoke the emergence of constipation. Increase the amount of liquid from the drink, and the consumption of caffeine (coffee, strong tea) are minimized. On the day it is advisable to consume 2-2.5 liters of fluid.
- To improve blood circulation in the prostate gland area, you can use contrasting seats. Three minutes in hot water, then a minute in a cold for 15 minutes a day. And you can still. Sitting in a warm bath, put your feet first into cool water, then in hot. Hold for three minutes.
- Try to conduct regular sex life without excessive drops in one direction or another (which, by the way, will save you not only from prostatitis). Both both are equally harmful to the body as a whole, but first of all negatively affects the state of the prostate.
- Try to lower the blood cholesterol level by reducing the consumption of animal fats to a minimum. It does not mean a complete rejection of meat - just give preference to low-fat varieties.
- Eat in food a lot of greenery. Special attention to the parsley, Khrenu, Pasternak, Celery. Their quantity must be unlimited.
- Eat Luke and Garlic in any form. The benefits of them are considerable: improvement of the vascular system, blood supply stimulation, antiparasitic action. In addition, the bow also increases the potency.
- Press the products containing zinc. These are mostly seafood and pumpkin seeds. Zinc - key trace element for prostate. Eat for at least 30 pieces of pumpkin seeds every day.
- Enter various nuts and seeds in the diet, raw fruits and vegetables, fresh juices (birch, tomato, pumpkin), peas, beans and unlightened rice.
Folk recipes in the fight against prostatitis
- Seeds parsley pre-grind into powder. Then take 4 hours.L. of this powder and pour glass boiling water, boil 15 minutes, and then cool and strain. Take 1 st.L. 4-6 times a day. Parsley removes the inflammatory process and normalizes sexual functions.
- On the first day, eat 2-3 hours after dinner before bedtime, the whole head of the replist onion, on the second day — 0.5 glasses of raw sunflower seeds, and on the third - 0.5 glasses of walnut cores. So alternate 3 months.
- 2-3 Art.L. raw purified pumpkin seeds (watching them to be with a green shell) eat daily in the morning and in the evening, you can mix with 1 st.L. Honey. For the preparation of a healing mixture of 0.5 kg of purified, in the green film of seeds to skip through the meat grinder, then mix them with 1 cup of liquid honey. Roll balls the size of a little more forest walnut, put in a jar and store in a cool place. In the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals to dissolve 1 ball. And so, until you run. Usually enough for treatment.
And do not forget about the golden health rule: the disease is easier to prevent than cured. Cute men take care of yourself! To your health – The best gift for your beloved woman!