How to take cardiomagnet

On television channels now actively commercials Tablets Cardiomagnet. They are used to prevent and treat the pathologies of the heart and vessels. So what contains these stylized «Hearts», How can they help people? There is evidence that cardiomagnet in small doses can reduce the likelihood and development of cardiovascular diseases by 25%.

General information about the drug

Cardiomagnet, Medicines, Cardiovascular System, Heart, Vessels

Cardiomagnet is produced in Denmark, it refers to 30 and 100 tablets in bottles of dark glass. Tablets are made in the form of stylized hearts, their color is white, they are covered with a film sheath. Each such tablet contains 75 mg of acetylsalicylic acid and 15.2 mg of hydroxide magnesium.

As auxiliary components, industrial uses: corn and potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate. The shell consists of talca, hypimlolose, propylene glycol.

There are still tablets made in the form of an oval risk on one of the parties. The color is also white, there is a film sheath. This is a cardijack forte, that is, the dose of active substances in them is twice as much. In each oval tablet 150 mg of acid acetylsalicylic and 30.39 mg of magnesium hydroxide.

Auxiliary substances are used similar to the fact that in tablets with a smaller dosage.

First of all, pay attention to the cardiomagnet is worth it to people who:

  • Moved infarction or stroke, associated with thrombosis of arteries;
  • He has a history of lower limb thrombosis, heart or neck vessels;
  • suffering atherosclerosis or diabetes;
  • constantly faces in his life with such negative factors as overweight, smoking, increased blood pressure, increasing the number of cholesterol in the bloodstream;
  • He has relatives who suffered from the pathologies of the heart or vessels (that is, in the case of the presence of hereditary predisposition).

Pharmacological properties

Cardiomagnet, Medicines, Cardiovascular System, Heart, Vessels

It is impossible to use cardiosagnet in the following cases:

  • frequent bleeding, tendency to them (with hemorrhagic diathesis, thrombocytopenia, vitamin K deficiency in the body);
  • hemorrhages that occurred in the brain;
  • bleeding (gastric, intestinal);
  • erosions and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract (in the period of exacerbations);
  • Bronchial asthma, which was triggered by the Reception of NSAIDs, Salicylates;
  • pregnancy (especially in the first and third trimesters), breastfeeding;
  • severe degree of renal failure;
  • treatment with methotrexate (if dose is more than 15 mg per week);
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • hypersensitivity to drug components;
  • Children and adolescents (up to 18 years).

Careful need to be those who suffer Gaunt, hay fever, bronchial asthma, nose polyposis, allergies, renal (or liver).

What are possible side effects?

Cardiomagnet, Medicines, Cardiovascular System, Heart, Vessels

The risk of adoptive effects is the higher, the higher the dosage of the drug. Therefore, it is very important to correctly pick up the dose of this medicine.

This side effects were identified during research and clinical trials of cardiotics:

  • Allergic reactions that showed themselves in the form of rashes, larynx edema, in rare cases - as an anaphylactic shock;
  • pain in the epigastric area, vomiting, heartburn, colitis, disorder of the integrity of the gastrointestinal mucosa, irritable bowel syndrome, bleeding;
  • bronchospasm;
  • violation of blood formation processes;
  • noise in ears, lethargy, sleep disorders, coordination of movements.

In case of overdose, such signs arise: a hearing impairment, the bunting in the ears, vomit, violation of consciousness. With a strong overdose appear:

  • chills;
  • Breathing becomes more frequent;
  • Cardiovascular failure is developed;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • Possible coma.

In case of overdose, it is important to make a stomach wash immediately, give the patient Activated carbon. The number of tablets is calculated so: for every ten kilograms of the patient's body weight is recommended to take one coal tablet. In cases of strong overdose, the help of specialists from «Emergency».

It's important to know

Cardiomagnet, Medicines, Cardiovascular System, Heart, Vessels

  1. There is a risk that acetylsalicylic acid can cause bronchospasm, therefore, it should be particularly cautious at admission to asthmaatics and persons prone to allergies.
  2. When receiving the cardiomagnet, blood worsens deteriorates, so when it is constant reception and operational intervention, bleeding is possible.
  3. If, in addition to the cardiomagnet, the patient also accepts anticoagulants, thrombolytics, antitrombocytic drugs, then this is even more reduced by the process of blood folding.
  4. Do not take Ibuprofen, If you are treated with cardiomagnet.
  5. During treatment, do not take alcoholic beverages so as not to worsen the state of the digestive system.
  6. The drug can provoke the gout from those who are predisposed to it.
  7. If a person takes a cardomagnet in large doses, that is, the risk of gastric bleeding.
  8. Suffering from diabetes should be remembered that large doses of acetylsalicylic acid can show the hypoglycemic effect.
  9. If you combine cardiomagnet and vitamin E, this is more preventing myocardial infarction - these are the findings of studies conducted by Israeli scientists. Instead of pharmacy vitamin E, plant oils, nuts, seeds can be included in its diet.

Although the drug is released from pharmacies without the presentation of the recipe, to visit the doctor before purchasing it, so that he can correctly pick up the dosage. Large doses can cause symptoms of overdose, bring harm to health.

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