What is impotence? What are the causes of impotence? How to diagnose and treatment impotence? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
What is impotence
Not so long ago it was assumed to believe that impotence and normal
man - two things inconsistencies. Fortunately, these times remained
Behind, and everyone understands that impotence is a serious illness with which -
Alas - almost any representative of strong
Half of mankind.
Actually impotence called «No erection
penis in men leading to the impossibility of conducting sexual
Act». Often this is definitely the pathological condition is accompanied by
The lack of desire (libido) and the feeling of orgasm, accelerated by ejaculation,
which, of course, significantly reduces the quality (and the number) of sexual
life and has a negative impact on psycho-emotional status
Men, interpersonal and family relationships.
Long time
diagnosis «impotence» put everyone without exception to men who
complained to the doctor to reduce the duration and strength of the erection. but
In a large number of these patients, the erection is preserved, just forces
it lacks for normal intercourse.
of that, it turned out that men with reduced quality erection where
more than with her complete absence. So now more often in the course «erectile dysfunction», T.E. Disruption of erection, and impotence - just an extreme degree of manifestation of these violations.
There are also secondary impotence when normal erection was still before, and primary -
In cases where a normal erection has never been.
It is believed that sexual function weakens over time. On the very
it's not so. In the absence of diseases causing erectile
Dysfunction, each man can have high-quality sex life and 50, and in 60 years.
It was believed that the main causes of impotence are problems
psychological properties or violation of the exchange of sex hormones. but
It is now clear that although the psychological factor contributes to the development of the ailment, but the main reason are organic changes in the erection mechanism.

- Nervous: Injuries, damage to intervertebral discs, multiple sclerosis, alcohol abuse, Operations on the pelvis organs, etc.
- Arterial: Hypertension, smoking, diabetes.
- Venous: Damage to the mechanism of limiting blood outflow from the penis.
- Drugs: Receiving pressure reduced drugs, antidepressants, luteinizing hormone.
There are many reasons, but the main perpetrators of the reduction of potency remain progressive atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertensive disease,
tobacco and alcohol addiction. With these diseases occur
Changes in the organism vessels, as a result of which the walls of the veins
and the arteries lose flexibility and elasticity, become fragile
and brittle, which is one of the most frequent causes of occurrence
In good condition, under the action of impulses
central nervous system, relaxation of vessel walls
penis, as a result of what the blood quickly fills the penis.
Increasing in the volume of the artery squeeze small vessels for which
In an unexcited condition, blood is reset in veins; Blood outflow sharply
It decreases that it provides an erection.
However, progression
Atherosclerosis and, as a result, deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls
Vessels, use of drugs that reduce blood pressure,
Diabetic vascular lesions, alcohol abuse,
Stress loads — All this, together and separately, reduces
Ability to normal erection.
more attention to devote their own health - not empty words.
According to statistics, only every tenth man faced
with sexual disorders, refers to a specialist. Meaning,
More than half of the cases, an erection can be restored. Need only
Correctly deal with the causes of the problem. And here without
Consultation of a specialist can not do - it is worth visiting Andrologist, who will deal with your problem.
In total, the doctor will find out if they are not hidden for violations in sexual sphere
inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland, bladder, etc.
To answer this question you can also be directed to the consultation of the urologist, followed by ultrasound examination, surrendering blood test, as well as taking a bacteriological smear.
Inflammatory diseases will not be detected, the doctor can send you
at the reception to the endocrinologist, since potency disorders often
related to hormonal disorders, special analyzes will establish content in the blood of one or another hormone.
Disorders leading to impotence are detected using modern
research methods - ultrasonic dopplerography, modern
Methods allow even determining quantitative and high-quality
Blood supply indicators of penis.
Aphrodisiac replacement came to everyone known and widely advertised «Viagra». But this is not a panacea, as it is considered. W «Viagra» There are side effects,
among which the most unlocked - a sudden change in color, with
which all around becomes blue. But list is heavier
Consequences «Viagra» includes both headache and redness
persons and, in some cases, aggravation of heart disease, and this
Not to mention numerous fakes of this. Because to take «Viagra» or any other tablets without consulting the doctor - categorically impossible!
As for the choice of treatment methods,
then this question depends entirely on what is the reason for the ailment. Methods
Many - from medication to surgical intervention.
It is possible that as a result, intracable injections will be intracable, selection of stimulants or penis prosthetics.
As with any other sexual disorders, there will be no superfluous consultation of the sexopathologist
or psychotherapist. At the current times of the doctor's specialist
impotence should not look for a long time because there is already sufficient
The number of specialized clinics.