Male infertility and varicocele


  • Varicocele: Causes
  • Varicocele: Disease Manifestations
  • Why Verikotel is infertility
  • Is there a chance to become a father?

  • Varicocele cause and consequencesVaricocele or varicose veins of a bunch of cloud-shaped plexus and seed rope occurs about 12% of boys and almost every fifth man aged 10-30 years. The disease is found, as a rule, randomly, during a medical examination, and this is not wise, because only 10-15% of cases the disease makes itself felt.

    Varicocele does not prevent living, work, does not violate potency, does not affect sexual activity, but if the problem is not solved in childhood and adolescence, with a 80 percent probability it can be said that a man will experience great difficulties with the continuation of the kind. Varicocele — Reason for infertility in 40% of cases. This figure is huge, and every mother, raising a boy obliging the disease.

    Varicocele: Causes

    Varicocele — Vascular disease and it is clear that its causes lie in the impaired blood flow, the blood of the blood and the change in the walls of the vein carrying blood from the egg toward the heart.

    • The most frequent cause of varicocele is the compression of the left renal vein, in which the vein of the left testicle actually flows. An increase in pressure in the testicular vein leads to its expansion and development of the disease. The features of the structure of the circulatory system are explained why the varicose veins of the seed rope occurs more often from the left side. Interestingly, in the standing position, during exercise and outraging, the violation of blood flow is aggravated, that is, standing by work, lifting weights and chronic constipation contribute to the progression of ailment.
    • The development of varicocele can be associated with the defects of the vein valve eggs. Blood Current impairment is accompanied by reverse movement and accumulation in testicular vessels leading to their expansion.
    • A certain role is played by the congenital weakness of the venous wall, often combined with the weakness of the muscle raising the testicle.
    • Increased pressure in the testicular vein is possible as a result of its imposition in the renal vein at right angles.

    All these factors are the cause of the primary varicocele detected at a young age. In the older age, varicocele can develop as a complication of other diseases, for example, as a result of the compression of the renal vein tumor kidney, so the appearance of pathology in a mature man should be alerted first due to the possibility of a serious illness.

    Varicocele: Disease Manifestations

    Proved communication of male infertility and varicoceleMost often, varicocele proceeds asymptomatic, only 10-15% it is accompanied by pain, unpleasant sensations, adoption of additional education in the scrotum and cosmetic defect in the form of convolves surface veins.

    The stage of the disease is detected only when the scrotum is torn, while the patient is asked to stand in the standing position.

    Stage II is characterized by the appearance on the surface of the scrotum of extended convoluted veins on the surface, which is already marked by the eye, the size and consistency of the eggs do not change.

    III Stage Varicocele manifests the presence of extended veins of scrotum, decrease in size and egg seal.

    Why Verikotel is infertility

    Proven, infertility and varicocele are combined in 40% of cases, while in 80% in varicocele, there is a violation of the reproductive function associated with the disorder of spermatogenesis.

    In the study of seed fluid, the decrease in the activity and viability of spermatozoa, the appearance of modified forms is found. Less likely there is a decrease in the number of ejaculate. It is noticed that even in the case of fertilization in the presence of a man varicocele, there are difficulties with having a child caused by the emergence of anomalies of the development of the embryo and the fetus.

    Why varicocele leads to infertility?

    • Stagnation of warm blood in the Egg region leads to a local increase in temperature, negatively affecting spermatogenesis.
    • Venous stagnation leads to oxygen starvation of eggs, violation of its nutrition and atrophy.
    • Mechanical pressure of extended veins on the testicle and the seeding paths aggravates the position.
    • Violation of the hematistical barrier and the development of autoimmune processes lead to the death of spermatogenic epithelium.
    • Violation of the Egg function leads to impaired synthesis of androgens.

    Is there a chance to become a father?

    Varicocele requires treatment. In the first stage, usually not accompanied by a violation of the reproductive function, to prevent the progression of the disease is enough to wear dense melting, pulling the scrotum, take a contrasting shower, play sports. The second and third stage of varicocele — Indication to surgical intervention, implying testicular ligation.

    Male infertility and varicoceleIn children, the operation is carried out under general anesthesia, in adults under local anesthesia. Operation can be open (usual), endovascular and endoscopic, depending on the preferences of the patient and the surgeon capabilities. Postoperative complications are developing extremely rare, but since the true cause of pathology is not eliminated, recurrences of the disease are possible.

    Infertility in varicocele is good to treat, but only if the disease is not launched and atrophy of the testicle. In case of timely treatment, 90% of men can restore normal spermatogenesis. That is why it is so important to know about the disease and understand the need to appeal to the doctor.

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