How many women need to protect against prostatitis


  • Sex and prostatitis
  • Treatment of prostatitis

  • How many women need to protect against prostatitis

    Sex and prostatitis

    All sexual standards are strictly individual, and for someone once a week - a holiday, and someone and three times a day is not enough. However, it is still not to get involved, even if the forces allow. Age standards for the average man are as follows: up to 25 years - 6-8 times a week, up to 50 - 4-5 times, after 50 - 3-5 times, up to 55 - 2-3 times, after 55 - even less.

    All indicators are very relative. Usually, a sexy rhythm is installed in a pair of a little more often than a woman wants, and a little less often than a man wants. Individual statistics are not amenable to justify. If a man has a strong sexual constitution and he wants 5 times a day, and his wife does not like him so often, he may well develop a stagnant prostatitis.

    Traditionally, the inflammation of the prostate causes a lot of problems: the amount of hormone produced and the prostatic juice is reduced, and since the hormones are smaller, it means that the attraction is not as before - the potency suffers. Everything would be so if it were inevitable.

    Statistics show: among those who complain about sexual problems, only every tenth is really connected with the prostatitis. And no more than 15% of the persistent prostatitis celebrate sexual disorders (which are not always connected with this disease again). Of course, sharp prostatitis is able to completely discourage every desire.

    But when the sharp stage passes, whining «it does not work because of prostatitis» Not justified. Most likely, the failure occurred because the man was subconsciously waiting.

    Treatment of prostatitis

    Finally, it is necessary to dispel the myth that the prostatitis is not treated. Treated! And not just treated, but also fully cured, including prostatitis chronic. It is enough to carry out a bacteriological or virological study for the detection of sexually transmitted infections, take on the analysis of the success of the prostate gland and conduct an ultrasound of prostate scanning.

    After that, having a clear idea of ​​the state of the prostate gland, what kind of infection caused inflammation, the doctor prescribes adequate treatment, selecting drugs and their dosage. Victory over infection means victory over prostatitis. The effect is approaching 100%.

    Today there is only one kind of prostatitis, which modern medicine is not able to overcome completely, is a prostatitis caused by herpes virus. But here you can achieve quite a decent quality of the patient's life for many years. All other theories about the lifelong cross prostatitis - not true.

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