Methods of thickening member


  • The problem of increasing a member
  • Operation on the thickening of the penis
  • How is the operation going

  • The problem of increasing a member

    The problem of the size of the penis takes its beginning with ancient phallic cults. So in handicraft and sculptural images of the ancient Hindus prevailed men with very long penises. On the island of Corsica, phallic monuments of the bronze century were discovered with a length of 15-25 cm. Excessively large sexual member is the main theme of the set of Japanese «Books for the night», used over the centuries as a visual excitation. In Europe, the Renaissance era in fashion was overhead men's gulfiki.

    Currently there is a steady increase in interest in operations, allowing to increase the size of the penis. This is due at all with increasing cases of congenital microfalus (reduced members), but rather with an increase in the liberation of modern men, which largely contributes to widespread coverage of problems relating to sex and harmony of family relations, in the media. As a rule, on the issue of increasing the genitals, men are treated with normal sizes of penis.

    Operation on the thickening of the penis

    Methods of thickening memberThe basis for carrying out surgical intervention is dissatisfaction with the quality of sexual life. Get rid of the complex such men can only making the microsurgical thickening of the penis. In the West, this new highly efficient operation costs about 20 thousand dollars - almost as much as surgical intervention in the heart. Fortunately, in Russia it is 6 times cheaper. The microsurgical thickening of the penis is a serious three-hour operation passing under general anesthesia.

    Thus, it becomes clear that the main motive of patients to increase the size of the penis is the desire to match the symbol of masculinity and sexuality. This symbol has developed historically and has recently been cultivated by the media. No less important reason is that a large penis is an additional factor of visual erotic stimulation. An analogy can be carried out with the size of the mammary glands, to increase which the implantation of special prostheses is widely carried out.

    Clear medical testimony for conducting operations to increase the size of the penis not defined. The only reason for people without mental disorders is their sustainable desire to change the size of the genitals.

    Today there are three options for the operation to thicken the penis

    • Implantation of leather grafts (usually from the field of buttocks)
    • Abdominal muscle transplant
    • Transplanting parts muscle with vessels.

    How is the operation going

    At the beginning of the operation, cutting up the extreme flesh. Then the skin from the penis moves to the pubic. Then there is a 10-15-centimeter muscular flap with its blood vessels, selected, taking into account the length of the penis and its desired thickness. This flap turns around the body of the penis, and its vessels are stitched with a groin vessels using microsurgical techniques. Finally, the movement of the skin is returned to its place, and the penis again acquires a natural look. But the changes are noticeable to the eye: its circle increases by 5 - 6 centimeters, and the length is 2 centimeters.

    After the operation, five days of bed regime and ten days stay in the hospital. You can resume sex life in two months. Patients note a significant improvement in the erection, which, apparently, is due not only with the increased confidence of men in their power, but also with the improvement of the blood supply to the penis. And the memory of the operation remains unobistant shrama under the arm and in the upper part of the pubic, the origin of which even the most attentive woman can guess.

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