The most common failure in the life of a man


  • Causes of impotence
  • Impotence - signal of other diseases
  • Diagnosis of impotence

  • Causes of impotence

    The most common failure in the life of a man The most frequent failure in the life of a man - so called the impotence known psychotherapist Sigmund Freud. Since that time, medicine has achieved a lot to the smallest detail, the technology of diagnosis and treatment of sexless powerlessness is worked out. But now problems with potency - the strongest blow to male pride.

    The idea that impotence begins with the head and is to blame the wrong emotional mood in it, which owed the minds for a long time. Now the weakness of the strong floor is increasingly explained by all sorts of problems and failures in the work of the internal organs, since the erection mechanism launches with the participation of almost all organism systems.

    Two of the ten representatives of strong sex suffer from erection violations. Only every tenth man who collided with sexual disorders appeals to a specialist.

    In 90% of cases, an erection can be restored.

    In 80% of men, impotence has physiological causes and signals any disadvantaged in the body.

    Impotence - signal of other diseases

    Leaded in the list of nonladudi with a psyche, which became chronic - neurotic disorders, depressed. In this case, the erection depends on the emotional state. Sometimes a full sexual intercourse is possible only subject to any conditions. For example, in a man «Everything works» Only with a specific partner, at certain times of the day or after masturbation.

    Frequent causes of sexual disorders - diabetes, alcoholism, drug addiction, intoxication, metabolic disorders. With these diseases, the transmission of pulses according to sensitive and motor fibers, which means that the reflex arc ensures the erection suffer.

    Problems with potency sometimes appear after injury or diseases of the spine and brain. Often disturbed erection - the first symptom of infectious damage, injury, tumors, epilepsy or Parkinson disease.

    Sexual attraction in hormonal disorders is noticeably reduced. As a rule, this happens against the background of the lack of male sex hormones or in an excess of female.

    Atherosclerosis, congenital defects and other diseases of the vessels also threaten impotence. The fact is that such disorders impede the normal influx of blood to the cavernous bodies of the penis.

    Impotence can develop and as a side effect of drug reception. Antidepressants, neuroleptics, tranquilizers, drugs that are treated with hypertension and those that reduce gastric secretion are influenced by erection.

    For sexual failures, inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland, urethra, bladder and eggs are sometimes hiding. In general, any chronic diseases, nervous and physical overwork do not mostly affect the male strength.

    Diagnosis of impotence

    To eliminate urogenital diseases, you need a consultation of a urologist or an andrologist, followed by ultrasound examination, surrendering blood tests and sperm, taking bacteriological smears.

    If there is a suspicion that your problem is related to hormonal disorders, refer to the endocrinologist. May be needed ultrasound examination of endocrine glands, computed tomography. Laboratory diagnostics will help set the level of a blood hormone level.

    Vascular disorders are detected using ultrasonic dopplerography. Modern techniques allow you to determine the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the blood supply to the penis. For the same purpose, functional samples are assigned. In the cavernous bodies of the penis introduce vasodilatory drugs. At the same time, blood pressure is compared to the artery of the penis and shoulder artery.

    Eliminate the diseases of the spine and brain, as well as a peripheral nerve will help neurologist. For this, several complex studies are sometimes assigned - tomography of the head and spinal cord, electroencephalography, electromyography, reophiecephalography.

    Estimate the mental component of sexual disorder should psychotherapist, a sexopathologist or psychiatrist. The main diagnostic technology used by these specialists is a conversation with a patient, various methods of psychological testing.

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