First aid for collapse

No mechanism in the world harder the human body. It is not surprising that each thing here has «Gears»: The slightest breakdown stroops the work of the entire system! The ability to quickly navigate and provide first aid to yourself or other often comes to help in a difficult moment. For example, these knowledge can be useful when you need to withdraw from the status of a collapse.

Collapse refer to acute vascular failure, which is denounced a sharp drop in arterial and venous pressure, reducing the tone of vessels and reduced cardiac output. As a result of the rapid pathological process metabolism slows down, organs and fabrics are tested by a sharp deficiency of oxygen, all the functions of the body are extremely suppressed. This phenomenon is nothing more than a complication of serious diseases.

Causes of collapse development

blood pressure, vascular disease, collapse, vascular failure, vessels

There are many factors that are direct or indirectly affecting the development of collapse, however, the Mircean considers it necessary to allocate two main causes underlying this pathological condition:

  1. With a sharp and large loss of blood, the volume of the blood stream decreases and, as a result, ceases to correspond to the bandwidth of the blood vessels constituting the bloodstream system.
  2. The effect of poisonous and pathogenic elements on vascular and venous walls is invariably ends with the loss of the total tone of the circulatory system as a whole. In this soil develops acute vascular failure, a sharp reduction in the volume of circulating blood cells and acute oxygen deficiency.

Against the background of a decrease in the tone of the vessels, blood pressure drops in the affected, as a result of which his condition continues to deteriorate avalanche.

Different types of collapse have different points of launch of pathogenetic processes. We list the most common of them:

  • abundant loss of blood;
  • general poisoning of the body;
  • sharp change of body poses;
  • Attachment Pancreatitis;
  • Reducing oxygen concentration in the air, which breathes a person.

Manifestation of pathological condition

blood pressure, vascular disease, collapse, vascular failure, vessels

There are several classifications that are divided by collapse on species on various features. We will give here a collapse classification by origin - due to its simplicity and convenience, it meets most often. So, the collapse happens:

  • Infectious-toxic - develops when the condition of the heart and blood vessels is violated due to the activities of bacteria that caused infectious disease;
  • toxic - develops as a result of general poisoning of the body;
  • pancreatic - appears on the basis of severe pancreatic damage;
  • hypoxmic - cause of development becomes acute oxygen deficiency or conditions of high atmospheric pressure;
  • The burn - caused by extensive heavy skin burns;
  • Hyperthermic - arises as a result of a long stay in the sun;
  • dehydration - develops with high loss of fluid;
  • Cardiogenic - the basis of development is the various serious pathology of the heart muscle;
  • Hemorrhagic - comes with mass loss of blood. This phenomenon is also called deep shock;
  • Plasmor's reasons for its development becomes a large loss of plasma due to severe Diarrhea or extensive body burns;
  • Ortostatic - it happens with a sharp change of the posture (for example, bringing the body to a vertical position);
  • Enterogenic - may occur in people with a remote part of the stomach after meals.

In addition, it is worth adding that the cause of the development of hemorrhagic collapse is considered both obvious external blood loss and hidden internal bleeding. We are talking about ulcerative colitis, ulcer of the stomach or traumatic lesion of the spleen.

During a cardiogenic collapse, there is a possibility of the development of arterial thromboembolism when on the soil Myocardial infarction or angina chase percussion of the heart muscle.

A condition that is very close to collaptic may occur in the overdose of drugs of certain medicinal groups, among which sympatholites, neuroleptics and adrenoblays consider potentially dangerous.

Orthostatic collapse that occurs when a person is in a vertical position for a long time, may come from a completely healthy person, and children and adolescents are subject to this sudden fear.

Toxic collapse often becomes a regularity characteristic of people whose professional activities are related to poisonous, hazardous substances: cyanides, carbohydrate oxide, amino compounds.

If we talk about age categories, then among children of pathological cases, more than among adults, and children carry this phenomenon is extremely difficult. As we have already noted, the reasons for the development of the collapse are quite a lot: a serious condition may appear in minutes to appear with intestinal infection, influenza, inflammation of the lungs, allergic reaction of immediate type, impaired adrenal activities. In addition, the collapse is often caused by a strong fright, injury and a large loss of blood.

How to help the victim

blood pressure, vascular disease, collapse, vascular failure, vessels

With the slightest suspicion of the rapidly developing collapse hurry without delay to dial the number Ambulance. Specialists will be able to determine how dangerous is the condition of the victim and, which is important, immediately prescribe the primary treatment regimen. True, even more important to rescue a person's life have your actions to render. That's what you will need:

  1. Put the victim to a smooth and sufficiently rigid surface, say, on the floor.
  2. Lift your legs to a man and put a pillow under them, and the head is a little dripping, so that it is easier for him to breathe. With the same purpose, unzipped on the clothes of the patient buttons, which can sink the chest, unbutton the belt, which presses on the stomach.
  3. Open the windows: in the room should be fresh.
  4. Try to bring a person to feel: bring the ammonia to his nose, intensively massage the ushi's mushfish, scroll to him whiskey. If the patient flows blood flowing, try to stop it.

Attention! A person, presumably in a state of collapse, is contraindicated with drugs that expand the vessels (But-shp, Glycerol, Valokordin). Also, it is impossible to beat the victim on the cheeks in an attempt to return him to consciousness.

Treatment of collapse

blood pressure, vascular disease, collapse, vascular failure, vessels

Human treatment with orthostatic and infectious collapse is possible in nonstationary conditions. But the hemorrhagic collapse, which developed on the basis of great blood loss, requires immediate hospitalization.

The pathological condition caused by the collapse is adjusted by adhering to the following scheme of actions:

  1. If possible, the factor is eliminated, which has become the immediate cause of collapse development.
  2. Stop bleeding, then conduct overall detoxification of the body, restore the full supply of the body of the injured oxygen.
  3. Adrenaline introduced and conduct antidote therapy.
  4. Normalize the work of the heart muscle.
  5. Enhance arterial and venous pressure, stimulate breathing.
  6. Enter blood and plasma-substituting drugs to activate blood circulation.

All these events help return a person to a normal state.

Prevention complications in the form of a collapse

To prevent collapse development, you need to remember these rules:

  • The main disease requires responsible treatment;
  • patients in serious condition and the state of moderate severity need constant supervision;
  • Pedagogues must necessarily inform that on the rules, fees and other events, children can not be fixedly standing.

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