How to live after heart attack?


  • Internal tension
  • Fear before re-infarction and sudden death
  • Unjustified concern for their health
  • Psychedia syndrome

  • SO
    time becomes clear that infarction – not a cold passing
    Dustily. Changes in the body irreversible. Infarction – Disease, S
    which will have to put up the rest of life.
    How to live after a heart attack?
    Fearfully. Sometimes it is so scary that the patient sharply reduces its
    physical activity, ceases to feel a full-fledged member

    But in fact, appreciating his condition correctly, quite
    You can lead an active lifestyle. What problems occur in the patient and
    How to overcome them?


    Yaya Tension

    Reasons for concern Many:
    As in the future, the disease will develop as a disease will affect
    on the well-being of the family what to do with work?

    Perhaps many fears will help to overcome the psychotherapist. But he can
    only help, basic «Job» falls on the shoulders of the patient. It is forbidden
    stay alone with their thoughts. Return to Labor
    Collective – good stimulus for correct assessment of the situation.

    Family relations are very important, how the disease was reacted
    Close people. Caring should not be obsessive, but without it can not do.

    Do not delay with the restoration of sexual activity, which
    very important for the normalization of the psychological state. But also
    No need to hurry. Check with your attending cardiologist, is there no
    Contraindications. Yes I «Cardual» Preparations can be provided
    Impact on opportunity.

    Fear before re-infarction and sudden death

    Can increase with exercise, when leaving home. And suddenly the attack who will help?

    Overcome fear will allow permanent availability in the pocket of effective
    medicines. The patient should be convinced that their timely
    Reception will help avoid serious trouble. Routes daily
    walks should gradually lengthen and remove from home. In the first days
    It is better to make them not alone, but accompanied by home.

    Unjustified concern for their health

    Patients are ready
    Measure pressure and pulse every 10 minutes. Regularly visited
    all sorts of doctors who do not find pathologies. What is here
    give advice? Believe doctors, distract and find yourself interesting
    class. If there is no work – Take a social life.

    Psychedia syndrome

    Expressed in general weakness, fatigue and
    irritability. Mood is constantly depressed, apathy. In such
    Situations, of course, have to go to a psychotherapist, otherwise it can develop
    depression. But independent efforts are also needed.

    Under the control of the doctor
    It is necessary to regulate its life, pay attention to the scrupulous
    Compliance with the outlined events, remember that the heart attack – Not a sentence,
    With proper behavior, health status is sooner or later, but
    Restores almost completely.

    Sometimes the body chooses a defense line based on the denial of the disease.
    The patient does not believe in the seriousness of the situation, believes that temporary
    Difficulties have long been behind, just doctors are insured and intimidated

    Such a line of behavior is extremely dangerous. Revaluation of their capabilities
    can lead to relapses and even to death. Surrounding must
    Unobtrusively restrain those «Imaginary healthy». And the patients themselves are not worn
    ask comrades in misfortunes how their ailments developed and what
    sometimes leads neglect of the advice of doctors.

    A person can a lot. And life after heart attack does not stop. Just
    Remember that your plans and desires must be poisoned with a new level
    opportunities. They are no longer such as before, but still very great.

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