Cryptorchism. Cryptorchism treatment


Question number 1. What is cryptorchism?

Cryptorchism is an abnormal development anomaly at which one or both eggs are missing in the scrotum. Normally, the docking child at birth or in the first days, the Egg should be determined in the scrotum. However, it is very often there are cases of unfinished egg omit. Immediately after birth, Kriptorchism meets 10-20% of boys, by the first year 70% of them have spontaneous omnovation of eggs in the scrotum.

Question # 2. What are the causes of development of cryptorchism?

Causes of cryptorchism bind with two main factors. This is a mechanical obstacle and delayed eggs on the path of migration (traction, peritoneal battle, underdevelopment of vascular legs) and dysfunction of endocrine glasses of mothers and fetus regulating the development of gonad.

Question number 3. What are cryptorchism detection methods?

As a rule, in children, cryptorchism detects experienced parents. In adults, cryptorchism is rare. When cryptorchism is detected or suspicious, you need a mandatory examination from doctors - surgeon, urologist, pediatrician. The diagnosis is made on the basis of palpation and ultrasound examination. Since cryptorchism is of different localization (groin, abdominal), as well as one-sided, bilateral, false, true and ectopia of eggs, you need to distinguish these states.

Cryptorchism. Cryptorchism treatment
False cryptorchism. Often there is no inspection of the Egg in the scrotum. However, under the influence of heat, in a calm, relaxed state, the testicle itself sank into the scrotum. This is the so-called emission migrant, it is explained by the fact that in the appropriate age of the egg diameter less than the diameter of the outdoor groove ring and the muscle raising the testicle, while reducing it easily pulls it up to the region of groin fold. With such situations, observation and treatment is not required, as it is considered an option for the norm.

True cryptorchism is a delay of eggs in the abdominal cavity or in the inguinal canal, when inspected, underdeveloped half of the scrotum, where the egg should be placed. With true inaccurate cryptorchism, it is possible to determine the localization of the egg during the palpation, but it is difficult or impossible to reduce it in the scrotum.

With inguinal cryptorchism, the Egg is highly or low in relation to the outdoor groin ring. At an early age (up to 5 years), possibly conservative treatment. In the absence of effect you need operational treatment.

With abdominal cryptorchism, it is impossible to determine the testicle. For diagnostics, often resort to ultrasound research or computer method. Sometimes, in atrophy or congenital absence of eggs, the definition of its localization is difficult. Abdominal cryptorchism can be accompanied by pain in the field of an unopened egg, caused by the growth of eggs or a violation of the passage on a seed. Treatment should only be operational.

Ectopia Egg - this is the omission omission is not in the usual place (under the skin of the perineum, the inner surface of the hip, into the subcutaneous fiber of the groin area). The main cause of deviations are mechanical obstacles. Treatment should only be operational.

Acquired cryptorchism - with scrotum injuries and a wide inguinal ring, egg can migrate in groin or abdominal cavity.

Question number 4. What are the dangers and complications of cryptorchism?

  • Permanent or periodic pain due to egg injuries due to unusual localization.
  • Infringement or twist eggs. In this case, there is a violation of the blood supply of eggs, sharp pains and in the coming hours of eggs die. These states may arise from ordinary people, but when cryptorchism meets much more often.
  • Very often, cryptorchism is combined with congenital anomalies: hernias, (which can be accessed and creating a risk of life), hypontalia or anomalies of other organs.
  • Infertility and spermatogenesis. 70% of patients with bilateral cryptorchism. The abnormal arrangement of the egg leads to a violation of its thermal regime and blood supply, traumatization, hormonal disorders, which contributes to the occurrence of dystrophic processes, violation of spermatogenesis.
  • Approximately 80% of patients with egg cancer a history of different shapes of cryptorchism are detected. In the abdominal form of cryptorchism, the egg cancer occurs about 12 times more. This is due to the increased temperature regime in the abdominal cavity and in the tissues of eggs that are not adapted to such conditions, mutations occur more often.

Cryptorchism treatment

Treatment is strictly individually, can be both conservative and operational. Cryptorchism treatment should be started immediately after the diagnosis is set. Conservative treatment is mainly carried out in early childhood. In the absence of effect from conservative therapy, you need to resort to surgical treatment. When cryptorchism is found in children over 5, it is advisable to immediately perform the operation.

Conservative treatment It is the appointment of vitaminotherapy, special hormonal drugs that can stimulate the omnote of the egg in the scrotum.

Operational treatment With inguinal cryptorchism. Operation is performed under anesthesia or local anesthesia. With inguinal cryptorchism, an incision is performed 1.5-2.5 cm in the groin area. The essence of the operation is reduced to mobilization of an unopened egg, seed rope, blood vessels. Then the egg is lowered, and fixes in the scrotum in one or two stages.

Operational treatment with abdominal cryptorchism. In abdominal cryptorchism there are two ways to operate.

Open operation. Open the stomach, and after the discovery of the eggs mobilize and reduce it into the scrotum in one or two stages.

At the same time, with the help of small processes, the testicle in the scrotum or in groin. In older children and adults, the egg is most often removed, since very often the testicle is hypotrophic and not visibility, as well as high risk of tumor occurrence. In this way, by the abdominal cavity, we developed the method allows you to simultaneously eliminate the accompanying inguinal hernia.

Attention! Patients with cryptorchism after reducing the testicles should be observed almost constantly, as there is a high risk of egg cancer in these patients.

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