Bad wound healing (secondary tension) often leads to the formation of coarse, rotational scars that deliver psychological and aesthetic discomfort, especially if they are located in prominent places.
What is Rubet

Norhmotrophic scar - This is the optimal version of the scar, which occurs at a normal tissue reaction to injury. Nimmotrophic scar lies at the level of normal healthy skin, it is elastic and light. The resorption of such scars can even occur independently, without treatment.
Atrophic and hypotrophic scars There is an insufficient amount of collagen when tightening the wound. This is a warent, drawn scars located below the skin level. Despite the light color, hypotrophic and atrophic scars are noticeable, so atrophic scar in treatment already needs.
Hypertrophic scars, On the contrary, it occurs with an excessive tissue reaction to injury. In this case, the formation of a scar, as a rule, passes in unfavorable conditions. Excess collagen cannot fully resolve, resulting in a scar of hypertrophored, protruding over the skin surface, as a rule, darker, very noticeable. Hypertrophic scars most often need a laser grinding procedure.
Keloid scars - The most visible and unpleasant. The reasons for the formation of a keloid scar are about the same as hypertrophic.
The keloid scar sharply performs above the skin level, and the scar is usually wider than its foundation. The color of the keloid scar is usually pink with a pronounced shiny tint. Besides unsightly appearance, hypertrophic keloid scars are extremely painful.
Therefore, even putting aside aesthetic considerations, the need to remove keloid scars is obvious. At the same time, the treatment of keloid scars - the procedure is extremely complex. Only a few clinic removal of scars are practicing the removal of scars - keloids.
Specialists in laser cosmetology and plastic surgery use laser elimination of scars to correct the scars of any kind, origin and location, successfully conducting even the treatment of keloid scars and laser removal of scars on the face!
There are two laser removal methods.
- Laser treatment of scars and scars on Neodime technology® - it is a means of scars, effective seam treatment and the method of removing scars, with which the scar tissue is converted into normal. In the process of treatment with laser scar, impulse impact of Neodime® softens and compares the scar with the skin. Perhaps even hair restoration on scars of the scratch!
Correction of scars by the method of microderms - Laser grinding of scars and scarring with Erbiyem laser. Scar correction and elimination of microdermabrasion scars occurs due to the fact that the laser layer behind the layer removes scar cloth. Treatment of dermabrasion chalms makes it possible to correct the scarring of all kinds, primarily hypertrophic and normatrophic scars.
Method of removal of scars with a laser suitable for atrophic scars. Alignment of the scars of this species is combined with subsequent plastic seam. Atrophic rings are tychifying with erbium, and during the subsequent scar plastics are filled with biodegradable gels or collagen to compare the scar with the skin surface.
In overseas cosmetology, the scars of any kind is treated with a laser.
Elimination Procedure Laser
In the process of removal of charm and scars, the impulse effect of the neodymium laser stimulates fibroblasts (cells that produce collagen) work more intense, allowing you to smooth out the scars, make them more elastic and compose with the skin surface. But a truly impressive result of the elimination of scars and the correction of scars gives a combination of neodymium effects with laser dermabrasion of scars.
Only laser grinding of scars and scars with an erbium laser in the process of plastic scar can be delicately and up to Micron (!) eliminate scar tissue, which does not allow any other method of treatment of scars.
Only grinding with a laser of scars and scars in sufficient quantities launches the synthesis of collagen - «Building material» For skin renewal.
Only the process of removing scars with a laser stimulates the active division of healthy cells, thereby ensuring the elimination of scars, sinking scars and the formation of a new smooth skin.
Only a laser beam against scars has a bactericidal action, leveling the risk of infection and complications in the process of treatment of scars and scars of microdermabrasia.
Number of Charm Correction Procedures
The course of elimination of the scarring with a laser is always individual. On average, 4-6 laser grinding procedures are required or scars with an interval of 6-9 weeks.
The question of how to remove scars - far from idle. Laser plastic scars practically does not have contraindications, the treatment of dermabrasion scars is carried out quickly, and modern Naomi technologies made procedures for laser grinding of scars absolutely painless.
After the procedure of laser grinding of seams, dermatological cosmetics are assigned to all patients to improve epithelization and protection against ultraviolet rays.
Make sure that modern technologies in the hands of our professionals are able to work wonders, providing simply stunning results of laser grinding of scars!