Myocardial infarction


  • What it is?
  • Why it happens?
  • What happens?
  • Symptoms and diagnosis of infarction
  • Treatment
  • Rehabilitation after heart attack
  • Prevention

  • What it is?

    Myocardium is a heart muscle. By arteries,
    which are called coronary, blood comes to it. If
    Some of these arteries blocks blood clots - Trombus,
    then a portion of the heart that it nourishes, remains without blood supply,
    and therefore without oxygen. «On a hungry soldering» Miocardial cells can
    live at best 20-30 minutes. Then they die - it is
    Heart attack, sampler in heart fabric. On the affected place
    Rubet remains.

    Last time myocardial infarction is rapidly
    «young people». Now they are not uncommon when he is striking people, barely
    Perevagging thirty-year threshold. True, in women younger than 50 years
    heart attack - big rarity. Before that turns their vessels are protected
    from atherosclerosis estrogen and other sex hormones.
    But with the onset of the climax of a woman, on the contrary, they get sick more often.

    From what
    This happens?

    The main cause of the disease - atherosclerosis, which is almost
    each of us. In addition, we call the circumstances of life
    (and dependent on us, and no), in which the probability of getting sick
    high:Myocardial infarction

    • male gender;
    • For women, dangerous age comes after
      50 years;
    • Heredity (IBS, heart attack, brain stroke,
      At least one of the direct relatives: parents, grandparents,
      brother, sisters, especially if the disease has started
      up to 55 years);
    • Increased cholesterol content in blood (more than 5 mmol / l
      or more than 200 mg / dl);
    • Smoking (one of the most essential factors
    • excess body weight and a sedentary lifestyle;
    • raising
      blood pressure (more than 140/90 mm RT.Art. in any
    • diabetes.

    The presence of at least one of these factors
    Really increases the risk «acquaintance» With myocardial infarction. Moreover
    joining each new risk factor increases the likelihood
    sick in geometric progression.

    They also say that
    Baldness in men is a kind of precursor of heart attack,
    Since one of the factors of the appearance of Lysin is elevated
    The level of androgens, and in the case of hormonal oscillations the body
    reacts to change the content of hormones by lifting arterial
    Pressure and increase in blood cholesterol.

    What happens?

    Atherosclerosis -
    The process in which some in the wall of large arteries are postponed
    Fats (cholesterol and other lipids) if they are in abundance
    in blood. Those places on the vascular wall, where lipid clusters are especially
    Many are called atherosclerotic plaques.

    Blyka - the most
    Vulnerable space in the vascular wall. Especially if she «Young» And in Ne
    still did not have time to postpone calcium. In the most unexpected moment of the wall
    plaques, which means that the inner shell of the heart artery can crack,
    ride. For the body, this is alarm. Crack he seeks
    Heal with blood clots.

    Therefore, on a damaged place
    immediately begins to turn down the blood. Trome education reminds
    rolling with mountain snowball. If it does not interfere with him, the thrombus is very
    Rights rapidly until the whole clearance of the arteries. Then blood flow
    It ceases, cell death begins and infarction develops
    Myocardia. The larger the artery, which closed the thrombus, the more cells
    Myocardia will die.

    The integrity of atherosclerotic plaques can disrupt the rapid heartbeat and an increase in blood pressure.

    Infarction can
    start during severe physical or emotional load,
    But often it develops without any visible reason, as if Myocardial infarctionOn empty
    place. Perhaps - even in a dream. But the most «Favorite» His time is early

    Depending on the size of heart attacks divide
    on large-scale, in which necrosis applies to the whole thickness
    heart muscle, and small-scale. More dangerous large-scale infarction
    The front wall of myocardium.

    With the rear or side wall infarction,
    especially small-scale (not for the whole thickness), its consequences are not so
    Traumatic. The scar on the heart muscle stays for life.
    Involve it can not, and about the suffered hearth heart «remember»

    Symptoms and diagnosis of infarction

    First sign,
    allowing to suspect the heart attack, usually becomes cruel pain
    Behind the sternum, that is, in the middle of the chest. Usually able
    rest; presses, burns, compresses, can give in hand, shoulder, back,
    Jaw, neck.

    When angina, such pain occurs during
    loads, and with a heart attack it is stronger and more often starts at rest
    and does not pass after the nitroglycerin tablets taken after each other
    (1 tablet under the tongue every 5 minutes).

    With these
    Signs immediately call «Ambulance». The ability to endure in this
    case - a dangerous enemy. Sometimes the disease manifests itself vomiting or
    An unpleasant sensation in the abdomen, interruptions in the heart or difficulty
    breathing, loss of consciousness.

    Yes, it happens:
    man suffered a heart attack, without even noticing this. So-called
    The solemn form of myocardial infarction is more often observed in people suffering
    diabetes. Changes occurring at heart factory are clearly visible
    on electrocardogram. To clarify the area and degree of lesion can
    be appointed ultrasound heart (echocardiography), which makes it possible
    See structural changes. In some cases, the doctor can recommend
    Conducting scintigraphy.


    In order not to risk, with the slightest
    Suspicion of infarction doctors send a person in intensive care
    hospital department. And the faster, the better. After all, only for
    The first few hours, introducing special drugs, can be dissolved
    «fresh» Trombus and restore blood flow in the coronary artery. Then
    New thrombus should be prevented.

    For this use
    Medicines slowing down blood coagulation. One of the most reliable
    means - acetylsalicylic acid, that is, the usual aspirin.
    It reduces the number of complications and prolongs the lives to people who have suffered

    Often, beta blockers are used in treatment. These
    Preparations reduce the need of myocardium in oxygen, and therefore saves
    Cells of the heart muscle from death, reduce the size of necrosis.
    At the same time they make the work of the heart more economical, that when infarct
    very important.

    In recent years, for the treatment of heart attack is used
    Not only medicines. In particular, to so-called invasive methods
    Refers coronary titious angioplasty. Angioplasty is shown at
    Ineffective drug therapy. In another case, cardiac surgery
    can offer an operation of the Aorticoronary Schuntation.

    For the first time
    days required strict bed. At this time damaged
    Heart may not even withstand even miniMyocardial infarctionSmall loads. Previously man,
    suffered by heart attack, did not rise from bed a few weeks. Today
    The term of bed regime is significantly reduced.

    But still,
    at least three days after the heart attack it is necessary to lie in bed supervision
    doctors. Then it is allowed to sit, later get up, walk. Begins
    recovery, adaptation to the new, «afterinfarcity» Life.

    Rehabilitation after heart attack

    Is it possible after
    heart attack back to the usual life? To say hard «Yes» or «No»
    hard. After all, it has its own: one works by a loader, and the other
    spends days at the desk. First will not be easy to engage
    the usual activity, and the second one will interfere. Besides,
    complications, and the heart attacks themselves are different.

    After a heart attack stretched for several months. After all, the disease
    not comic, it demands to revise your lifestyle, something in it

    Rehabilitation begins in the hospital, where in the way with the prem
    drugs and the passage of physiotherapy procedures
    gradually increasing the intensity of exercise. (Special
    Caution - Word «gradually»).

    In no case do not force the events.
    Medical physical education classes, walking first on a flat surface,
    then - on stairs.

    By the way, it is the staircase - a good test
    ready for active life. If the patient can an average pace
    climb to the fourth floor, not feeling pain in the chest or shortness, it means,
    Recovery is successful. For a more accurate estimate of the state
    often use a sample with dosage load. Usually it is performed
    on a special bike - a bicycle game or on «Running track».

    long need to take medicine? The answer is one: all my life! Even
    The well-being is beautiful. That is why it is beautiful that constantly
    Accepted preparations help the heart.

    Can I behave sex
    Life after heart attack? Unable to ask this question
    attending doctor. Everything will depend on how you carry
    PhysicalMyocardial infarctionChesky loads (and sexual intercourse is a load, and considerable).

    But there is
    and general for all the rules that need to remember to be sexual
    Contact ended with pleasure, and not a new heart attack.

    First, it should take place with the usual partner, secondly,
    in the usual atmosphere, and thirdly, choosing a position for sexual act,
    It is necessary to prefer this at which the load is minimal - for example,
    On the side.


    From some risk factors (Paul
    and heredity) not going anywhere. But all the rest are quite
    Amenable to our efforts! Support blood pressure in the norm,
    and watch the weather - for example, for people with elevated
    arterial pressure dangerous are heat and geomagnetic

    Normalize blood sugar level. Move more! At all
    not necessary «Run from heart attack», enough to walk in the fresh
    air at least 5-6 kilometers per day. It is very important to quit smoking - it
    one of the most «Aggressive» Risk factors. Try to reset the Lesnes

    What should be the normal weight? Let's consider: Your weight
    In kilograms, divide into growth in meters, erected into a square.
    The resulting number is called the body mass index. Need to strive
    to ensure that it does not exceed 26.

    Power should be with minimal
    The content of animal fats and cholesterol. More vegetables and fruits.
    Instead of oily pork - white poultry meat, butter replace
    Sunflower, Salo - Fish. Such a diet reduces not only
    cholesterol level, but also expenses.

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