Treatment of heart failure


  • Treatment of heart failure

  • However, before the beginning of the drug treatment of heart failure, it is necessary to eliminate all possible factors provoking its appearance (feverish states, anemia, stress, excessive use of the table salt, alcohol abuse, as well as the reception of drugs that contribute to the fluid delay in the body and others.).

    The main accent in treatment is done both to eliminate the causes of the very heart failure and on the correction of its manifestations.

    Treatment of heart failure

    Among the general measures for the treatment of heart failure should be noted. It does not mean that the patient needs to lie all the time. The physical activity is permissible and desirable, but it should not cause significant fatigue and unpleasant sensations. If the portability of the load is significantly limited, then the patient should be able to sit again, and not lie. During periods of lack of pronounced shortness of breath and edema recommend walking outdoors. It should be remembered that the performance of physical activity in patients with heart failure should be devoid of any elements of the competition.

    Sleep sick heart failure more comfortable with a raised head end of a bed or on a high pillow. Patients with leg eductions In addition, it is recommended to sleep with a slightly elevated foot end of a bed or a thin pillow-fender, which helps to reduce the severity of edema.

    The diet should be with a reduced salt content, finished food should not be acted. It is very important to achieve reduction of excess weight, as it creates a significant additional burden on the sore heart. Although the weight may decline in itself with far heart failure. To control the weight and timely detection of fluid delay in the body, daily weighing at the same time.

    Currently, the following drugs facilitating are used to treat heart failure:

    • increase myocardial reductions;
    • reduce the tone of vessels;
    • reduce fluid delay in the body;
    • eliminate sinus tachycardia;
    • Prevention of thrombosis in the cavities of the heart.

    Among medicines that increase the reduction of myocardium, the so-called cardiac glycosides (Digoxin and DR.). Cardiac glycosides increase the pumping function of the heart and urination (diuresis), and also contribute to better portability of physical exertion. Among the main side effects observed in their overdose, I will note nausea, the appearance of arrhythmias, a change in color perception. If in past years, cardiac glycosides were prescribed to all patients with heart failure, then they are currently prescribed to patients with heart failure in combination with the so-called flickering arrhythmia.

    Treatment of heart failure
    Drugs lowering the tone of vessels include so-called vasodilators (from Latin Words VAS and Dilatatio – «Expansion of the vessel»). There are vasodilators with predominant impact on artery, veins, as well as mixed action preparations (artery + veins). Some of them: Captropril, Enalapril, Perindopril, Lysinopril, Ramipril. The most frequently noted by the side effect associated with the use of these drugs is a dry irritant cough («As if the tassel is tickling»). This cough does not testify any new illness, but may disturb the patient. Cough can pass after short-term cancellation of the drug. But, unfortunately, it is the cough that is the most common reason for the cessation of drugs.

    To reduce the delay of excess fluid in the body, various diuretic preparations are prescribed (diuretics), differing in force and duration of action. So-called loop diuretics (furosemid, etcrinic acid) begin to act very quickly after their reception. Due to the use of furosemide, in particular, you can get rid of several liters of fluid in a short time, especially with its intravenous administration. Typically, the severity of the having shortness of breath decreases straight «In the eyes». The main side effect of drugs is to reduce the concentration of potassium blood ions, which can cause weakness, convulsions, as well as interruptions in the work of the heart.

    To reduce heart rate apply so-called β-(beta) -Adrenoblocators. At the expense of the influence on the heart, its blood flow is improved by these drugs, and, consequently, the cardiac emission increases. For the treatment of chronic heart failure created β-Adrenoblorker Carvedilol, prescribed at first in minimum doses, ultimately contributing to the increase in the contractile function of the heart. Unfortunately, the side effect of some β-adrenoblockers, in particular, the ability to cause bronchial narrowing and increase blood glucose content, may limit their use in patients with bronchial asthma and diabetes.

    For the prevention of thrombosis in the chambers of the heart and development of thromboembolism, so-called anticoagulants are prescribed, inhibiting the activity of the coagulation system of blood.

    Treatment of an attack of acute left left vehicles, in particular, pulmonary edema is carried out in hospital. But already doctors «emergency medical care» Medications can be introduced, inhalation of oxygen and other urgent events were carried out. In the hospital started therapy will continue.

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