What herbs are treated, and which cripples? Myths and Phytotherapy Reality


  • What is phytotherapy?
  • Winter — Time to drink St. John's wig
  • Frostyanik under the ban
  • Not a panacea, but helps
  • Bada — Not medicine
  • Why the bath is more useful?

  • Tatyana Kiselev says, Deputy General Director
    on the scientific work of the Federal Scientific Clinical Experimental
    Center for traditional methods of diagnosis and treatment of Roszdrava.

    What is phytotherapy?

    — Tatyana Leonidovna, scientific confirmation of the effectiveness of phytotherapy was obtained?

    — Sure. Let's start with the fact that phytotherapy — Registered I
    Permission for medical use on the territory of the Russian Federation.
    Half of drugs used in Russia, — Vegetable origin,
    But all of them passed pharmacological and clinical testsWhat herbs are treated, and what cries? Myths and Phytotherapy RealityAnnia.

    This is
    Scientific confirmation? Sure. From plants were allocated so good
    famous individual and total drugs like atropine from
    Beautiful, Bells and Skopoly, Roughtin from Rowolphia, Lowering
    arterial pressure. From Lily of Mayska received highly purified
    the amount of cardiac glycosides that acts directly on
    Cardiac muscle.

    This is a scientific confirmation of phytotherapy? Sure.
    Medicines derived from plants, like all synthetic preparations,
    allow in the pharmacy network only after the passage of a certain
    procedures scientifically confirming their effectiveness, safety and

    — And the fees also undergo clinical trials?

    — Of course. If they are registered in the prescribed manner,
    Using the collection is entered into the state register, which contains all
    Medicinal preparations allowed for medical use on
    territory of the Russian Federation. So phytotherapy today is sufficiently scientifically
    justified. Another thing is that it is necessary to apply it competently, but always have
    people who believe that they can treat better than doctors.

    For example, we consider the newspaper of the call. It's like u
    Griboedov — mixture «French with Nizhny Novgorod». I understand people
    publish your experience, there are also qualified authors doctors, but
    Sometimes when you read some advice, you understand that he will bring
    Real harm. One reader very recommended to drip in the ear
    Celebrated with alcohol. But the juice of cleanliness in pure form gives the strongest
    burn, especially with alcohol...

    And the fact that it should be diluted into several
    Once it was written not to. Such examples of thousands. Yes, someone
    Recipes help, but there is no katamnese — What happened to the patient after
    Treatment? He is alive? Healthy Lie? And how many launched cases due to
    Such treatment?

    Winter — Time to drink St. John's wig

    — Many people think that the so-called «Hose» In the worst case, not
    help, but harm will not cause... Although at one time all the poisons were
    Vegetable origin...

    — That's it, the whole thing in a dose and in timeliness of destination.
    Hunther — Beautiful plant, it is even called «Plant from 99
    Diseases». This is true. But whether everyone knows that it is impossible for him in summer
    accept? And, in no way, because it contains
    substances increasing skin sensitivity, and especially affected
    plots to sunlight.

    Sheep in Scotland sometimes painted in black
    color because if the whisper sheep in the field eaten the holper, it
    Could lead to shock. From excessive susceptibility to the sun animal
    Could die — No in vain St. Joby is called the Hyverobe. Therefore, as
    Just begins bright sunny days, Zvertoy must be excluded from all
    fees, replace it with other ingredients.

    The effect of the use of tonic plants with long light
    the bottom, on the contrary, decreases, and most often they turn out to be low. AND
    It is necessary to assign them competently: the female is the belt and
    Rhodiola pink (golden root), and male — Lemongrian. Relatively
    Universal is Eleutherokokk, Levsay (Marali root) and

    Frostyanik under the ban

    — Can herbs have a negative impact on health? It was
    so that modern data show the danger of one or another
    Traditional means?

    — Can and so to speak. For example, completely harmless tool
    Considered mother and stepmother. Her cough gives everyone. But in it, it turns out,
    contain a considerable amount of alkaloids that can accumulate and
    render toxic action, What herbs are treated, and what cries? Myths and Phytotherapy RealityIn particular, on the liver. It turns out that
    baby cough, we want to help and give a mother-and-stepmother, but he and so
    intoxication, and we add alkaloids there. If applied
    short period less than 7 days — there is nothing terrible, and if more —
    Cumulation comes and possibly a side toxic effect.

    And all these hobbies by a freezer, on which allegedly lose weight? Hellebore
    In general, it was excluded from the pharmacopoeia — List of permitted plants — due to
    His high toxicity. It acts on the heart muscle, strengthens
    heart abbreviations, at first stimulates, but then it causes reverse
    Effect, up to deaths.

    Or, for example, chamomile pharmacy. I would seem to be
    harmless? And it contains salicylates. It is known that long
    The effects of salicylic acid and its derivatives causes problems with
    Gastric and intestines mucosa.

    Not a panacea, but helps

    — How do you feel about trying oncological diseases?

    — A large number of launched cancer cases is due to the fact that people
    confessed in some kind of grief experts who exhausted articles from
    Popular editions and began to treat others. The most important —
    Clearly designate the place of phytotherapy in a particular case. The doctor must
    to diagnose, evaluate the patient's condition, accompanying
    Diseases and understand at what stage and in what form can be
    Used phytotherapy.

    Along with other methods, she gives very
    good results, moreover, it can have a favorable
    action as during the flow of the tumor process, at all stages,
    so after surgery, after radiation therapy, reducing
    their damaging effect on the body.

    We at our Institute of Homeopathy and Nature Therapy held this
    Research: studied all available domestic and foreign books and
    They discharged from them all the plants that are used in folk and
    Official medicine during cancer of various location. They turned out more
    1000. Then we began to analyze their chemical composition and steel
    Watch how many plants from this number are used in the official
    medicine as antitumor means. It turned out that no more
    ten. Everyone else does not possess themselves antitumor
    action but they also help.

    The fact is that not the essence of killing the affected cage (although it is, of course,
    tremendous success). Positive results during cancer
    achieved when applying a detoxifying plant. And this
    Understand: After all, it is very important to save the body from toxins. Help
    common plants, because if a person has cancer, it means not all
    In order with immunity in principle.

    Diuretic (diuretic) helps
    plants, they also belong to a detoxifying because they bring out
    Toxins from the body, as well as cooler, and choleretic. Many
    Normalize the activity of the digestive tract. Sedative
    Support the balance of the nervous system, which is necessary to all, and in
    The conditions of oncology are especially. So phytotherapy for cancer is not aimed
    only on the tumor itself, and on cleaning and maintaining the whole organism in

    Bada — Not medicine

    — Bades belong to phytoprets? After all, many of them are also obtained from plants.

    — It is believed that dubuses should not have therapeutic action, they
    must add something to food something that does not take. Now forbidden
    Advertising food additives as a means of treating therapeutic effect on
    organism. That's right, but, in fact, it is sometimes the same phytotherapy,
    Although the dosage of plant ingredients in the bass should be 8-10 times
    Below compared to the drug. Is it sometimes
    from developers and manufacturers consciously introducing
    misleading population to simplify registration procedure?..

    Why the bath is more useful?

    — Season begins the cold, and very many people will
    Use medicinal herbs. On all their packages it is written that
    need to make a decoction necessarily in a water bath. Is it easy to brew
    grass like tea, or insisted it in thermos? Or take advantage
    filter packages?

    — In the State Pharmacopoeia, which has the force of law in the country,
    It is written that when cooking brazers and smears should be used
    Boiling water bath. What was caused by such a need? In that in
    Raw materials always fall, sand, pebbles, especially when harvesting
    Underground organs of plants. Guarantee environmental purity
    Plant blanks are also impossible, What herbs are treated, and what cries? Myths and Phytotherapy Realityno disinfection of raw materials
    time was not provided. Yes, and now, I will not say that disinfection
    Raw materials are held everywhere. But there is such an indicator
    qualities called a microbial generation of raw materials.

    Medicinal vegetable raw materials that enters the consumer,
    It should be no worse than designated in this indicator, which
    Normated by Pharmacopee. This is guaranteed by the state in case,
    If the raw material was purchased in the pharmacy network. But even after
    revealed hermetic packaging, immediately the microbial
    dissemination, especially if these are fruits, seeds that contain a lot
    Sahars and are a beautiful medium for breeding microorganisms.

    Holding on a boiling water bath is needed to get rid of
    from a variety of microorganisms. So when you buy raw materials
    incomprehensible quality, prepare it for all the rules or at least
    Boil it just in case in the bucket.

    — And brew in the thermos can?

    — On the exit of biologically active substances it sometimes gives the best
    result than when brewing on pharmacopoeia, but where is the guarantee that there
    There was no microbial seed. And if you give it small
    to kid? And especially if he is sick? It is better to use classic

    — And filter bags?

    — These are the so-called «Fast» Packages, or «Drinking» — for
    lazy. Paper quality used in filter bags,
    different. At the Pharmaceutical Faculty of MMA. AND.M.Sechenov was
    The graduation work was performed, which showed very interesting
    Results: If you just take an empty filter package, pour it water and
    insist when evaporating the received «Tea» There is a sediment, that is, you
    Get water extraction from the package itself. How desirable it is,
    which contains what quality was paper — This is a question.

    Of course, this paper is allowed to use as packaging for food
    products, that is, for a healthy person, and here the patient, and he
    brew... Talk about that it is harmful, I also can't: there are no such
    data, but already the very fact that grinding raw materials in packages
    reaches one millimeter — not good in the sense of preservation
    active substances. The smaller the fragments, the more contact with
    oxygen, the more dietary biologically active substances are destroyed.
    Ideal when raw materials are crushed to 3-7 mm sizes and prepared
    classically, and not fast bags.

    In phytotherapy as a treatment method is also important and an antines moment,
    The state of waiting for all participants (and the doctor, and the patient), that is
    The process of cooking medication — This is also an integral part of treatment.

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