How not to gain overweight during pregnancy

Many women fear for their shape with thought of possible pregnancy. Indeed, during pregnancy, weight is partly gained due to the special state of the hormonal background. But the fact is that the weight of this is negligible - 2-3 kg. However, the fetal tool period is a very important time in the sense of proper nutrition. Important, first of all, for kid.

Pregnant on weighing
Many women today fear for their shape with thought of possible pregnancy. A set of extra kilograms is still concerned because there are many people who think that it is more difficult to reset them than the usual way. Indeed, during pregnancy, weight is partly gained due to the special state of the hormonal background. But the fact is that the weight of this is insignificant - 2-3 kg, no more. And some women and they are not gaining them. All the rest Pictured weight (about ten kg) is the weight of the child, the placenta, the oily fluid, the uterus, grown from a small muscular bag in such that can now accommodate all of the above. In addition, the blood volume in pregnant women increases almost a half liters.

Mid-weight women are usually corrected. Slim is gaining more, because this mother's little fat is needed - for depreciation when in the stomach, and then for the successful start of breastfeeding. But it's about a small fat. Thick women or women who are gaining too much weight during the period of to wear, risk not only their health, but also the health has not yet born baby.

Thus, it can be concluded that pregnancy is not at all a reason to eat from a neglection, without following himself and by what we eat. On the contrary, the fetal tool period is very important in the sense of proper nutrition. Important, first of all, of course, for the kid. But in many respects it determines the well-being of a future mother.

It is well known that during the first 2-3 months pregnancy In women, there is a toxicosis, accompanied by nausea, and even vomiting. So, there are no cases when nothing is observed. The reason is primarily in proper nutrition. Toxicosis occurs when there is an excess in the body, namely slags. Here is nature and arranged that since the woman still did not clear his body before pregnancy, it will have to do it now.

Water drinking

Pregnant woman drinks water
The first natural tool that will help get rid of nausea is water (Negasted, good quality). As impossible, for example, wash the floor without water and Clear organism without water will not come out. Dry mouth is the last sign thirst. The first is weakness, dizziness, nausea. If the water is not enough, the feeling of hunger is stronger, since the body seeks to get the missing fuel through food, and the consumption of such products like sweets, tea, coffee, just oily calorie food begins. You do not want to gain overweight during pregnancy? I recommend the readers our site to comply with the right drinking mode. 3 liters per day exactly water must be drinking, this is a need. The appetite will not be wild, and nausea, and weakness will also decrease. Of course, you should not also forget about salt. It must be consumed 3-5 g / day. Salt and water will help clean the body, improve digestion and your overall condition.

Remember, we are two-thirds consisting of water, and an unrolved infant is almost 100%! Therefore, it makes sense to pay more attention to this issue.

Balanced diet

Balanced nutrition during pregnancy
If you can exclude from the diet Harmful products, type of sweets, smoked and other things, and you will eat only as a feeling of hunger occur, you not only save yourself from toxicosis in the first trimester, but also, perhaps, even lose weight. It is not scary. Of course, it is not about torturing yourself with diets or hunger strikes. Such experiments may contribute to premature birth. Food must be balanced. Best of all, if you provide your body with necessary vitamins and minerals with fruits, vegetables and full proteins. Porridge is also very desirable, especially from one-piece croup. They will help the work of the intestine, prevent constipation. They are especially harmful during pregnancy and can also cause a pair of extra kilograms.

Exercise stress

Physical exertion during pregnancy
Extra kilograms Future mothers can also gain due to lack of physical activity. However, pregnancy is not a disease, but a physiological condition for a woman. So if you do not have a threat to interrupt, boldly let me regular physical exertion. Of course, it should be in a calm pace and moderate. Overwork dangerous. There are special sets of exercise, and for different trimesters of pregnancy.

Anytime will be useful. It will train the necessary muscles and allow you to feel lighter than you are, thereby giving a spine. In general, any water procedures during pregnancy will become very welcoming, because the water perfectly removes muscle tension (unusual for belly and back) and helps harmonize the general condition, eliminating the desire to eat something before bedtime.


Another reason for a set of excess weight during pregnancy is a transition of a woman, so to speak, in idleness mode. It is known that nothing awakens appetite like something. Jokes jokes, however there is a share of truth. The fact is that the work done (after all, the time for creativity!) brings satisfaction with itself. And then again you have nothing to do with a chocolate for improving mood or chips to watch TV. Do not leave yourself for boredom that can go into a dreary or restless waiting for the resolution of the burden. Better set up on positive, good thoughts attract good to our life.

Thus, there is nothing supernatural in to remain slim and pregnant simultaneously. Let your baby grow, and you are not only tune in to become a mom, but staying a beautiful woman.

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