It is known that when cardiosclerosis with physical education, you need to be careful. However, it would be a mistake to abandon it at all. How to be? Specialists advised.
Cardioosclerosis is a pathological condition, with
which is the growth of connective tissue in the heart muscle.
As a rule, cardiosclerosis is the outcome of any chronic or
acute heart disease (coronary insufficiency, myocarditis and
One of the main and earliest symptoms
Cardiosclerosis is shortness of breath. As the disease develops appear
Signs of heart failure: frequent pulse, swelling on the legs,
Enlargement of the liver, blood stagnation in the lung vessels, seizures of suffocation.
Frequent manifestation of cardiosclerosis is a violation of the rhythm of heart
activities. In case of disease, the heart increases in size. except
that, the growth of the connective tissue in the heart valves can lead
To heart defects.
Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis can develop from coronary heart disease (insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle). How to warn it? We bring to your attention a set of exercises for those who would not like to face this problem.
Gymnastics will come up with those who already suffer from coronary heart disease - as an addition to treatment, in T. C. To old people. It developed its specialists of the Russian scientific center of restoration medicine and the resortology of the MZSR RF Honored Master of Sport Lydia Maksimov, Master of Sports Svetlana Gladkova, head of the Department of Medical Physical Culture Natalia Tomel.
Complex of exercises for the prevention of cardiosclerosis
The complex is performed every other day, takes 10-15 minutes. When performing gymnastics, there is no need to make excessive efforts, the actions are performed freely, each 8-10 times. Before performing each exercise of the Gymnastics complex, we make a free breath and exhalation.
Right position: Sitting on a chair, legs on the width of shoulders.
Empowerment No. 1. Hands on the knees. Squeeze and sprinkle fists.
Empowerment No. 2. In the breath we divor the hands to the sides. In exhalation - hands on the belt.
Empowerment No. 3. On the breath we divor the hands to the sides - back, I lower my hands on your knees on the exhale and lean forward.
Empowerment No. 4. Squeeze in a fist. In the breath bend your hands in the elbows, omit in exhale.
Empowerment No. 5. In the breath we take a straight hand to the side, in exhalation we return to its original position. The same hand.
Empowerment No. 6. Hands to the side. Bending - extension of hands in elbows. Holy breathing.
Empowerment No. 7. Hands to the side. Circular movements elbows in the same way.
Empowerment No. 8. Feet stand arbitrarily hand on his knees. Raise the feet on yourself, omit.
Empowerment No. 9. Drops from the heel on the sock.
Empowerment No. 10. Hands to the side. To inhale bent left knee, hug it on hand.
Empowerment No. 11. Hands put on the edge of the chair. In exhale, holding the chair, go down to the floor.
Empowerment No. 12. Inhale-exhale 3-4 times in an arbitrary pace.
The next group of exercises is made from the initial position standing.
Empowerment No. 13. On the breath lift hands up and take the left foot back. In exhale, return to its original position. Same.
Empowerment No. 14. Hands on the belt, legs on the width of the shoulders. On the exhalation, the tilt to the left, in the breath we return to its original position. Also right.
Empowerment No. 15. Hands to the side. On the exhalation, lift the left leg up (as far as you can) to the right hand. On the breath lowering. The same right foot.
Empowerment No. 16. Legs on the width. Hands up, connect brushes. Perform circular movements to the upper part of the body and hands.
Empowerment No. 17. Hands at the shoulders. «Box up»: I'll raise up on the breath, we lower the left hand on the breath, then right.
Empowerment No. 18. Free walking. (Walking, swimming, very slow fogging useful).
Remember that any physical exercises bring an effect only if they are regular execution.