Decoding the results of analyzes for staphylococcus


Decryption of tests for staphylococci

Decoding the results of analyzes for staphylococcus

Staphilococcus is a certain form of bacteria, which currently has more than 27 subspecies. About fifteen of them make up our natural leather flora and mucous membranes, both outdoor and internal. And, of course, not all of them belong to the pathogenic. Only some types lead to diseases.

Staphylococci shared according to the degree of contagious on:

  • Of course pathogenic — There is always a disease;
  • Conditional pathogenic — For growth requires certain conditions;
  • Saprofites — do not cause lesions, upholstered on the skin (more often in genital and bladder) and in the external environment.

There are two kinds that play a significant role in the development of many diseases:

  • Epidermal — on any mucous and surface of the skin;
  • golden.

From where the pathogen settled, it depends on which tests for staphylococcus. It is a smear from the nose, a gloom, vagina, breast milk, feces, blood, urine, skin, outer mucous membranes.
To determine its presence in the body, assigned to Staphylococcus. Most often used bacteriological method, which implies sowing to a nutrient medium with observation of the growth of the colonies of the Cockkops and the determination of their sensitivity to antibiotics.

Deciphering analyzes for staphylococcus: Normally there must be a complete lack of growth in bakposphere from any source of infection.

The study is appointed by a doctor, according to the profile of which an infection arose. The method is used:

  • To detect the source of infection;
  • For mandatory identification of carriers in medical institutions for strict graphics

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