Ankylosing spondyloarthritis: Recognize and warn


  • Causes of late recognition of the disease
  • Early signs of Bekhterev's disease
  • Prevention of Bekhtereva's disease

  • In different countries, the number of people suffering from Bekhterev's disease (inflammatory damage to the spine and joints), fluctuates from 0.5 to 2%. According to various studies, the number of fees of men is 5-9 times higher than the number of sick women. The classic case of the started inflammation of the spine was Nikolai Ostrovsky: immobility and blindness. Fortunately, modern medicine with the help of therapeutic and preventive measures such consequences learned to prevent.

    Medical name of the disease - ankylosing spondylitrite: inflammation of the intervertebral joints, leading to their battle, because of which the spine is as if in a strict case. First scientist who described «Bamboo spine» As an independent, individual disease, there was a Russian neurologist Vladimir Bekhterev. Before him about this disease did not know the medical community.

    Causes of late recognition of the disease

    Ankylosing spondyloarthritis: Recognize and warnAnkylosing spondyloarthritis are predominantly susceptible to very young, from 15 to 30 years old, men. But approximately 8% of cases falls on earlier age - 10-15 years. So approve official statistics. Meanwhile, practice shows that this figure is not entirely accurate. It is verified that in children, Bekhterev's disease is developing almost imperceptibly, it is impossible to recognize it with an external inspection. Changes can be detected only on the X-ray, but until it comes to it, it usually passes several years, during which the child can repeatedly be examined by various doctors with various alleged diagnoses.

    Not always timely this diagnosis and women. Recently, studies have emerged, saying that women suffer from this disease are not so rarely. Another thing is that the female version is characterized by softer manifestations and often proceeds in atypical form. Due to such vessels, the disease is more difficult to properly and timely diagnosis.

    Lately diagnosed diagnosis - the main reason that prevents timely and effectively to take care of treatment. Most people are confident that they have radiculitis, for a long time go to a reception to a surgeon or a neurologist. And only when treatment of radiculitis does not lead to positive results, they turn to a rheumatologist. At this stage, an advanced signs of illness are already present on the X-ray: the sacrifices (ankylosis) of the sacrum-iliac joints and the observation of spine ligaments.

    Early signs of Bekhterev's disease

    At an early stage of the disease, there are several points to which special attention should be paid:

    • stiffness and pain in a sacratling and iliac region that moves into buttocks, legs and amplifying in the second half of the night;
    • stubborn, resistant pain in the heel bones in young people;
    • pain and stiffness in the thoracic spine, accompanied by the restriction of the breathing motions of the chest;
    • Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rates (ESO) - up to 30-40 mm per hour and above

    If these symptoms are held longer than three months - immediately refer to the rheumatologist.

    Prevention of Bekhtereva's disease

    It has been established that ankylosing spondylitrite may occur in genetically predisposed people. Intestinal and sexual infections are usually a starting mechanism, as well as spine stress and injuries.

    As with any disease, with Bekhterev's disease it is best to deal with the prevention. The following are six simple councils, the execution of which significantly reduces the risk of getting sick:

    • After the street, after work, before eating, do not forget to wash your hands
    • All vegetables and fruits (even from their cottage) should be beaten boiling water
    • It is necessary to eliminate the use of non-peaks
    • compliance with the culture of sexual life; If a person randomly changes partners, no condom will protect against gonorrhea, trichomonosis and other infections
    • If you are still infected with intestinal or sexual infection, you should not engage in self-medication: the danger is great that the external signs have disappeared, and bacteria continue to live in a modified form and under certain conditions again attack the organism
    • Avoid provoking moments for the inflammatory process - wet legs, long stay in cold and heavy physical exertion

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