Deciphering analyzes of microflora on the smear


Mazzok on the microflora in women and its decoding

Deciphering analyzes of microflora on the smear

The smear on the microflora from the genital woman is taken in suspected various bacterial, parasitic or fungal infections:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • gonoron;
  • chlamydia;
  • candidiasis;
  • Trichomonoz.

Requirements to be performed before taking the material:

  • Termination of sexual life two days before the analysis;
  • termination of the use of vaginal candles, tablets, creams;
  • Drafting and baths are prohibited;
  • smear surrenders in the intermenstrual period;
  • On the day of delivery of the smear, genitals can only wash with toilet soap.

Decoding vaginal smear on the microflora

The material taken is painted in gram, after which they are studied under the microscope. During the study, pay attention to the following indicators:

Leukocytes. Present and normally and with pathology. Normal is the amount of three to five pieces in sight. Exceeding indicates the presence of inflammation in the vagina, and the more leukocytes, the more intense the painful process.

. Always exist in the vagina in moderate quantity. The increase in its content indicates the presence of inflammation.

. Cells lining the vagina from the inside. Normally are always present in a smear in moderate quantity (up to 15 in sight). However, with an inflammatory process, their number rises. No epithelium indicates the presence of hormonal imbalance or atrophy of the mucous membrane.

. Normally in the vagina there is a small amount of Cockkops and a lot of doderene sticks. In the development of infection, an increase in the number of coccops is detected, causative agents of infectious diseases are detected in the smear — Trichomonads, Gonococci, Candida and T.D.

The direction on the analysis of the smear on the vaginal microflora can write a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist.

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