Ureaplasma Deciphering Analyzes 10 4 KoE TamP


Result of analysis on ureaplasma 10 ^ 4 CFU / TAMP: Decoding

Ureaplasma Deciphering Analyzes 10 4 KoE TamP

Ureaplasma — Microorganisms capable of causing ureaplasmosis, a disease that affects, above all, the mucous membranes of the urinary apparatus in men and women. To determine the presence and quantity of ureaplasm Parvum and Urealitikum hold a special analysis: smear with sowing on the microflora. To obtain the correct result, before the study, it is necessary not to take medicines that can affect the level of microorganisms.

Ureaplasmosis can develop when the indicator is from 10 ^ 4 CFU / TAMP (the number of colonies of microorganisms per unit volume) and above.

This disease may interfere with the conception of a child: it destroys and slows the spermatozoa (provokes men's infertility), and in women the fallopian tubes are inflated, which does not give an egg to get into the uterus.

Masp in men is taken from the urethra, and in women —From vagina. Sowing determines the sensitivity of ureaplasm to antibiotics, which is important for the correct preparation of the treatment plan.

In cases of detection, ureaplasm 10 ^ 4 In pregnant women in the early deadlines, treatment is postponed to the twentieth week (in order not to disturb the normal development of the fetus).

Pathologies caused in pregnant women with medium-density (10 ^ 4-10 ^ 5) Ureaplasm colonization:

  • bubble shell break — 34%;
  • Inflammation of the fetal shells — Chorioamnionit — 6%;
  • Premature birth — thirty %;
  • The weight of the fetus is less than 1500 g — 11%, less than 1000 g — 4 %.

Cope with ureaplasm with an indicator 10 ^ 4 and a gynecologist and urologist will help.

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