Treatment of Trikhetocephalza

The development of the disease Trikheticopalez is due to the vital activity of parasites in the intestine. Helminty infection The children are subjected to a greater extent than adults. But adults risk «познакомиться» With an unpleasant disease, if you spend a lot of time in the garden or field or operate in the service sector of sewer systems and filter stations.

Trichocephalosis - «toughie». The disease is difficult to identify, since its symptoms do not have a clear picture, they are difficult to distinguish them from the disorders of the tract and pathologies of the nervous system.

Who's guilty?

Helmintes, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, parasites, tricocephalosis

The causative agent belongs to the nematode family. With its names - the powerman or a whipboard - it is obliged to his appearance: the front of his body is elongated and very narrow (threaded), and the rear end of its shortened and wide.

The shape of the body of males is different from the one that the opposite sex: the back of the females of the saber-shaped, whereas males do she resembles a spiral. The length of the females reach 5.3-5.5 cm. Males are inferior to them in this parameter - they grow up to a maximum of 4.5 cm long. Body shape to some extent predetermines the image of the behavior of the parasite after its penetration into the human body. Having missed the intestinal wall, the powerman «Completed» In her with its subtle end, and the thickened back of the body remains hanging in the intestinal.

The habitat of helminths of this species becomes the blind intestine, a worm-shaped process and a suitted segment of the colon. If the disease progresses, the powerman occupies the entire large intestine and even penetrates the lower intestinal department.

Feels Helmint Juice from surrounding tissues and small portions of blood. The venue for the eggs, which the female can produce up to 3500 pieces per day, becomes an external environment. For the full development of the future generation of helminths, two conditions are necessary: ​​temperature from 20 to 36 degrees and high humidity. Hazard for man Such a masonry is already in 2.5-3.5 weeks after deposit. If there are no conditions necessary for development, the period of rosing eggs increases to 4-5 months. Viable I «infectious» masonry can be up to several years.

As soon as the egg turns out to be in the inner environment of the host organism, his shell cracks to release the larva. Further development of the parasite occurs in the depths of the small intestinal mucosa and reaches from 4 to 10 days. When the specified period expires, the larva penetrates into the blind intestine, where it becomes an adult person in 5-7 weeks. Some individuals can maintain activity up to 5-7 years.

Sources of danger

Helmintes, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, parasites, tricocephalosis

The degree of severity of tricocephallase depends on the following important points:

  • the number of active helminths in the patient's body;
  • The degree of weakening of immunity;
  • The presence of launched gastrointestinal diseases in chronic form.

MirSoveto reminds that trichocephallaze has no specific symptoms that implant its presence in the human body. The course of the disease is accompanied by:

  • feeling nausea and urges to vomiting;
  • abundant salivament;
  • lack of appetite;
  • intestinal disorder in the form of a long-term diarrhea with an admixture of a minor amount of blood and mucus;
  • Pain in the right side resembling appendicitis;
  • nerve disorders (headache, lack of normal sleep, irritability, Causes).

If the percentage of tricheclephallase pathogens in the body is insignificant, there may be no signs of illness for a long time at all.

Features of the diagnosis of the disease

Since specific symptoms allowing to put a unambiguous diagnosis, no, confirm the presence of trichocephalosis in the patient only by the presence of Helmint eggs in its cartoons. Explore biological material with binocular. During the analysis, pay attention to large strokes, surface film, pre-placed on the surface of the slide.

Most often, the degree of infection with tricocephalosis is light, so the number of eggs in feces is insignificant. To confirm the diagnosis, the material is examined 3 times after 15-20 days after deugelmintization.

How to get rid of the power

Helmintes, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, parasites, tricocephalosis

Treatment of tricocephalosis is based on the reception of drugs with the active substance to which the parasites are particularly sensitive:

  1. Negotazole (active component of Vermoks, Fermina) are assigned 100 mg 2 times a day for 3 days.
  2. Parasaqvanttel (active substance of the same drug and biltricide) is discharged at 10-20 mg of the drug for 1 kg of body weight of the patient for 2-3 days.
  3. DiFezil (active substance of the same drug). The course of treatment is 5 days. The tool is taken 1 time per day, taking into account the weight of the patient: under 5 years old are prescribed 2.5 g, after 5 years - 5 g.

The above are approximate treatment schemes. About doses and individual treatment should be consulted by a doctor.

15-20 days after treatment, the medication can be repeated according to the previous scheme - it all depends on the results of the tests.

Popular Medicine against parasites

  1. Finely grind 7-10 garlic teeth and try to quickly swallow this mass by writing it with a glass of warm fucked milk. After 1.5-2 hours, accept the laxative. The recipe is not suitable for those who suffer in inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. Clean the pomegranate from the peel. Corks are well wash and pour them with 1 cup of steep boiling water, then hold on a slow heat for 10-15 minutes. When the remedy cools, drink it in 1.5 hours. After 4 hours, take a laxative medicine.
  3. 3 st. L. Fresh or dried pizhma Fill 1 cup boiling water. Then insist the tool for 1 hour. When the medicine cools, strain it and take 1 st. L. throughout the day.

How to secure yourself

Helmintes, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, parasites, tricocephalosis

The nearest circle of communication of an infected person is subject to a thorough examination for helminths. All patient family members are observed by a doctor for two years after the deugelmintization course will be held: 2 times a year they give tests (three times with intervals of 20 days).

To protect yourself and your loved ones from tricocephalosis, always wash your hands after working with the ground (even the one that is in pots of indoor flowers) and after visiting the toilet. If we talk about preventing the spread of the disease in a social scale, it is important to not allow environmental pollution by human feces.

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