It happens that the yachka watering (hydrocele) goes by itself. And if not? On operations practiced by modern medicine at the hydrotole, you will learn from this article.
With small sizes, if the water hat is not intense, not painful, not causing a strong cosmetic defect, the child can be obsessed with the child to one year, because during this period a message with the abdominal cavity may cease to stop. In the absence of any positive shifts, treatment is possible only in operational way.
Indications for early surgery are a reporting watercolor with pronounced changes in its size, one- or two-sided hydrocel. The reporting water catch is dangerous in terms of the development of hernia and should be quickly eliminated to prevent the intestine. Jetty water will disappear spontaneously and does not require special treatment. It is necessary to treat only the reason that caused it.
Currently, there are several operational methods for the treatment of water membranes - Winkelman, Bergman, Lord and the punitive method. The essence of all methods of operational treatment is reduced to the liquidation of the hydrothele. However, each method has its own testimony and contraindications, advantages and disadvantages.
The operation in children is carried out under general anesthesia, in adults - under local anesthesia. In the front of the scrotum in front, over the swelling, the skin cut is carried out with a length of 4 - 5 cm and then all the shells to the vaginal shell. Egg in the vaginal shell is displayed in the wound. Next, the puncture of the vaginal membrane is carried out by a syringe and pumped up liquid. Next, this shell also dissect. After that, the testicle and its appendages are examined. Then plastic Ichka shells are performed by Winkelman. It lies in the fact that the shells turn out «inside out» And stitched.
Thus, the liquid produced by the epithelium of the vaginal membrane of the egg will be absorbed by the surrounding tissues. With the reporting water of the eggs, in addition, the lumen of the vaginal process. Next, the skin is squeezed by nodal ketgut seams. A small rubber drainage is left in the wound. It is necessary to make the prevention of accumulation in the blood and hematoma. Immediately after surgery, an ice bubble is superimposed on the wound for two hours. Seams are solved independently within 10 days. After the operation of Winkelman, as in varicocele, suspension is superimposed on the scrotum - suspension bandage.

The technique is at first similar to the above described. On the front surface of the swelling of the scrotum, a cut is made 5 - 6 cm long. Layers dissected egg shells. Next, the egg with a vaginal shell is displayed in the wound. Also pumped up with a syringe liquid. After that, the vaginal membrane of the egg is dissected and it excishes around the egg. Ketgutovy seams are superimposed on the remnants of the vaginal shell. Next, the testicle is immersed back to the scrotum. Surfed with Ketgutic seams. A small rubber drainage is left in the wound. Immediately after surgery, an ice bubble is superimposed on the wound for two hours. Seams are solved independently within 10 days. Suspension is superimposed on the scrotum.
During these traditional operations on the waterproof eggs to expose the water bag or cysts, it is usually extended incision of the scrotum, the release of the waterbag from the surrounding tissues and the full extinguishing of the egg to the wound. As a result of the sheath, the scrotum is injured, the vessels are broken, which are reduced, which makes it difficult to stop bleeding and leads to the formation of a hematoma.
The technique of Lord operation means dissection of the water bag and corrugation of the vaginal shell around the egg, which is not exempt from the surrounding tissues and does not extend to the wound. Due to this, the trauma of adjacent tissues and feed vessels is reduced to a minimum.
The punitive method is one of the simplest and lies in the fact that the puncture of the water membranes of the eggs needle is carried out and the liquid is pumped out. Unfortunately, the results of this treatment method are short and always develops a recurrence of water.