Ureaplasm Expanding Analysis 10 2 10 3


Decoding the results of analyzes on ureaplasm

Ureaplasm Expanding Analysis 10 2 10 3

Ureaplasma can long be in the human body asymptomatic and not harm, but under certain conditions (weakening of immunity, infection from the carrier) can provoke the following diseases:

  • urethritis;
  • inflammation of uterus, uterine pipes, ovaries and binder uterus;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • Premature childbirth, abortion and fruit pathology (during pregnancy).

Ureaplasma are transmitted by sex contact with infected and from mother to the fetus during childbirth. The most informative and accurate analysis for identifying not only the presence of ureaplasm, but also their quantities and sensitivity to antibiotics is bacteriological sowing.

The norm during the crop is no more than 10 ^ 4 per 1 ml.

The result of an analysis on ureaplasma, equal to 10 ^ 2, refer to normal microflora or conditionally pathogenic. It is believed that in this indicator, a person does not threaten danger.

Results 10 ^ 1, 10 ^ 2 and 10 ^ 3 Speak about the presence of easy weakening of immunity, for women play the day of the analysis of the analysis with respect to the monthly cycle and the number of lactic acid bacillos in the vagina.
When the study showed the presence of ureaplasma with the amount of 10 ^ 2 and mycoplasmas (or other microflora) — 10 ^ 4 or more, you must first treat microorganisms with a higher titer, then the remaining indicators will decrease too.

To properly decipher the results of analyzes for ureaplasma and the appointment of further treatment (if necessary), contact your gynecologist, urologist or pediatrician.

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