Anemia: Causes, Types, Treatment


  • Types and causes of anemia
  • Iron-deficiency anemia
  • Anemia and pregnancy
  • Anemia caused by the destruction of red blood cells
  • Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
  • Sickle-cell anemia
  • Thalassemia
  • Anemia caused by blood loss
  • Pernicious anemia
  • Aplastic anemia
  • Treatment of anemia

  • Types and causes of anemia

    Anemia is defined as
    «Pathological decrease in erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration». Anemia
    develops as a result of iron deficiency or vitamins, hemolysis (destruction) or shortening the life expectancy of erythrocytes
    in the blood, in the normal amount of 4 months,
    Bleeding, A
    Also as a result of hereditary or acquired defects or diseases.
    Allocate various types of anemia, each of which has its own causes and
    Treatment methods.

    Iron-deficiency anemia

    Anemia: Causes, Types, TreatmentIron-deficiency anemia -
    The most common appearance of this state. With the deficiency of iron bone
    The brain produces small pale red blood cells (t.N. microcytes) depleted
    Hemoglobin. Causes of iron deficiency anemia: bad absorption of iron
    organism, insufficient iron intake, pregnancy, growth racing in
    adolescence or blood loss due to abundant menstruation or
    Internal bleeding. The disease is especially common among women
    childbearing age due to menstrual blood loss, and also because of
    the growing need of the body in the gland during pregnancy
    (In addition, women have less iron supply than men). Iron deficient
    anemia leads to a decrease in iron concentration in red blood cells, which manifests itself in

    that almost 20% of women of childbearing age suffer from iron deficiency anemia and
    50% of pregnant women. Patients with iron deficiency anemia often feel cold and
    Cannot warm up - Iron plays a major role in temperature regulation
    body, so his deficit leads to the inability to maintain heat. Besides,
    Insufficient support of oxygen tissues leads to feelings
    fatigue and weakness. In patients with iron deficiency anemia pale leather, they
    often suffer from shortness, dizziness and headaches. Blood tests allow
    determine the level of hemoglobin, as well as iron levels of serum and
    Blood-binding blood ability. Vegetarians are subject to risk of development
    anemia if they do not enrich the diet of nutrition with enough
    natural sources of iron - broccoli, spinach, etc.

    Anemia and pregnancy

    Iron deficiency during
    Pregnancy often leads to the development of anemia. Therefore, it is important to pass tests on
    anemia during the first prenatal examination. During pregnancy, very
    It is important to use the required organism the amount of iron. As the fetus grows
    The need for hardware increases. Approximately 20 weeks of pregnancy
    Iron stocks in the body of a woman are exhausted. Iron deficiency is not reflected
    Only on the health of the future mother, but also on the health of the child.

    Anemia caused by the destruction of red blood cells

    This type of anemia is caused
    The destruction of red blood taurus. It includes hemolytic anemia,
    Auto Immitable Anemia, Sulfur Clear Anemia and Thalassemia.

    Autoimmune hemolytic anemia

    Sometimes bone marrow not
    copes with its task and cannot produce enough
    cells, especially if the premature destruction of red blood cells occurs. This is
    Condition is known as «Hemolytic anemia». Hemolytic anemia can
    To be caused by many reasons - in some cases it is caused by infections or
    certain drugs, such as antibiotics destroying
    Erythrocytes. Stress factors may also be triggers of hemolytic anemia,
    For example, a bite of a poisonous snake or insect, as well as some products.

    With autoimmune hemolytic
    anemia Immune system attacks red blood cells, mistakenly taking them for alien
    Organisms. Hemolytic disease is observed in babies if immune
    Mother's system attacks child erythrocytes. Erythrocyte destruction can also
    provoke vascular grafts, artificial heart valves, tumors,
    Strong burns, chemicals, high blood pressure and
    Blood coagulation disorders.

    Sickle-cell anemia

    Anemia: Causes, Types, TreatmentSickle-cell anemia as well
    caused by the destruction of red blood cells. In normal state, red blood cells have
    round shape and soft consistency. Erythrocytes easily pass through the blood
    vessels and deliver oxygen into all tissues of the body. Sickle cells
    differ from normal red blood body by the fact that they are much tougher and
    Have an irregular form. Their shape prevents them easily to advance through the blood
    vessels, so they get stuck in small blood vessels, which makes it difficult
    Normal blood circulation. Meanwhile, some organs (brain, heart, kidneys)
    need continuous and constant blood flow.

    Despite the fact that the body
    Attacks and destroys these sickle cells, it cannot produce new
    Cells are so fast to replace the destroyed. This leads to a decrease
    Concentration of red blood cells in the blood, which, in turn, leads to anemia.
    Cerpovoid cell anemia is usually caused by genetic defects or
    Hereditary disease. Child, sick sickle-cell anemia,
    Inherited from parents defective gene with hemoglobin.

    Sickle-cell anemia: fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, accelerated
    Heartbeat, slow motion, weakened immunity,
    susceptibility to infections, pain in penis, chest pain and lowering


    Thalassemia - Heavy Form
    anemia at which red blood bodies are quickly destroyed, and iron
    settles in the skin and vital organs. Anemia of this type is caused by a decrease
    Development of hemoglobin or disruption of the mechanism of its production. Hemoglobin -
    Molecule in red blood cells. In hemoglobin contains protein chains of two
    Types - alpha and beta chains. Any shortage of these chains causes a violation
    Education mechanism, size and form of red blood cells.

    Severe two types of thalassemia -
    Alpha Thalassemia and Beta Thausamia. The form of thalassemia is determined by defective
    Hemoglobin molecule in blood. Both forms of thalassemia are caused by genetic
    violations, alpha-thalassemia is associated with chromosome 16, and beta-thalassemia - with
    Chromosome 11. Thalassemia is inherited and caused by genetic
    Violations. In essence, this is the most common genetic disease in
    world. Since thalassemia is transmitted genetically, parents can pass it
    Disease children. Genes, causing thalassemia, recessively inherited by
    Autosome. This means that the child develops thalassemia only
    case if both parents have a defective gene.

    Anemia caused by blood loss

    The cause of anemia can also be
    Strong blood loss. A large number of erythrocytes can be lost with blood when
    long or unnoticed bleeding. Such bleeding often occurs
    As a result of diseases of the gastrointestinal system, such as ulcers, hemorrhoids, gastritis
    (inflammation of the stomach) and cancer. Chronic bleeding may also occur in
    case of receiving non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, aspirin
    or Motina. Often blood loss due to menstruation and childbirth, especially
    with abundant menstrual bleeding.

    Pernicious anemia

    Pernicious anemia - This
    Classical manifestation of insufficiency in the body of vitamin in12.
    Vitamin B12 contained in meat, milk, dairy products and
    eggs. Especially sensitive to the deficit of this vitamin bone marrow and fabric
    nervous system; In the absence of treatment, anemia and degeneration develop
    nerves. The characteristic feature of this anemia is an education in the bone marrow instead of
    conventional erythrocyte predecessor cells of abnormal large cells,
    T. N. Megaloblast. In Megaloblasts, the content has been increased
    cytoplasm, but underdeveloped core; they are not able to turn
    in red blood cells and die in the bone marrow. On this basis
    Pernicious anemia refer to the category of megaloblastic anemia. IN
    1926 J.Mina and W.Murphy discovered a positive effect of extracts
    liver with pernicious anemia. This is the most important observation served for
    Research leading to explanation of this effect and nature itself
    Diseases. It was shown that the disease is the congenital
    The inability of the stomach is secreted by the substance (called internal factor),
    necessary for the absorption of vitamin in12 In the intestines. Pernicious anemia is most often found
    in adults and is associated with stomach atrophy.
    Remove a pernicious anemia
    It will help the usual blood test. Salving Analysis Determines Suction
    Vitamin B12 In the intestines. Vitamin B12 and
    Folic acid: milk, eggs, meat, crustaceans and poultry meat.

    Aplastic anemia

    Anemia: Causes, Types, Treatment
    Anemia is developing as a result of the organism's inability to produce red blood cells
    in sufficient quantities. With this anemia
    In the bone marrow there is practically no cloth forming blood
    Cells. In some cases, the cause is the impact of ionizing
    radiation, such as X-ray, or toxic substances, including some
    medicinal compounds; In other cases, the reason remains unexplained.
    Congenital hypoplastic anemia (Fanconi syndrome) arises due to
    Inexplicable bone marrow inability to produce red blood cells

    Anemia arises suddenly or develops gradually. Common symptoms
    This type of anemia: fatigue, shortness of breath, accelerated heartbeat, pallor, rash
    and Bad sorrow of cuts. Aplastic
    Anemia is also inherited. If both parents are carriers
    Defective gene (With congenital hypoplastic
    anemia), it is possible that the disease is transmitted to children.
    Anemia is diagnosed based on the results of blood tests and bone marrow.
    This is a serious illness requiring immediate antibiotic treatment.

    Sometimes a bone marrow transplant and blood transfusion. Patient
    isolate to prevent infection and reduce symptoms of anemia.
    Due to poor blood clotting patients with aplastic anemia prone to
    Strong bleeding. Diseases are subject to equally and men, women,
    regardless of age and nationality.

    Treatment of anemia

    Therapy depends on the nature of the anemia of factors.
    The best results are observed with the introduction of individual missing substances,
    For example, iron with iron deficiency anemia, vitamin B12 at
    pernicious anemia and folic acid with sobra (disease,
    characterized by impaired suction processes in the intestine
    and accompanied by megaloblastic anemia).

    Anemia caused by the decrease in the products of red blood cells and
    arising from such chronic diseases as cancer, infection, arthritis,
    kidney disease and hypothyroidism, often weakly expressed and does not require
    Special treatment. Treatment of the main disease should have a beneficial effect
    And anemia. In some cases, it is necessary to cancel drugs,
    overwhelming bloodgeut, - antibiotics or other chemotherapeutic

    Blood transfusion is usually shown only
    In urgent cases requiring the recovery of circulating blood
    and the amount of hemoglobin, as well as in exacerbation of chronic anemia
    In the absence of other medicines. With rarely encountered anemia,
    The cause of which remains unexplained, sometimes help derivatives
    adrenal corticosteroids and male sex hormones,
    Vitamin B6 and specially treated liver extracts.

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