B12 deficient anemia


  • Causes of B-12 scarce anemia
  • Symptoms of anemia
  • Treatment of the disease

  • Causes of B-12 scarce anemia

    B12-deficient anemia occurs in the absence of an internal factor of Castle - Gastromukoprotein, produced by the gastric mucosa. The internal factor of Castle is needed to master the external factor of Castle - Vitamin B12, with a shortage of which in the bone marrow is disturbed by the ripening of erythroblasts, which are in the future turn into mature red blood cells. At the same time, immature cells (megaloblasts) are dying, incomplete red blood cells come to the blood - megalocytes subjected to prematurely hemolysis (destruction).

    The reasons for vitamin B12 deficiency may be atrophy of the gastric mucosa (the most frequent cause), resection of the stomach, inflammatory bowel disease, removal of its specific sections, the glides invasion, the insufficiency of vitamin B12 in food (contained in meat, legumes).

    Symptoms of anemia

    B12 deficient anemiaClassical B12 deficient anemia (malignant, or pernicious) occurs in persons over the age of 40. The disease is developing gradually and is characterized by the lesion of the hematopoietic fabric. With B12 deficient anemia of patients bother shortness of breath, general weakness, heartbeat, lack of appetite, burning pain in the language, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, paresthesia, irritability, depression, color disorders.

    Patients have disruptions of gait and skin sensitivity, functional (anemics) heart noises, smoothness and redness of the puffs of the language («Polished language»), loss of reflexes, fever possible. Liver and spleen can be increased. The disease proceeds with exacerbations.

    Heavy complication is a anemic coma, which manifests the loss of consciousness, chills, sometimes increasing body temperature, frequent surface breathing, tachycardia, decrease in blood pressure, sharp drop in hemoglobin content. Leather in patients pale with a light yellow tint, wet. In addition, convulsions are possible.

    Hyperchromic anemia is observed in the blood - a decrease in the amount of erythrocytes saturated with hemoglobin, the red blood cells have large dimensions (megalocytes), leukopenia (reducing the number of leukocytes) and thrombocytopenia (reducing the number of platelets). In the bone marrow is detected in a large number of megaloblasts.

    Treatment of the disease

    Treatment is to introduce cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) intramuscularly. With anemic coma of patients urgently hospitalized. Forecast when a favorable treatment is initiated. Patients of B12 deficient anemia are on dispensary accounting. To prevent recurrences, injections of vitamin B12 are prescribed.

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