How can you help yourself with otoklerosis


  • Exacerbated otoklerosis - change the job
  • Mud at otoklerosis: help or not
  • Try massage

  • Exacerbated otoklerosis - change the job

    How can you help yourself with otoklerosis

    With such a disease as otoklerosis, the conditions of the patient and his profession have. The room in which a person lives, patient with otosclerosis, should be completely dry, well ventilated and sufficient warmth; In the room there should be forbidden smoking tobacco, as well as the burning of primoses, ironing iron, in a word, everything that pollutes air and is harmful in the state of the upper respiratory tract.

    The patient's food should be free from annoying and causing a tide of blood to the head of substances; For the same reason, a sick person is contraindicated by drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking tobacco, as well as cold wipes of head and neck, walking on warm days with uncovered head, visiting the beach (sea and even river).

    An important place occupies the work of patient with otoklerosis; He must avoid any overwork - physical or mental - and should not be engaged in the profession causing blood tides to the head or upper respiratory tract or inflammatory changes from the last.

    In the case of exacerbation of the otosclerosis or strengthening of any individual manifestations, the complete elimination of a person from its usual daily activities, depleting the body physically and mentally. Due to the harmful effects on the rejection of all souls and experiences, it is worth paying special attention to people close to the sick person, and they must carefully follow this. Indeed, it is often necessary to see as a minor, at first glance, the excitement causes an unexpectedly sharp exacerbation of the flow of reversal or at least a strengthening of ear noise.

    It is also important: in cases of pathological deviations from the norm in the nasal cavity and in the nasopharynx, it is necessary to monitor the careful treatment of these bodies, since otherwise the diseases of the latter can be harmful to reflect on the course of otosclerosis.

    Mud at otoklerosis: help or not

    On a favorable action during the otosclerosis of mud, for the first time, it was reported on the 1st All-Russian Congress of Otolaryngologists.

    Those who wish to cure and cure the otoklerosis several times spent the procedures for mudships in various places. What happened?

    In the Caucasian mineral waters, the 27 patients with otoklerosis were carried out, and most of the patients (in 20 out of 27), after the fifth - fifth procedure, there was a significant reduction in noise and increased cheerfulness, in some even somewhat improved hearing.

    Of the 38 cases of otoscolerosis treated with Tambukan mud, there was a complete disappearance of ear noise, in 27 - weakening them and only in five cases the strength and nature of noise remained unchanged.

    Thus, the therapeutic effect of mudships as if there is, but should, however, take into account that the applying of mud pellets directly to the region of the hearing body causes the phenomenon of blood and venous stagnation.E. just those factors called among the causes of the occurrence and development of otosclerosis.

    Therefore, advice: If you decide to facilitate your sufferings to try the method of mud, instead of applying mud cobbles directly on the ear, put mud compresses on the neck in the form of collar. And be healthy.

    Try massage

    One of the methods of facilitating the sufferings of a patient with otosclerosis is considered a pneumatic massage, especially when using the Delstanch manual apparatus’A, Noebel’I, etc.; In this way, it is possible to sometimes achieve a decrease in subjective ear noise or even achieve some hearing improvement.

    It is also recommended to carry out a manual massage with an index finger: a finger put on a kid, the patient produces vibration movements up to 100 - 150 times per minute; Such a massage can be repeated several times a day. You can also, especially with strong noise, massage the area in front of the ears and behind it; Such a reception contributes to the outflow of venous blood and lymphs from the organ of hearing.

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